The World Health Organisation (WHO) pretends that it acts as its name implies. It doesn’t. It acts for its donors who in turn work for “Big Pharma” who works for the US National Security Council
Here’s the boss odf everything surrounding the scamdemic
N”ational Security Council | The White House
“The National Security Council (NSC) is the President's principal forum for considering national security and foreign policy matters with his or her senior advisors and cabinet officials. Since its inception under President Truman, the Council's function has been to advise and assist the President and to coordinate matters of national security among government agencies.”
The WHO is one operating division of a military fascist cartel. This cartel launched an attack on humanity itself. The UN Security Council looks similar.
One of the organs of the United Nations is the World Health Organisation (WHO).
The International Health Regulations (IHR) were not “amended” – they were completely re-written, with their effect to change the scope and intent of the original regulations – but, at the end of the day, the amendments simply spelled out what was already being applied. US States already have these powers and other countries imposed such powers during the scamdemic.
The Director General of the WHO, Tedros Ghebreyesus, told the delegates from 194 member states that “vaccines” are effective and that “anti-vaxxers” are causing havoc that must be pushed back on. A direct instruction to beef up censorship.
He is not a scientist or medic. He ignores evidence and spouts the propaganda that pays his salary. The vast majority of “vaccines” do not work, have not been properly trialled and the vast majority cause “more harm than good” rather than being “safe and effective”.
Labelling people who research the evidence of risks and benefits as “anti-vaxxers” is what is called “framing”. No sane person would avoid taking a treatment that prevented or cured harm, especially a harm that could result in death or a life of pain and discomfort. Most vaccines do not do this - the C19 injections especially FAILED to prevent infection, or transmission, or hospitalizations or deaths, This was known by all who studied the actual Phase 3 clinical trials. This was known in early 2021. There is increasing evidence that these injections cause massive amounts of side effects that lead to death and debilitating injuries.
Rather than being “anti-vaxxers”, informed people are “pro-health”, and their position should be viewed as such. The WHO does not use science or evidence to make its case. It uses censorship and propaganda to propagate a dichotomy to the opposing truth.
Why does the WHO not study and rebut, for example, those that claim that in the US alone, more than 700,000 have bee killed by the C19 modified mRNA injections that are not “vaccines” but badly made gene modifiers full of adulterations and contaminants?
Note that the supporters of the Cult have not propagated the terms “anti-maskers”, “anti-testers”, “anti-lock downers” or “anti-social distancers” – each of which are equally as absurd as the term “anti-vaxxer”.
The evidence against masking – which jacks up the wearers re-breathing CO2 intake to five times or more than the level that climate chicken littles freak out about – is overwhelming, same goes for lockdowns – social distancing is something that people have adopted as a standard for centuries (coughs and sneezes spread diseases!).
Each of these pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical intervention measures are now enshrined in the language of the amended IHR as pandemic protocols.
The WHO will not impose these IHR regulations. Nation states will pass the laws and regulations that conform to the IHR – see how it works?
The “vaccines” did not prevent infection and transmission. Not only did Big Pharma and the regulators -including the WHO - avoid this truth of harms and failures of the injections in early 2021 – but, even now, the WHO offers no comment on the switch to a vastly different “Process 2” for the Pfizer/BioNTech injections, the contaminants from poor manufacturing and compliance quality and criminal adulterations with toxic additives – even now the WHO thinks that the withdrawn Oxford/AstraZeneca injections are “safe and effective”.
“The vaccine is safe and effective for all individuals aged 18 and above. In line with the WHO Prioritization Roadmap and the WHO Values Framework older adults, health workers and immunocompromised persons should be prioritised.”
Th Europeans withdrew the Oxford/AZN in 2021 and even the Americans refused to authorize it.
Note that the WHO has said nothing about the harms and deaths potentially suffered in India from the administration of more than 2 billion doses of the Oxford/AZN injection licensed to the Serum Institute that is 4-5 times more dangerous than the Pfizer injection.
Data is withheld by the Indian Health Regulators – I ball-parked the relative harms of different injections in Europe here:
The Under Reporting Factor in the EU into EUDRA is probably closer to 70 than 40, but the point is, if Moderna and Pfizer shots result in one death per thousand doses, Oxford/AZN probably results in one death per 200-250 doses – with 2 billion doses causing 10 million deaths in India alone.
Here’s an indication of the work done to try and resolve the problem of withheld data.
Here’s one representation of deaths up to 2022:
India - death rate 2012-2022 | Statista
No data for 2023, an extra 600,000 deaths in the first year of the scamdemic v 2019, then in extra an extra 2.7 million deaths over 2019 and an extra 2.3 millin deaths in 2022.
