The War on Children – deeply disturbing facts behind the “woke” agenda to groom children into being sexual perverts, be mutilated after indoctrination and groomed for sexual abuse by LBGTQ+ extremists
From a constant bombardment of messaging by advertising agencies, to boards of “woke” companies embracing woke ideology and being “scored” on minimum minority quotas – see how disgusted you are by what is being taught to kids the length and breadth of the country.
Corporations up to board level clap back at Diversity Equity and Inclusion that is the precise oppose – it is discrimination, inequity and exclusion of the majority.
We have heard of how school and children’s sections of public libraries are infested with pornographic books – sexually deviant books – that only the freak extremists in the LBGTQ+ community could endorse.
Remember, it is your money and spending power that enables corporations to push the “woke” agenda. You buy their products and use their services. Check out the list of corporations that destroy shareholder value and product/service quality by squandering ad dollars on child grooming – plus their policies on quota hires that force others to have to work harder to make up for their “proclivities”. The denial of opportunity to those that work hard.
Note also that this is not about “ordinary” LBGTQ+ who just want to live their lives. This is about the “activists” that seek to shove their perversions down other throats. Imagine if “straights” or rather “binaries” went to the lengths to exclude ANY race, creed, colour or religion ahead of another.
That would be illegal as it would be DISCRIMINATION, Positive discrimination is just as evil as negative discrimination and these LBGTQ+ activists are evil in behaviour that wilfully hurts the most vulnerable amongst us – our kids.
Well, buckle up to hear more in this 140-minute documentary. Sure, there is stage craft employed to emphasize the points – but look beyond the “sell” of the issues at the issues themselves – the issues are real.
If you want just a quick taste of what is happening, just play a few minutes from the 28 minute 40 second mark. You will be shocked.
The whack jobs in the LBGTQ+ “community” need psychological help to correct their behaviour; the behaviour that has been modified by indoctrination into WHO endorsed “education programs”.
But think about this.
These LBGTQ+ freaks are emboldened to act by like minds from the education systems to the boardroom – they have no compunction in making people who do not wish to be interfered with “uncomfortable”. There was a time when such feelings were met with a smack across the chops from the grandmother or grandfather, the uncle or aunt or the father or mother of such an affront. Not these days.
The discomfort must be reflected back on these whack jobs. In times gone by, they would have been run out of town – tarred and feathered and treated with scant regard.
Now they are promoted ahead of people who have worked hard to get o in life and create a little family happiness.
Russia and China are laughing at a United States that would put up with this cowardice in not pushing back on being made to feel uncomfortable even discussing it out in the open.
Remember “silence = consent” for the Cult of Moloch. If people do nothing, the freaks will push the boundaries further and further until your kids are groomed to the required level for sexual mutilation, exploitation and trafficking by the State.
Here’s the links on BitChute and Rumble – I doubt whether Facebook or even YouTube or Twitter would carry such reporting (h/t ranger71).
The War On Children (
The War On Children (Unlisted~ provided for War Room Patriots) Robby & Landon Starbuck (
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It's a death cult. When you corrupt children early, they usually don't reproduce.
The War On The Child: Battlefront “The War On Children”