The on-going destruction of the United States by the socialist movement in the Democratic Party and associated RINO’s
Disclaimer: I believe that Federal taxation is theft and should not exceed 10% of income. Federal spending should be limited to that as a “primary objective”.
Only that Federal spending related to defending borders and the enforcement of the Constitution and Bill of Rights should attract Federal funding via taxation – so no taxation for health, education, central bank, welfare, overseas bases/wars, intel agencies or energy to name a few departments for the chop.
So, with that said, “engaging rant mode”!!!
A renaissance is needed that focuses on quality, not quantity of federal overreach.
Whoever wins the 2024 presidency will be in charge for the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence – quite the historical moment.
The Declaration of Independence and subsequent Constitution and Bill of Rights overthrew big government (big monarchy) because of a fundamental huma right – all men are created equal. That includes politicians who are ordinary people with no more or less rights to any privilege.
Being created equal does not mean an entitlement to equal outcomes.
Let’s start with a definition of socialism – there are many, but here’s one:
“a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.”
Note socialism = “(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.”
Now let’s remind ourselves of one of the significant articulations of this dogma I the USA.
“Cloward–Piven strategy - Wikipedia
“The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.
The strategy aims to utilize "militant anti poverty groups" to facilitate a "political crisis" by overloading the welfare system via an increase in welfare claims, forcing the creation of a system of guaranteed minimum income and "redistributing income through the federal government".[1][2][3]
“overload the welfare system…”. Well, it is now no longer just the welfare system, it is expanding the spending of every federal department.
If you ever wondered why the Democratic Party always seeks to undermine the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Now you know. It is the long-term goal to make the US just like a Gdansk shipyard or East Germany of the last century – prior to the fall of socialism/communism. Seriously, that is the goal. Yu can view all Democratic Party policies and programs through that lens. Every Federal department implementing every Federal program.
My “spidey senses” still tell me that the entire C19 scamdemic was the pre-planned take down of Trump, whose policies were raising the living standards of the majority of Americans. They also tell me that the 2020 election was rigged ad that the media conspired to limit the success of Trump’s policies – lowering the living standards of most Americans (the reporting of “mostly peaceful” BLM and Antifa riots comes to mind).
To be fair, it was the Gipper who pronounced “deficits don’t matter” decades ago, but I bet he would not think that these days after decades of politicians spending like drunken sailors n 12-hour shore leave.
You can see a track of debt, GDP ad debt to GDP here:
US Budget Deficit by Year (
You will see how Obama became the first trillion-dollar deficit POTUS after the GFC. When an ex-Goldman Sachs employee bombasted a bunch of freaked out politicians into believing that the market would not clear the fraud of the banking system and that “losses must be socialized, and profits must remain in private hands”. What a travesty. Caveat emptor was stood on its head and the law of contract thrown in the dustbin. From then, Obama and the democratic party socialists ran up five trillion bucks in deficits in four years – lifting debt to GDP from around 75% to 100%.
To socialists, taxation is a right to collect and distribute to their supporters – any shortfall in their ability to impose taxes can be met with borrowing someone else’s money and letting the burden fall in the future – or after the collapse of the country. the collapse of the economy and a plunge into their desired third world status for the US.
Why does debt to GDP matter? Well, leaving aside the issues with GDP measuring “activity” not “income”. Increases in deficits are treated as GDP growth, for example), there is this, from here:
Growth in a Time of Debt (
“… median growth rates for countries with public debt over roughly 90 percent of GDP are about one percent lower than otherwise; average (mean) growth rates are several percent lower. Surprisingly, the relationship between public debt and growth is remarkably similar across emerging markets and advanced economies. “
Mean growth rates are several percent lower. A country cannot thrive, nor can an individual, when debt (interest) becomes excessive – over 90%. For those with longer memories, when the EU was set up, the Maastricht Treaty limited debt to GDP to just 60%.
I posit that socialists have latched on to this paradigm and are bankrupting the US with profligate spending in order to accelerate the collapse of the US –the Democratic Party is the enemy within. Th US is not alone in this, the UK, the PIIGS of the EU, Japan, and Canada are on the same road to ruin. Note that many x-Soviet bloc countries and African nations are not yet burdened by US debt levels.
