The WHO seeks control of travel using vaxx passports that prove injections of Spike Venom = all whilst tens of millions of people continue to die from TB, pneumonia, dirty water and starvation
The Director General of the WHO has tweeted out that digital passports are the way to monitor and control pandemics using the gift from the EU of a vaccine passport system.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, those people the WHO was set up to provide for and heal are dying in their millions.
Before getting into the latest “Tedros tweet”, let’s set the scene. Remember that individual countries spend hundreds of billions of bucks EVERY YEAR on “overseas aid”. Charities match these hundreds of billions EVERY YEAR.
Dirty water kills 3.5 million a year. From here:
Deaths from Dirty Water (
“Every year 3,575,000 people die from water related diseases. This is equivalent to a jumbo jet crashing every hour. Most of these people are children (2.2 million).”
“5,222,491,400 People without access to sewage systems.”
Starvation kills 9 million people EVERY YEAR – from here:
50 Shocking Facts: Global Starvation Death Toll Unveiled - 2024 (
”Over 9 million people died from starvation in 2024.”
Presumably that should read 2023 not 2024!
You can read the UN’s “official” report on food insecurity here:
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2023 (
Here’s a report on starvation rates by country:
Starvation Deaths by Country 2024 (
Around 2.5 million people die from pneumonia every year:
Pneumonia causes 2.5 million deaths around the world each year (
Around 1.5 million people a year die from TB – well, according to the WHO anyway.
Dirty water, starvation, pneumonia and TB kill 17 million people EVERY YEAR. The majority of these deaths can be prevented – the WHO is charged with that task.
The WHO - along with governmental overseas aid departments – HAS FAILED its mission and is unfit for purpose – let alone for future global health using FAILED mRNA technology, vaxx passports and associated VOODOO science.
Over the last four years 68 million have died from these causes – AROUND TEN TIMES MORE THAN HAVE DIED FROM THE C19 SCAMDEMIC over the same period.
Has the WHO solved other respiratory diseases such as flu and pneumonia? No, it hasn’t, so why would anyone think that it is qualified to monitor, control and prevent a future pandemic when it can’t prevent diseases and conditions that have been around for decades?
What is going to do about the cancer and heart disease pandemics caused by the C19 mRNA injections?
And yet, we have this “Tedros tweet” (h/t Sherman):
Note that the work of Denis Rancourt – which I support – shows that THERE WAS NO PANDEMIC and that there have been 17 million excess deaths worldwide – up to mid-2023.
This excludes the damage caused by the assault on the vital organs of the body by the spike venom and the permanent damage to immune systems affecting billions of people in the future.
I also strongly support Denis Rancourt’s position that many deaths ARE CAUSED BY PSUCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS that further weaken the body’s immune system (Voodoo science).
What is especially worrisome is that the WHO is highly likely to blackmail countries where dirty water, lack of food, pneumonia and TB are prevalent into complying with its injection edicts. If a new bacteria or virus emerges that threatens our species, it is likely to come from countries worst affected by dirty water, lack of food, TB and pneumonia.
Only a Cult would promote the use of injections and passports whilst clean water and food would help millions. Governments that do not produce results from billions of spending on DEI and climate change policies are equally culpable.
A huge issue, requiring coordination between governments – something the UN and its organs like the WHO have singularly proven themselves incapable of doing. A failure of leadership.
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Hi Peter, the beat goes on? This was just posted - "Pfizer Makes Big Bet on Looming "Heart Failure Pandemic" - -
Excellent point, Peter Halligan.