The upcoming fog of a rude (not civil) war in the USA – Deagel hypothesis and its path to the utter destruction of the American Dream
Hot on the heels of RINO Senators approving a 1.2 trillion Democratic Party “step-gap” spending bill that will result in US public debt screaming through 35 trillion in unrepayable Federal debt costs 1.4 trillion in interest alone, here is a worst-case scenario based on a “Deagel”.
From here:
2 out of 3 Americans Gone by 2025! - Forbidden Knowledge TV
Skip to 11:30 in the embedded video for a summary of Deagel.
“Deagel described itself as a cross-reference of openly-available thank tank predictions from numerous branches of the US military, the IMF and others. In 2014, the numbers predicted the effects of the collapse of the Western banking system, leading to the decline in the US population from 318M to 78M by 2025 and the US economy going from #1 to 13th in the world.”
“… they took their forecasts offline in 2021, during the height of the vaxx rollout, when people began connecting Deagel's forecasts with the mandated Death Shot.”
Quite the doomsday scenario – made somewhat plausible by the Democratic Party’s hijacking f the Federal budget to activating the 10 million fighting age men and organising them into an army that systematically destroys the entire water, food and energy infrastructure of the US.
The army of immigrant rapists, murdered, terrorists, drug runners and hardened criminals becomes active once Trump wins the election and attempts to round up these miscreants. If you thought the nihilist actions of the Antifa morins and the racist bigots I BLM were bad – think of a scenario where it is 100 times worse – every city on fire, spilling into suburbs and farms, with AK47’s instead of bricks.
This scenario is reminiscent of the Russian Revolution of 1917, but instead of a revolt by the oppressed population, it is more like the end of empire sacking of Rome by Alaric in 410 AD, or the occupation of southern Italy for fifteen years by Hannibal around 210 BC.
Here’s a few extracts from the article:
Craig Paardekooper, of “” fame write about the 2/3 cull of Americans:
“My hypothesis was that the cull would have an epicentre, centred in the countries/powers who were running the pandemic – namely the G7. I also hypothesised that those countries making the vaccines would [be] right at the heart of the slaughter. Here are the results of my calculations...
population reductions are:
a. UK - 78.5%
b. USA - 70.2%
c. Germany - 65%”
Sicks to be a country responsible for C19 mRNA and viral vector “vaccines”!!!
Now for some really apocalyptic prognostications from Mike Adams:
“Trump will activate the mass-deportation of millions of illegal immigrants. Most arrests will be made via aggressive traffic enforcement.
The same Globalist-funded Radical Left that rioted in 2020 will revolt over the mass-deportations and they will work to activate all of the military-aged illegals in an effort to jointly overthrow the Trump administration. They will attack the substations, refineries, bridges, ports, water treatment, etc. They will have some surface-to-air missiles and other weapons.”
“During this chaos, anti-American elements working with the Globalists will conduct a massive false flag attack that will take down the electric grid and/or the internet that will be blamed on Russia, China or North Korea.
This will either be an EMP or massive cyberattack that causes the banking system to collapse, whereupon the 'Great Taking' described by David Webb will commence. The Central Bankers will confiscate all securities, bank deposits and property financed with debt, and they will introduce the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).”
I suspect that if this scenario unfolds, Americans will form vigilante groups that will use their several hundred million guns to eradicate anyone near their homes they do not recognise. There will be no “halt, who goes there” or “papers please” challenges. It will be “you are armed and don’t belong here” - “bang, bang, bang”.
There is, of course, a counter to this worst-case scenario.
Big pharma is shut down, Congress votes for a budget surplus until Federal debt falls to 40% of GDP from 140%, criminal migrants go home, Democratic Party lunatics are locked up in padded cells and the US repatriates ALL its troops and halves. Its budget, the CIA is shut down and the FBI purges all its rogue operators PLUS all the bills of those injured by the C19 “vaxgenes” are paid, rather than that money being spent on legal and political proceedings and enquiries.
(Right now, the ratio of compensation to legal and political costs is something like one dollar in compensation (VICP) for ten million of BS legal and political costs soaked up in the process of denying compensation and in useless fiscal measures.
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Secession is the real elephant in the room, in my opinion. For many reasons, I don't think this will happen, but I am pretty confident the topic will increasingly come up in serious discussions - albeit discussions that will be banned or could get the poster arrested.
Secession - or an amicable divorce - is probably the easiest solution to an out-of-control tyrant ruling class. It's also what the Powers that Be probably fear most, which is why the Censorship Industrial Complex is targetting all the "dangerous extremists" who might be brave enough to broach the topic.
It would take a class with the gravitas of a Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry or Thomas Jefferson to broach the subject - but those type genuine leaders - once considered "patriots" - would now be labeled "traitors."
The one thing that stands against the first scenario, is that the democrats will stop at nothing to prevent "Orange man bad" from winning.
The destruction of America is very likely, either to stop the election, or to stop the consequences of it.
Either way, lefties are going to be crying and dying.
So it's not all bad.