The world is not getting “amendments” to International Health Regulations – it is getting new Regulations - dreamed up by bureaucrats with no expertise in pandemics, medicine or finance
Disclaimer: It is my belief that there were not 7 million global deaths from C19 disease from 700 million “cases” of SARS-COV2 “infections” over the last 4-6 years.
Rather there were just 70 million “cases” and 700,000 deaths with SARS-COV2 present.
Furthermore, the modified mRNA and viral vector injections have killed around 20 million, injured at least a billion more – with a resultant reduction in average life expectancy of the global population of around 10 years.
The amendments to the International Regulations seek to “lock in” these disastrous outcomes from lethal and flawed measures into law in every country.
Round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows.
The World Health Assembly will meet on 27 May 2024.
The current state of play for the amendments is here:
WGIHR_Compilation-en.pdf (
“The compilation is not intended to replace the proposed amendments to the IHR (2005) in the original submission.”
I am not going to go through a line-by-line analysis of the implications of each amendment. I want to point out that the International Health Regulations (IHR) are not being “amended” they are being completely re-written.
As such. these are not amendments to IHR – they are a completely new set of IHR that should require ratification by the parliaments of every county.
Instead each country has one vote. With a simple majority carrying the day.
List of countries by population (United Nations) - Wikipedia
A simple majority of votes at an assembly of national bureaucrats - where a tiny island nation of a few thousand people like Niue has the same one vote as a nation of 1.4 billion like China or India. Ludicrous. Sixty vots could come from a few million people and a nation of 338 million is swamped.
Someone can count the words in the IHR for 2005 with the number of words if the “amendments” are agreed to.
This is a sleight of hand to get round the need for the democratic ratification of an entirely new set of IHR.
Not only that, but there are no “leading lights” from the world’s greatest authorities on the amendments – they are drafted by “focus groups” of bureaucrats and diplomates with as much experience of all the ramifications of pandemics as a herd of goats.
It would make more sense for a population-based voting system to be implemented or one where the donation of each country buys that country voting rights – the more money contributed to world health, the more say in world health affairs. WITH NO VOTING POWERS FOR NON_GOVERNMENT ENYITIES!!!
383 amendments change the spirit and nature of the IHR.
Take amendments to Article 1. There are drastic changes – eliminating “non-binding” from a few paragraphs - but these two key changes that alter the entire meaning and spirit of the IHR from the outset, preceding these changes are three major paragraphs that set the tone for the entire IHR’s.
Note the very first article makes a key assumption – that any “vaccination” is therapeutic. The evidence proves the opposite. All vaccinations but especially the modified mRNA ones, are lethal and cause more harm than good.
A few other points.
From here:
“Rule 13
The Director-General shall report to the Health Assembly on the technical, administrative and financial implications of all agenda items submitted to the Health Assembly before they are considered by the Health Assembly in plenary meeting. No proposal shall be considered in the absence of such a report unless the Health Assembly decides otherwise in case of urgency.
So, where are these technical, administrative and financial implications?
We know that the prior IHR’s caused governments around the world to implement policy decisions that cost between 10 and 20 TRILLION dollars. I doubt that Tedros can even spell trillion – on top of deaths of millions of the poor, elderly and infirm and the wounding of billions more.
From here – worryingly:
Q&A: International Health Regulations: amendments (
“In fulfilling the Article 55(2) requirement, the WHO Secretariat circulated all proposals for amendments to the IHR on 16 November 2022, some 17 months before the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly, which begins on 27 May 2024, when they are proposed for consideration. “
“As such, the WHO Secretariat has further exceeded the technical requirements of Article 55(2) by communicating not only the original 308 amendments, but also by communicating all proposed changes to these amendments developed by the WGIHR drafting group, to all 196 States Parties, after each WGIHR meeting.
These communications to all States Parties occurred at the conclusion of each WGHIR meeting.
In sum, both the letter and the spirit of Article 55(2) have been met.”
See that? The bureaucrats and diplomats have self-certified their own procedures. No independent or qualified opinions or views required. The herd of goats has self-certified that it has bleated.
No responsibility or accountability for the complete and utter failure of the implementation of past IHR that caused a genocide of the vaxxed, starved millions of people in third world countries and poisoned the minds of the entire planet with fear and loathing of each other.
Of course not. Just an intent to butcher and terrify more people even harder.
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There is no SARS-COV2 so we really need to be talking about that.
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