The need for analysis of excess mortality and its correlation with C19 injections grows more urgent
Correlation does not equal causation, but, the increases in excess mortality that coincide both with “spontaneous” deaths and adverse events, plus increases in excess mortality being experienced globally, warrant, at the least, closer inspection and analysis.
Igor Chudov has done some preliminary work on a possible correlation between injection uptake and excess mortality on his SubStack, three weeks ago here:
Association Between Vaccines and EXCESS MORTALITY Getting Stronger -- and is Discussed in UK Parliament (
and a few days ago here:
Excess Mortality is Worse than It Seems - by Igor Chudov (
He faces the same problems that we all do, access to quality data.
Nevertheless, is a reconciliation possible between his work on excess mortality in the UK and my compilation of more accurate estimates of deaths and adverse events based on estimates of under-reporting factors applied to adverse event reporting systems in the US and Europe (VAERS and EUDRA).
C19 Injection global death toll - somewhere between 9 million and 45 million. Injuries somewhere between 840 million and 4.2 billion (multiple injuries per person) (
Food for thought.
By way of a part reconciliation, what would excess deaths of 10% globally look like?
Well, for a “back of an envelope” estimate, taking average life expectancy at birth, globally, is around 73 years (according to the average of WorldOMeter and MacroTrend data) and applying that to the global population of 8 billion, the implication is that 100%/73 years times 8 billion population will die every year = 109.6 million a year.
Ten per excess deaths for this number = around 11 million extra deaths per annum. We have had almost a full year in 2022 of double dosing of those injected plus around 6 months of an average of one dose as injections were rolled out in 2021.
For reference, the current state of play is 68.4% of the global population has received at least one dose and 13 billion doses have been administered globally. So 5.5 billion people have received those 13 billion doses. Those injected have been dosed an average of 2.4 times each .
(As an aside people that reach that age are likely to live another ten years, because there are so many that die before that age which lowers average life expectancy).
Those numbers are for an annual excess mortality rate of 10%. Excess mortality rates for some countries populations and some age cohorts (with much lower “normal” mortality amongst younger age cohorts) are around 20%. (See Igor Chudov’s 25-49 year old analysis indicating 42% increase in medical deaths and my post here in September 2022 “Excess Deaths in Europe more than double from 7% for May and June 2022 to 16% for July 2022 (”
Igor Chudov’s work shows an increasing correlation between excess mortality and “vaccine” roll-out. Not yet conclusive, but certainly sufficiently powered to match any correlation with outcomes in any Phase 3 clinical trial.
Bottom line? Excess mortality is increasingly converging with estimates of under-reporting factors of around 40 for EUDRA and VAERS. The worry is that adverse events are increasing and are not being reported to adverse event reporting systems and are, instead, being attributed to other leading causes of death.
The number of excess deaths is increasing BEYOND 20 million.
Keep in mind that the roll-out of tens of billions of injections is not even the main prize for big pharma.
The harms the injections cause, cost maybe 100 bucks for 4 shots - call it 325 billion bucks for the 13 billion doses administered so far.
TREATING those harms with drugs and devices from big pharma will run into tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars for each person suffering a serious or sever adverse event. A URF of 40 to adverse events SO FAR of around 2 billion means that big pharma will rake in literally, TRILLIONS over many years - or for as long as morbidities do not turn into fatalities - maybe 3 -5 years.
It is a tragedy that big pharma, medical regulators and practitioners plus politicians will delay, distract, outright lie and prevaricate until the more conclusive data for excess deaths in 2022 for a fully “vaccinated” population is impossible to deny.
While time rolls by and a convenient data set is compiled, tens of thousands of people will die and millions will suffer severe adverse events.
Remember the bait and switch of this Public Health Emergency of International Concern - PHEIC, pronounced FAKE). This is the same logic being agreed to at G20 for a “global pandemic response” by politicians, not medical practitioners or experts, but by kakistocrats, medically unqualified individuals - no better than you or I - who only represent minorities of the people they govern.
Year 1 (2020) use a faulty RT-PCR test to inflate a huge bubble of C19 cases and deaths, pretend that a “never worked before” experimental mRNA messages, delivered via toxic lipid nano-particles encased in carcinogenic PEG coating were a guaranteed winner, regardless of ALL OTHER PROVEN treatment protocols for prophylaxis and early to mid-stage cure.
Year 2 (2021) - claim that the clinical trials proved a reduction in infection, transmission, hospitalization and death when the sole end point of the clinical trials was for a reduction of symptoms - “stop the cytokine storms”
The clinical trials were not designed to prove a prevention of transmission and infection, or to prove the prevention of hospitalization and death. The clinical trials showed AN INCREASE in severe AND serious events plus an increase in all cause mortality.
This is the switch.
Year 3 (2022) allowed the roll-out of “vaccines” to everyone, because all the stopping conditions for the roll-out were ignored by health regulators, hospital boards, universities (except for a notable, heroic few individuals, who were roundly ignored, branded as insane, or quacks or worse).
This is a good overview of where we are with this scamdemic. Apart from a few lone voices in authority/Governments, no-one seems to have the appetite to open Pandora's Box on this matter. For me, the only reason is that our leaders are either cognizant of, or party to, the scam and opening the box will expose themselves and colleagues to the parts they played in it. It could have been stopped before it even started, but far too many went along with and just dare not step out of line now. They are going to have to be fully exposed and dragged out into the public domain before this can end.
PH a truly epic exposure of the evil committed & being furthered & enhanced by every single guilty party involved.
I wish for a "speed of science" miracle, that could force the information you've unearthed.
To be forced down the throats & into the brains of every single politicotard on earth.