There was a "red wave". Democrats will have to up their election rigging efforts to reconcile outcomes with actual votes cast.
From here:
Red wave after all? GOP winning popular vote by wide margin despite incongruous results | Just The News
“GOP candidates have so far received 50,672,592 votes, or 52.3% of the total ballots cast as of this writing. Democrat candidates, by comparison, have so far received 44,802,597 votes, or 46.2% of the total.”
You read that right. Republicans got six per cent more votes (almost 6 million more votes out of 95.5 million votes cast and counted so far.
Compare that to the number of senate seats won and governorships retained in Illinois, New York State and California that were secured by algorithms that sealed the deal for Democrats months ago, programmed to produce the same percentages, no matter what votes were cast (did Michigan encounter the same phenomenon and Georgia/other states?).
US mid-term election results rigged - by Peter Halligan (
This blatant steal may be a part of the overall assault plan. Make it obvious, don't even try to hide it. Churlishly chide and provoke the ire of the patriots until rage spills over in selected pockets across the nation—and then bring the deep-state, traitorous, FBI/DOJ hammer down on the red states and anyone who objects. Could the globalist-Democrat 'Hail Mary' play be deliberate provocation and then a declaration of civil war waged by those who are true to the Constitution ... even the concerned moms rightly challenging the perversion of the school boards? I think it is.
Great info! This supports the argument I made yesterday, that the election results were not just the result of fraud, but also the fact that red voters have been moving out of blue states en masse for the last three years.