The Islamification of the UK via Sharia law hits a few roadblocks – the Labour government has a problem with significant portions of its electoral base.
This is a repost of a previous article that may have been garbled by SubStack
The terrible grooming and rape crimes of a minority of Pakistani Muslims in the UK has subsumed the UK un the last week. These crimes have been perpetrated for decades and some estimates are that between 500,000 and one million British girls have been sexually abused in 60, mostly English cities, over the last 30 years or so.
I first ran across stories of rape gangs in the context of young Hindu girls being stalked outside schools around twenty years ago, though this is not mentioned in the recent news runners. The narrative does not mention London either, just the heartland of English cities.
Let’s look at some numbers sourced from Wiki and Brave AI.
“Islam is the second-largest religion in the United Kingdom, with results from the 2021 Census recording just under four million Muslims, or 6.0% of the total population in the United Kingdom. [7][8] London has the largest population and greatest proportion (15%) of Muslims in the country. “
“According to the latest data, the population of London in 2021 was 8,799,800. This figure includes both Inner London and Outer London areas. “
Maybe the Muslim population of Londo behaves differently from the rest of England.
We can compare this Muslim population with the black population.
“In England and Wales specifically, the 2021 Census found that 4.0% of the population identified as Black. London stands out as the most ethnically diverse region, with 13.5% of its population identifying as Black.”
“The UK population at mid-year 2021 was estimated to be 67.0 million, an increase of 3.7 million (5.9%) from the population in mid-2011. The population of England increased by 6.5% to an estimated 56,536,000,”
“According to the latest data, the population of London in 2021 was 8,799,800. This figure includes both Inner London and Outer London n.”
How many British Pakistanis?
“The UK is home to the largest Pakistani community in Europe, with the population of British Pakistanis exceeding 1.6 million based on the 2021 Census. British Pakistanis are the second-largest ethnic minority population in the United Kingdom and also make up the second-largest sub-group of British Asians. In addition, they are one of the largest Overseas Pakistani communities, similar in number to the Pakistani diaspora in the UAE.”
1,6 million British Pakistanis and 4 million Moslems. Not all British Pakistanis are Moslem of course, but the vast majority are.
There is no reporting of the involvement of the other 2,4 million British Moslems who are of Indian (320,000), Bangladeshi (653,000), Turkish (150,000 from Turkey and 300,000 from Cyprus) descent. Another million Muslims come from other countries such as Afghanistan, Somalis, Iraq, Lebanon and Nigeria.
There are no reports of people from these communities being involved in the rape and grooming gangs.
The obnoxious Piers Morgan (a great UK export, sorry US!) interviewed Jordan Peterson on this topic a few days ago:
"A MASSIVE Cover-Up" Jordan Peterson On Tommy Robinson & Grooming Scandal
I confess to being shocked by the deference shown by Peterson to Morgan. See if you can spot the lack of self-awareness of Morgan castigating Americans financial support for Robinson – whilst living in the US for financial gain!
Morgan castigates Tommy Robinso as a racist Islamophobe because Morgan read legal opinions from UK judges who denied “standing” for the young victims testimony, thus leaving Robinson without a legal leg to stand on in court – a very detailed legal language of the ruling of judges, but they dented submission of evidence – sound familiar in the context of many C19 legal cases? Victim testimony not allowed.
Peterson mentioned that there are only 4 Muslim democracies in the world amidst many dozens, and that even the undemocratic leaders in the Arab states repeatedly warn the US, UK and EU of the dangers of individual Islamic jihadists and fundamentalists.
He also mentioned that 75% of Moslems in the UK would prefer Sharia law to British law.
How many Moslems vote for the Labour party?
“In the 2019 general election, 78% of Muslim voters opted for Labour”.
“… in the 2024 election, Labour’s support among British Muslims dropped significantly. In areas with a high Muslim population, Labour’s share of the vote fell from an average of 65% in 2019 to 36% in 2024. “
The Labour vote almost halved, indicating that the rape gang issue is entirely religious and possibly country specific. Recall that in the 4 July 2024 UK general election, turnout was a multi-decade low of under 60% and Labour managed to maintain a 30% share – winning a landslide with just 18% electoral support.
The narrative is evolving into the arrest and prosecution of those that COVERD UP the crimes as they were being committed over decades – including politicians, social services, and the police – some of whom actually participated in the rapes.
There is less chatter volume around the arrest and prosecution of the rapists. Probably too hard for the politicians – who, after all, refused to pursue and prosecute the rapists over many decades.
Blame the system, not he criminal – sound familiar?
The narrative is also swirling around the actual hideous crimes of race-based gang rapes of white English girls – 11–16-year-old white girls - by groups of middle-aged Pakistani men.
The girls are drugged, and the men queued up to rape them in all orifices. The Moslem men do this because women are viewed as chattels and non-believers in Islam are viewed as even lower down the ladder in status of Moslem hierarchy.
We are all too familiar with female genital mutilation (circumcision), the denial of education to girls, polygamy, restriction of outside movement without a male escort, complete covering, except for the eyes, honour killings and so on and so forth in different Moslem countries – how much of this is practised in the UK by Moslems? Would it even ever be reported by victims?
Is this behaviour endemic amongst Moslem girls overseas and the UK?
Is this the “triumph” of Sharia law over British law based on Christianity?
I will finish with his little nugget:
London’s Mayor, Sadiq Khan is a Muslim and a closet support of its brotherhood – he pursues racist policies as well as enforcing Moslem standards on the non-Moslem population. He is a hug supporter of the “net zero” scam and “15-minute curies! that are collapsing the UK economy – London motorists are severely taxed via traffic and time zoning restrictions that produce no changes in London’s climate or alleviate congestion.
“Sadiq Khan's Transport for London (TfL) has been forced to remove a series of billboards featuring a controversial Islamic preacher after an Advertising Standards Authority crackdown.
In October 2024, GB News revealed that Islamic finance firm Wahed had been advertising its products through Muslim preacher Ismail ibn Musa Menk, known as "Mufti Menk" and ex-UFC fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov surrounded by burning banknotes.”
Adverts for suntan oil, featuring bronzed women, adverts for pork sausages, fast foods, fizzy drinks and cakes are banned on the London Transport system.
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