The upcoming US elections are a choice between striving to improve the quality of life, or the descent into third world status via bankruptcy, control by drug cartels and continued moral decline
The US used to be a beacon of quality, because it ran on a system f reward for effort, MERIT and QUALITY. The Democratic Party used to be on the same journey. No longer. It is now a regressive party intent on lowering living standards and creating the same world of excited misery being pursued by the UN and WHO. If the Democratic Party wins PTUS, the House and the Senate, the US will become a “client state” of the UN and its organs like the WHO – and will descend into the same third world that the majority of the 194 member states of the UN exist in – or, like the UK are descending into.
The socialist/Marxist/Culy of Moloch believes that the “state” is more important than the individual and that the US Constitution and Bill of Rights is a barrier to world domination.
The rise in crime rates is apparent to all but, because police precincts do not bother to report crimes to the FBI, the Democratic party claims crime is down. Similarly, releasing prisoners early or not even jailing criminals, is spun by the Democratic Party as a reduction in the incarceration rate, which in any case is a manifestation of systemic racism.
We have seen the reaction of Russia to the actions of the Biden crime family, the State department, USAID and the CIA within possibly THE most corrupt “western2 government in the world – EcoHealth Alliance, Metabiota and Labyrinth in dual purpose bio-research labs in Ukraine, the overthrow of a democratically elected Ukraine government in 2014 and the installation of successive American puppet governments- and, of course, the sacking of the prosecutor of Biden’s son for corruption.
We have seen the intimate ties of the Democratic Party with the Chinese Communist Party at both House, Senate and Presidential levels.
We have seen repeated attempts by the Democratic Party to “get Trump” whilst using the US justice system and the MSM to suppress actual crimes – including treason by Hillary Clinton via the Russia hoax using foreign agents to fabricate accusations against Trump – a second impeachment because of a Ukraine phone call and the most heinous, the fabrication of a fake pandemic – aided and abetted by the WHO and UN.
District attorneys in Georgia and New York invented and prosecuted dozens of charges against Trump out of whole cloth and “lawfare judges” directed juries to convict without detailing actual crimes!
Then there is the intentional human trafficking of beggars and criminals from the third world that costs – directly and indirectly – a trillion bucks a year (at least) and restricts access to facilities paid for by US taxpayers AND in many cases provides housing, health, education facilities – all expenses paid – by local, by Stats and Federal debt and taxes. 10-15 million criminals and beggars given benefits that the American poor are denied.
All while the debt clock has burst through 35 trillion bucks at 4% and which will hit 40 trillion in a few years – costing 1.4 trillion a year now, rising to 1.6 trillion – up 200 billion a year – in a few years.
Well, to cap it all, Americans are paying the price of a previous Democratic Party flagship project – “Obamacare” or rather “Obamaharm” - and for more expensive fuel bills because of “net zero” policies. These policies especially brutalize the poor, the elderly and the infirm.
Well, new have a report (which des not mention trends in waiting lists especially!) that compares 10 advanced economies:
Mirror, Mirror 2024: An International Comparison of Health Systems | Commonwealth Fund
CHD covered it here:
Dr Robert Malone covered it here:
US Healthcare during COVID- Lowest Performance, Highest Cost (
Please read the report and the articles. They state the “bleeding obvious”. The US health care system is as broken as the border, the judicial system and the pursuit of “net zero”.
Here’s one gut punch:
“According to the report, “The U.S. continues to be in a class by itself in the underperformance of its health care sector.”
And another:
“The report also singled out the poor performance by the U.S. in COVID-19-related metrics, including excess deaths resulting from the pandemic, where the U.S. ranked last.
“The U.S. has the highest rates of … excess deaths related to the pandemic for people under age 75,” the report stated.”
Reminds me of this article I posted almost two years ago:
What we see is the influence of socialism – big government and big taxes – on key determinants of the quality of life. Socialism fails everywhere and seeks out the lowest common denominator in the population.
DEI, CRT, BLM, LBGTQ+ and every other invented slogan of the last decade are regressive by definition. Their most prominent proponents are bigoted freaks and whack jobs,
These groups and “movements” have no QUALITY – and only hurt others that are not part of their freak show,
The support for the Democratic Party is support for the mob – kakistocratic Idiocracy.
If Trump loses, it will b because the mob – mostly a corrupt, criminal and stupid mob – will have taken over the US.
The UN and WHO together with the socialist governments of the UK, Cananda and the EU will heave a huge sigh of relief because they can simply follow orders as they will cede national sovereignty of their countries to a UN run by a Portuguese Marxist and the WHO run by an ex-terrorist with no medical qualifications.
If Trump wins I hope he reverses all the “net zero” policies and spending – kicks the faux science of “climate change” out of all Federally supported classrooms and bureaucracies – evicts the 10-15 million criminal migrant beggars, smashes the drug cartels into the next century and evicts the UN from New York – after cutting off all UN and WHO funding.
Remember, the UN and WHO is dominated by third world country “votes” – countries who can only dream of the quality within the US that the Democratic Party is attempting to destroy.
One can only weep for the quality that USED to exist in the Democratic Party that has now been overtaken by socialist/Marxist/Cult of Moloch “howler monkey” sycophants like AOC and her GOON squad.
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Yep, and many, perhaps most, will choose the latter.