The "Twitter files" part 4 - Quite frankly I have lost interest in seeing the "dirty laundry" of what I call "libtard" employees - WHERE'S THE BEEF?
You can see the latest “revelations” here.
I was never a big user of Twitter. I have posted my SubStack articles over the last three months to see what a “strike” might look like. Have I been shadow-banned? A better question is “do I care”? The answer is a resounding “No”.
So what now? The circular firing squad for the past sins perpetrated on the platform that will not be levelled against the libtards committing crimes, but against the “new” Twitter?
Successful law suits against Twitter will damage a company that Elon Musk might actually make a far better site than a 140 or 200 character or whatever mass emailing site – into a trusted source for news, views and opinions (like SubStack!).
Unless and until there are law suits from people with “martyr status” that do care that they were “shadow-banned” or “de-platformed” or whatever newspeak the libtards conjured up to conceal their crimes, before they were fired, the “celebrity status” of having millions of bots as followers – then what we are witnessing is nothing more than virtue signalling by all involved.
Are the real issues about to break into the national zeitgeist?
These real issues revolve around questions like these:
1. Did the intelligence agency alphabet soup use Twitter to attempt to impact soup?
2. Same question for the Democratic Party.
3. Did Twitter make money by allowing paedophiles and sex offenders to abuse and kill?
4. Same question for drug, child and human trafficking?
5. Did Twitter knowingly support terrorism in the US and overseas by not banning such content?
6. Did Twitter knowingly allow the co-ordination of BLM and AntiFa riots?
7. Did Twitter allow prosecutorial agencies (police and FBI) monitor accounts and provide private information, unprompted, to other libtards employed in these agencies to enable persecution and harassment for political reasons? That would be beyond a political crime and would be racketeering.
There are dozens of similar questions – the same questions could be asked of FaceBook, YouTube and any other social media platform.
The root of these questions is “did Twitter cause physical and psychological harms by its actions or omissions that broke the laws of the land (and of decency) and who were the accessories to these crimes in federal, state, city and local government, government agencies or corporations?”
Maybe the firestorm is about to hit and actions are already underway. For me, even reading the tweets cited in the threads causes my IQ level to halve (temporarily) – but then you should NEVER turn your back on a mental patient.
Now you're talking. Musk is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He was hired to show just the tip of the iceberg. My fear is