Where is the US now?
Debt is 34.7 trillion U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (
And GDP is 28.0 trillion (3rd revision of 4q 2023 GDP
Debt to GDP ratio = 34.7/28.0 = 124%
So what? Well, the more debt you have, the more interest you pay o that debt and the worse your credit rating becomes – further increasing the cost to service that debt. 4-5% interest on that debt of 34.7 trillion = around 1.4 to 1.8 trillion dollars. Call it 1.5 trillion dollars every year.
See if you can spot ANY politician asking for a brand new “Department of Dent Interest” for spending that exceeds ALL individual; federal department spending – even that of the Pentagon.
We could probably “section off“ the debt and employ “debt managers” in the same way that “investment managers” run pension funds – only better! An entire new industry. Investment managers are paid to outperform by so much a yar – 0.5% to 4% AFTER fees. Imagine
“Debt managers” could at least be tasked with reducing the rate of interest on debt by a few percent a year = saving half a trillion dollars or so. Maybe even reducing the capital borrowed as well.
Out of interest (sic) the UK’s Debt Management Office famously swapped out the duration of UK government debt to long term maturities when interest rates were at their trough almost a decade ago! I wonder what they are up t these days.
Here is a snapshot of the Federal Budget, taken from here:
budget_fy2024.pdf (
This does not reflect the spending blow-out on recent spending on the already lost Ukrainian conflict or more money for Israel.
Around 6.5 trillion of fiscal deficits over those four years – with no scamdemic – another 24% onto the debt to GDP ratio.
The interest on debt of 1.5 trillion a year is getting on for 6% of GDP and is not even commented on.
Interest on debt now takes up around one third of all receipts and has reduced discretionary spending to close to less than zero. Note that social security spending increases at the rate oof inflation!
Let us go a little deeper into dictionary spending and compare it with that 1.5 trillion in interest burden – from that same source.
Right off you will notice the “Net interest” row. A trillion less than the interest on Federal debt.
Note there is no mention of the costs of Biden’s human trafficking racket either – 10 million criminal migrants costing somewhere between half and a full trillion dollars a year in direct and indirect costs at the Federal level (reimbursing individual States still to come!).
Compare that spending on interest of 1.5 trillion bucks against every other item. This is what the current state of play is, for the collapse of the US by socialists in the Democratic Party and elsewhere.
New consider QUALITY of spending.
Can you name a single government department that has improved outcomes and quality of life for Americans in the last five years - with all that extra spending?
To a Democrat, everyone is the same, o matter what their academic record (anyone can pass any course), criminal record (there is no crime or punishment) for theft) citizenship status (open borders), quotas based on race, skin colour apply, especially to blacks, self-defence is illegal, burger flippers should get paid the same as medics and the police, everybody gets the same injection regardless of allergies or science – the list goes on and on.
A-Z index of U.S. government departments and agencies | USAGov
The “dumbing down” of students with “woke socialism” over decades means that you get a “dumbed down” government bureaucracy from students entering the Federal workforce. Sort of like lowering physical standards to let more LBGYQ++ recruits Ito the military.
Let us circle back to Cloward-Piven. It cares nothing for the poor, sick and elderly. They are collateral damage along the way to the destruction of the US.
We can see how the poor, sick and elderly are not subject to the largesse of spending the military or the faux science of environmental policies. Their living standards are reduced because f the corruption of benefit fraud by those that do not deserve it – administered by bureaucrats that have been dumped down for decades.
All part of the plan to destroy the US.
Now we have a SCOTUS with at least three people who believe that big government – socialism is the answer to everything.
Trouble is that governments are made up of increasingly dumb people delivering increasingly poor-quality services for the taxes paid by those with increasingly lower living standards.
To fix this mess, fiscal surpluses of at least 600 billion a year are required for several decades. No more drunken sailors making deals.
Politicians are ordinary people like you and I, they are not “special needs” folk entitled to privilege.
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Hang ALL the Traitors !!!!!
I hope you watch this tonight ‼️