Most of you will have seen the clips of the failure of Harris’ teleprompter at a Democratic Party event – causing here to stall for half a minute while it was fixed.
This incident epitomizes the libtard DemoNrat socialist welfare state Party. It does not matter who is the “face” of the Party, as long as they can read a teleprompter. There are multiple instances of Bide reading punctuation marks in speeches on teleprompters.
The implication is that the “faces” of the Democratic Party are incredibly stupid with no policies of their ow, only those of their speech writers. Recent interviews on the “Agitprop” that is the US MSM show that Harris has the mind of a 14-year-old with little to no grasp of reality and consequences of ill-thought-out policies.
I am shocked that the loony left has not made much more of Trump’s age – especially after seeing its effects on Biden during his term. Trump is extraordinary, but “time and tide, wait for no man”.
Trump has a plan, with measurable objectives that benefit Americans. The Democrats have a few bigoted, sexist clapping seals honking “where’s my fish” and a plan to impoverish the entire country, via inflated energy prices, rampant crime and a surveillance state.
The choice should be obvious, but after years of declining standards of education and the indoctrination of “woke” policies on climate, immigration and “health” the discernment of the voting electorate is now close to that prevalent in the movie “Idiocracy”.
Mob rule and “Marxist” lawfare, extending deep into the Democratic Party.
The US election will highlight the rate of decline in educational standards over generations. The smart Democrats might vote for Harris because they simply cannot tolerate Trump. The really smart Democratic Party voters will swallow their pride and vote for Trump, knowing they can reform the Democratic Party and restore it to its past intellectual superiority over Republicans.
The EU is only just beginning to restore its intellectual and moral standards. The UESR – the Union of European Socialist Republics, as with the USSR – is throwing out “woke” technocratic politicians whose policies are making the entire region poor and miserable – creating a world of excited misery for those unfortunate to earn below 85% of the average wage. The technocrats only push through policies that the richer segment can afford - ignoring the bottom three quarters of the population, Leaders are emerging I the EU that have a “bottom” and act for ALL their people, not just the bourgeoisie.
The UK s a basket case. The previous Tories went through many “woke leaders” before imploding on the “man with no bottom” Rishi Sunak. Now the Brits are left, not just with those with no “bottom”, but those that cannot even make it to a toilet without being bribed to do so.
The Republican Party in the US does have a younger set of politicians that could emerge as leaders/statespersons. Leaders who are smart, articulate and know their responsibility is to look after people, rather than treat them like mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed BS).
The transformation that is ignored by the Republicans and Trump/Vance are the extra 2.25 million deaths resulting from the scamdemic – more than all the wars fought by the US in its 250 yar existence. The harms/wounds are many more times that – running to tens of millions. A transformation is desperately needed.
So is a transformation needed in the energy sector. There is a massive “sunk cost“ of the “net zero” junk waste of solar panels and wind turbines. The corruption is staggering – literally trillions wasted to produce expensive electricity. That waste is on top of the huge mark-up in natural gas prices that has been in existence for decades. I still have not received a reply from the IEA asking how the cost of a natural gas contract for 3 bucks that can produce 1,000 mWh (after losing 67% of its 3,000 MWh of energy content) can be reconciled to the 16 bucks per kWh charged to households! Looks like natural gas is being overcharged by hundreds of times. How’s that for price-gouging! Notice the biggest “price gougers” are the tech and pharma companies/prescription benefit managers that have profit margins of between 25% and 60% - and who are major donors to the Democratic Party!!!
Glaring examples of the stupidity and malice of Democratic Party socialists/Marxists manifest in the response to Hurricane Helene, where the medical and food assistance for Americans lives devastated by the storm have been “spent” on criminal migrant beggars – beggars who are housed in the hotels that victims of the storm should have been located to via a massive airlift – whilst their homes and businesses were restored/rebuilt – for “as long as it takes” to do so. That maxim only applies to the fake goals of the “woke”.
Billions in humanitarian aid has been “spent” on Lebanon, Gaza ad Ukraine. A quarter of a trillion bucks has been spent on supporting a war caused by the Biden’s wish to hide their corruption, and the warmongering of the CIA, rather than defending the US borders with a few tens of billions to make it secure. That is not leadership, which is criminal corruption.
Vance springs to mind. So do Jordan and Hawley, plus Lake and Cruz. My favourite Republican is Senator Kennedy!
Leaders arrive on the scene when they are most needed – “cometh the hour, cometh the man” – to act in a “transformational” manner, solving problems, addressing issues to make people better off, healthier and happier.
The Democratic Party has no-one of that ilk. Their platform is “cradle to grave” – with a “one size fits all” set of measures that kill as many people as they cure. Government control of every aspect of life – including bowel movements and all conversations – phone call monitoring on the way! – There slogan should be “Welcome to the Borg, You Will Be Assimilated, Resistance is Futile”. – which applies to criminal migrant beggars or US citizens – all the same to the Borg.
Watch for more signs of a counter-revolution against “woke” climate, immigration ad health policies in the EU and pray that Trump gets elected in a month.
As for the UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia? Well, too may have been completely disenfranchised by the political establishment. Little hope - unless there is a (cultural and political) revolution.
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If there are enough incompetent national politicians the sheep will demand a world government instead.
The whole thing is a set up.
UN martial law is the end goal.
Do not comply.
Fight like your life depends on it because it does.
Agreed Peter - well said!
The two great Frauds of our Age are Climate and Covid
- False Crises intended to stampede the sheep, for political and financial gain.
Best wishes to you and your readers for Christmas and the Holidays!
Allan in Calgary.
THE CULL TRILOGY – by Allan Malcolm MacRae
"The ability to correctly predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence."
Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull
Fifty Years of False Fears
The New Dark Age
Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary