The largest experiment in history – 5.6 billion in the “injected arm” – BUT – 2.4 billion in the “placebo arm” – how about a P-Safe app (P for placebo)??? Plus Singapore and Norway "outrecover" most
Brazil, Viet Nam, Mexico and the US the least
First off, Happy Fourth of July to all Americas – who threw off the boot on the throat of a monarchy and continue to resists the dame from the Federal government – plus a word of sympathy for the British, whose elections will result in more poverty, sickness and “dumbing down”, no matter who wins – through the socialists seem to have their boot poised.
Annoyingly, OurWorldinData does not default to global data on vaccination rates, and I have had to resort to Wikipedia to provide a citation for global rates, but here it is:
Deployment of COVID-19 vaccines - Wikipedia
2As of 3 January 2024, 13.53 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered worldwide, with 70.6 percent of the global population having received at least one dose.[1][2] While 4.19 million vaccines were then being administered daily, only 22.3 percent of people in low-income countries had received at least a first vaccine by September 2022, according to official reports from national health agencies, which are collated by Our World in Data.[3]”
Brave provided this:
“As of March 20, 2023, around 72.3% of the world population, which is approximately 5.55 billion people, have received a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.”
So, take your pick of that “penetration rate” of the C19 injections – 72.3% by March 2023 or 70.6% in January 2024.
Out of interest, I guesstimate that 20 billion doses were shipped – meaning 6.5 billion to 7 billion doses have been disposed of – at a price of around 30 bucks a pop – which works out at around 200 billion dollars of over-ordered toxic injections up in smoke (hopefully) a and not poured down the drain). I get to the guesstimate by extrapolating the unused doses in the US (around 333 million unused doses out of a billion purchases) and the EU around a billion doses used out of 1.5 billion purchases) indicating 50% over-purchasing.
What this means is that – out of 8 billion people on Planet Earth, around 30%, 2.4 billion people. DID NOT get any C19 injections at all.
May of those will be I what are defined as “low income” countries, but around 20-30% of those living in high income countries also refused to take any C19 injections. For the 800 million people living in the US and EU that works out at around 240 million people.
These uninjected people are the existing PLACEBO arm of the massive experiment – the control arm of the global clinical trial.
In the same way that V-Safe was rolled out for 10.7 million Americans, we could create a P-safe (P for Placebo) to compile and analyse the health changes (if any) in the placebo/control arm of the human trials of the experimental C19 modified mRNA and viral vector injections,.
It should be easy enough to develop an “app for that” which millions of unvaxxed people could tap into – so that we can compare changes in the number of hospitalizations, ER visits (and deaths?) among the unvaxxed population. We could even extend that to C19 “cases” determined by the bogus RT-PCR and RAT tests.
By the way, these tests have an expiration date and huge numbers of these – again costing around 20 bucks a pop have expired and have to be disposed of. I have noticed that the number of tests broadly coincidentally correlates to the number of doses – so, again, we can probably guesstimate that the same number of expired doses and tests are the same - another 5 billion expired tests casting another 100 billion bucks globally.
The questions asked in a P-Safe “global blast” need to be able to identify relevant demographics. We know that global scamdemic umbers after 4.5 years are 700 million cases, 7 million deaths, 676 million recoveries and 22 million “active cases” led by Brazil, the USA, Viet Nam and Mexico) = COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer ( - the data is not up to date as most countries stopped bothering to report a year ago, but nonetheless, the data gas some value.
What remains glaringly obvious is that the recovery rate is way in excess of any “vaccine” efficacy rate. What is the point of injecting people with dangerous concoctions when they will recover anyway?
At the global level, 675 million recoveries out of 700 million “cases” (a “case” lasts around 15 days) is a recovery rate of 96% - the absolute risk reduction from the injections is around 1% - what benefit do injections confer compared to harms, how many tests were taken by the unvaxxed, extra hours indoors, time masked a week/day, how many infections detected, duration of infection, masking, if any, reduction in time outdoors, etc.
I am sure you can come up with other interesting, questions that would demonstrate the impact.
Recovery rates (using the bogus tests)
Anyway, moving on, let’s take a look at best and worst recovery rates by country.
And a selection of others:
Brazil, Viet Nam and Mexico need to talk to their colleague in Norway, Denmark and Singapore! Even the US and Germany should be able to improve their recovery rate I this way.
Tome for some JD! Good health everybuddy!
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oh? call me paranoid (and I think I am), but I don't think this is over yet, and don't you think our unvaccinated blood and organs, even, might be in demand, if we out ourselves? I'm living each day to the fullest, but the world is a precarious place at the moment.
We can't accurately be referred to as being in a placebo arm as we had no injections of anything.
We are of course the control group, and a very precious one at that!