How about 2023? No claims about accuracy, but, from here:
The Total Deaths in India (2020 - 2028, people) - GlobalData
“The Total deaths in India attained a value of 13,857,688 people in 2023”
With this for 2021 ad 2022:
I haven’t paid for data for earlier years!
“The number of deaths in India attained a value of 14,912,558 people in 2021. It recorded a growth of 51.40% in 2021 compared to the previous year. Between 2018-2021, the number of deaths in India increased by 74.47%. The number of deaths in India was highest in 2021 with 14,912,558 people and lowest in 2018 with 8,547,415 people, between 2018 and 2021.”
Neither has the WHO said anything about the mounting evidence that bivalent booster shots are the most toxic of all or that there were no clinical trials for boosters.
Side note: Why didn’t the House C19 Committee interview these two?
“Marion Gruber, director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research & Review, and deputy director Phil Krause are set to leave the agency this fall, with sources telling Politico that the two officials were at odds with the FDA’s top vaccine official, Peter Marks, and were discontented over the roles of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices in decisions that they believed should be handled by the FDA.”
Enquiring minds want to know the results of the completed Pfizer clinical trials – not the Phase 3 trials what were terminated in October 2020 – instead of January 2021 - the ones that include all the post-authorization data for the last three years or so - due this year.
Nor has the WHO commented on why the injection of the very spike protein that causes the C19 disease should also be its cure, or why injecting those with the weakest immune systems should be “prioritized” for such a poisonous injection.
No, of course not. for a very simple reason. The WHO is not competent to conduct any research that confirms or denies the assertions of “pro-healthers” who are not “anti-vaxxers”.
“Pro-healthers” object to being injected with experimental gene modifying conscious that have zero quality controls and a massive correlation with excess deaths.
The same applies to the way that the Secretary General of the United Nations, the Portuguese communist, António Guterres, screeches abut “Climate Change” and accuses of all those who debunk the madness as “Climate Deniers”.
Note the conflation of the term “Climate” with “Holocaust” in association with the word “Denier”. The message is that there is both a holocaust in progress – caused by the climate and that by tagging the word “denier” at the end, that people who challenge this view are conspiracy theorists – who have no moral grounds to object.
No-one denies that there is a climate. No-one denies that it changes or that people can impact climate via persistent and excessive pollution or using energy to stay warm or cool and to carry on their daily lives I more comfort. Rather than being “Climate Deniers” people are “Pragmatic adapters” to changing climate conditions – which, after all, can also mean a need to adapt to another ice age as well as a degree or two increase in overnight temperatures with little change in daytime temperature changes.
What people object to is the spending of their taxes on measures that increase poverty, involve the building of thousands upon thousands of wind turbines and millions of solar pals – devices that are bought and paid for and STILL do not reduce energy bills despite their close to zero operating costs.
All that on top of the utter foolish childishness of the contention that mankind can never adapt to change, moderate change, or come up with better technology. How laughable is it that the increases I technology require huge amounts of energy that solar, and wind simply can’t supply reliably or cost-effectively – threatening advances in technology that might just solve the problems of today!
Check out the fraud used to measure temperatures in the US – 96% of expensive weather stations used are out of compliance!
We are in the midst of the engineering of another scamdemic – this time with H5N1, OR H5N2, OR H5N7 or maybe H7N9 in the weeks to com.
Quacks like Deborah Birx reckon everyone should be PCR tested now for any type of bird flu – including all livestock. She obviously has investments that need a booster.
Remember that with the amendments to the IHR, the WHO – Tedros Ghebreyesus, can issue a Public Health Emergency if he thinks a communicable disease MIGHT break out. There doesn’t have to be an emergency, there just might be, in his opinion. (Much like the opinion of the US HHS Secretary).
HE can take the view that “climate change” will hatch a pathogen if it is not controlled with the measures advocated by the Portuguese communist running the UN.
Global fascism – the military, Big Pharma, social media platforms and the MSM acting in concert, with the “whole of the stock market” sycophants following along – are part of the Cult.
The WEF has switched its strategy to dominating “public-private partnerships” which is fascism.
“Never give in, never surrender” remains the watchword. Each of us is free, util a “bunch of tossers” enslave us and bind us to their perverted and psychopathic will.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance – and the recognition that global socialism is a bedfellow of global fascism.
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Ipso Facto:
If you were truly part of a depopulation agenda:
You would also be a part of a repopulation agenda in your likeness.
Once “practically everyone” was gone - or most people, you’d want to re-populate with your own DNA.
Jeffrey Epstein was a big banker of his sperm.
Give me a list of wealthy “insiders” that have banked significant volumes of their sperm, and I will show you the plotters.
He who pays the piper calls the tune.