The UN has organized an invasion of the US – with the collusion of the Biden junta – which will offer automatic citizenship to those that sign up to the US military – free training in advanced weapons
STOP PRESS: Just spotted this on ZH.
“A network of NGOs, or non-governmental organizations, seems to be playing a powerful role in coordinating the large-scale invasion of illegals at the US southern border.
The new website Muckraker revealed a treasure trove of "mass migration blueprints," handed out by NGOs across South and Central America to illegals with details about their route to the US. “
Back to yje original article:
In the words of the immortal British comedian, Frankie Howard, “I want to tell you a story”. Maybe it’s a conspiracy theory, but it is largely based on facts.
Before we begin, let’s examine some parallels.
The major push to “Net Zero” places a disproportionate burden on the West to re-engineer its energy infrastructure.
The major push to traffic humans places the disproportionate burden on the West.
A decade or so ago, tens of millions of migrants invaded Europe and the UK, peaking in Germany, under Merkel, in 2015. The US has been the major target of the human traffickers of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) division of the United Nations, ever since Biden usurped the US elections in 2020, using a plethora of ballot rigging techniques.
In case you are in any doubt about the link between “Net Zero” and illegal immigration, check this out from here: International Organization for Migration | IOM, UN Migration
Ask yourself why stable countries like India and China with populations of 1.4 billion each have not received 40 million migrants each – so that they can chare the burden of the UN’s IOM human trafficking operation? How about Brazil’s 213 million – why have 7 million illegal immigrants not been trafficked there? Or 8 million to boost Indonesia’s 275 million people?
There are many stable countries – though no doubt, US immigration courts will grant asylum to illegal immigrants from these countries for no particular “life threatening” reason.
The answer is simple. They do not have governments that can get away with siphoning off trillions of tax dollars or dent to fund the human trafficking operations.
After the “Ethnic Cleansing” of the unvaxxed from the US armed forces over the last three years and the wounding of at least 5% of the remaining number, the Biden junta has worked hand in paw to invade the US with fighting aged men from over 100 countries around the world.
The morale of the US military has been severely impacted by the relaxation of physical standards and the “prioritised employment” of members of the LGBTIQQ+ “community”.
The “great replacement” of US military personnel is well underway. Perhaps 50,000 this year, 100,000 next year and increasing as US personnel succumb progressively to the harms of the C19 mRNA injections over the next few years – maybe until half of the military is populated. I wonder what the attrition rate will be amongst new recruits who will have to be injected to conform to the experimental injections mandated by no-medics at the head of the DoD.
We know that there are many outbreaks of diseases in the US that have re-emerged with the millions upon millions of illegal immigrants – from measles to TB to cholera and more.
From here in June 2023:
US military offers legal migrants path to citizenship amid recruiting shortfall (
“Struggling to overcome recruiting shortfalls, the Army and the Air Force have bolstered their marketing to entice legal residents to enlist, putting out pamphlets, working social media and broadening their outreach, particularly in inner cities. One key element is the use of recruiters with similar backgrounds to these potential recruits.”
“The military has had success in recruiting legal immigrants, particularly among those seeking a job, education benefits and training as well as a quick route to becoming an American citizen.”
Legal immigrants? Sort of an American Foreign Legion operating on American soil? That raises a few issues – are you a legal immigrant if you have a court date for your asylum case in 2030? Or if a politically appointed administrative judge approves 100% of asylum claims Another issue is what happens after training and deployment? Will these “citizens” remain in the US or return home to soak up taxpayer bucks to foment civil war in their home countries?
How on earth can the US legal system proves all these>10 million criminals, just under Biden’s “watch”?
The ICE annual report for year ended 30 September 2023 is here:
ICE's FY 2023 Annual Report (
From the Executive Summary:
“ICE was created in 2003, it is a premier federal law enforcement agency with over 20,000 law enforcement and support personnel in more than 400 offices across the United States and around the world.”
“. In support of this mission, ICE works to uphold hundreds of federal statutes, administer U.S. immigration laws, oversee the cases of more than 6.2 million noncitizens on the agency’s national docket,”
See if you can reconcile that 6.2 million “national docket” with this:
Migrants Given Asylum Hearings Nearly a Decade Out as Court Backlog Tops Three Million (
“The immigration court backlog in the United States has surpassed three million cases under President Joe Biden, with border crossers and illegal aliens receiving court dates and check-in dates years into the future.
“The immigration court backlog passed three million pending cases. Just 12 months ago, during November 2022, the backlog was 2 million,” researchers at Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University wrote.”
More here:
Immigration court backlog tops 3 million cases amid record migration (
“U.S. Customs and Border Protection recorded nearly 2.5 million migrant encounters at the Southwest border in fiscal 2023, breaking annual records going back to 1960. In October and November, the first two months of fiscal 2024, the agency reported more than 483,000 encounters amid historically high levels of mass migration throughout the Western Hemisphere.”
“The Biden administration has tried to address the backlog by hiring 302 judges to the nation's immigration courts. The White House is asking in its 2024 budget request for funding to hire 150 more.
The judgeships are administrative posts, not lifetime federal appointments, in a court system run by the Executive Office for Immigration Review.”
Interesting. An extra 302 + maybe 150 more POLITICAL APPOINTEES. I wonder just how strict these will be and what their voting habits have Veen,
Surely it is not a case of “let in 10 million illegal immigrants – who are by definition criminals – then grant them citizenship – thus by-passing all legal immigration laws???!!!
From here:
Migrants admitted to US given 2035 immigration court dates (
“According to data from the Justice Department, 2022 saw the highest number of asylum applications on record, with almost 700,000 filed.
That record could be broken this year, with projections based on first-quarter figures to be almost 740,000 applications filed.”
“In Brownsville, migrants who arrived in the US Thursday showed The Post their paperwork with designated court dates set as late as 2032 and 2035 in Chicago and Florida. Now they have been admitted to the county and given a court date, the migrants can receive a work permit and legally live and work in the US until their case comes up.”
Ten million illegal immigrants draining State and city resources, whilst crowding out Americans from their ability to provide for their families and participate in their own country.
And this:
“And, of course, that does not include the value lost to the countries that these illegal immigrants were trafficked from. Maybe they contributed nothing, but this needs to be taken into account when counting the costs to the host and the home countries involved with this human trafficking.”
All of this story can be viewed in plain sight – leading to the question “if a criminal is not prosecuted for a crime, was a crime committed?”.
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