TrialSite News is reporting that Pfizer is about to be prosecuted by an Argentinian vaxx damaged lawyer who successfully appealed lower courts’ decisions to deny legal prosecution
From here; (h/t another Peter H)
Here’s a few snippets from a lengthy “atmospheric” journalistic article.
“Argentinian lawyer/study subject/activist Augusto Roux has a new job: criminally prosecuting Pfizer and others in the COVID-19 research ecosystem of Argentina for its actions relating to COVID-19 vaccine testing.”
“Also trained as a lawyer, Roux himself participated in vaccine trials, observing studies, and administering vaccines. Charges included “ideological falsehood,” “abandonment of person,” and “non-compliance of the duties of a public official” attributable to doctors and officials involved in central studies. The court ruled that the facts alleged were sufficient so that the lower court was wrong to quash the case.”
If I recall correctly from one of Dr Beans videos a year or so ago, Argentia pledged its air force bases as security for Pfizer injections!
“The federal chamber also declared that the director of Argentina’s National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Devices or ANMAT which sits under the Ministry of Health is to be investigated for failure to fulfill the duties of public officials, Abandonment of people for everyone and ideological falsehood of a public instrument for everyone.”
The prospective defendants also include
· Dr. Fernando Polack, a pediatrician who conducts research and has quite a bit of influence with large pharma in Argentina;
· Alejandra Gurtman, M.D., senior VP and head of Vaccine Research and Development—the representative of Pfizer’s clinical trial in Argentina during 2020;
· Dr. Nelida Agustina Bisio:
“All of them are accused of covering up adverse reactions, concealing statistics of deaths from the vaccine and ‘inventing’ clinical diagnoses without evidence.” Major crimes and if proven in this unique, unusual situation, the outcomes of Roux’s case would be earth-shattering.”
I think we can all wish him the best of luck!
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Thank you Peter , thank you wonderful Trial Site News , and and love to all the people here.
I feel like I am on a roller coaster and its climbing up up up... to the top , soon to race down the other side...
Please keep us updated with this Peter. We need one decent watershed case to set the House of cards tumbling.