The movie “Protocol 7” has been released – documenting the fraud in trials of Merck's MMR vaccine
From here (couldn’t find on the Defender SubStack page, so not cross-posted from there):
“Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, virologists working for Merck in Pennsylvania, filed two separate lawsuits against the pharmaceutical giant in 2010 alleging it falsified research data, enabling it to develop a monopoly on the MMR vaccine and block any competition. “Protocol 7” dramatizes their story and efforts to expose corruption at Merck and throughout the industry.”
“Between 2007-2019, as many as 94% of those who contracted mumps received the MMR II vaccine, according to The Blaze.
The New England Journal of Medicine attributed large mumps outbreaks in 2006 and 2009 to “[MMR II] vaccine failure.”
““Protocol 7,” a new film released by Yow Media, dramatizes Krahling and Wlochowski’s story and efforts to expose corruption at Merck and throughout the pharmaceutical industry.
The film’s name derives from the clinical trial in which Merck doctored the data in a desperate attempt to meet the 96% efficacy threshold required by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).”
All sounds so depressingly and annoyingly familiar…
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