Children’s Health Defence put on an excellent show on Friday. The main topic was the Novavax injection, but later, there was a detailed analysis of flu vaccines, especially in children.
Worth the watch:
Skip to 27-minute mark for Dr Elizabeth Mumper’s portion of the podcast. In it De Mumper critiques many aspects of children’s flu vaccines (In short, - YOU DO NOT INJECT TOUR KIDS) and highlights three flu injections for kids that inexplicably include MERCUTY. Mind blowing.
I may have misspelled these: Afluria, Fluzone multidose, Flucellvax. Single dose Fluzone is safer. Also there may be aluminum sediment in vials if left for long perids.
The efficacy or effectiveness of flu vaccines in general is a lottery – injections are calibrated to southern hemisphere winter flus for some reason – no doubt, the southern hemisphere calibrates to the previous northern hemisphere flu season, in the manner of a circular firing squad!
We are heading for winter. It may be sever, if the one monthly early frosts in Belarus and Russia are any indication.
Which leads to the second issue. From here:
UK Faces Dangerous 'Twindemic’ Of Winter Flu Surge & Covid Wave, Experts Warn - News Punch
The implication is that people should get the experimental bivalent booster (half Omicron/half Wuhan strains) AND a flu shot. We know that half the bivalent injection is useless and harmful. We don’t know how deadly the newly experimental half targeting Omicron (which presents like a cold with about as much severity) has any efficacy at all, or, in fact, will force the creation of yet another SARS-COV2 strain – which can either be more or less deadly or more or less infectious than all previous strains.
Note, clinical trials FORCED the delta mutation and likely the Omicron strain.
Skip to the 2 minute mark here Rise of the VARIANTS - YouTube where this smart young woman points out the cause and effect that the entire scientific and medical industry – on both sides of the vaxx debate – refuses to acknowledge, discuss or debate.
A few notes on the UK. UK = United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Great Britain excludes Northern Ireland. The population of the UK = around 67.5 million. The population of England is around 11 million less at 56.7 million.
The UK does have private health care, but the cast majority of care is provided by the National Health System. This system is funded by taxpayers, who think it is “free”. Here is the real cost and how it has changed over the last few decades.
UK Healthcare Spending - Analysis, Charts 2015_2025Charts Tables (
UK Health spending was around 50 billion pounds in 2000, doubled to 100 billion in 2008 and doubled again to 200 billion pounds in 2020 (and remained there in 2021). For perspective, the UK spends around a trillion pounds a year on public services and takes in 840 billion in taxes. It might be said that a quarter of all taxes is spent on healthcare.
The UK spends around 10% of its GDP on its nationalized health care system, around 3,000 pounds per person. For context, the US spends around 20% of GDP on health care - somebody else can wax lyrical on the relatives - waiting lists, drug price comparisons, administrative costs, elective treatments, malpractice suits and so on.
How has this worked out?
According to this website, hospital beds per 100,000 people have dropped from 2.8 in 2012 to 2.4 in 2021 – a decline of 14% - no doubt because of massive net immigration and no new hospitals.
As at June 2022, for England’s 56.7 million people, the waiting list for treatments of all sorts was over three moths and rising. More than 355,000 people had been waiting more than a year.
NHS Waiting List Tracker (
There were more than 6.7 million people on the NHS waiting list for treatment is England – that’s one in 8 people – one in 8 of every man, woman and child. A sick country indeed. I have seen no analysis of correlations with CoVID1-19 in 2020, or partially vaccinated conditions in 2021 or the “fully vaxxed” and somewhat boosted 2022 data.
A typical flu season results in as many as 30,000 hospitalizations. Most flus were re-branded as CoVID-19 to suck up as much taxpayer money as possible over the last two years. Hospital utilization has been lower because only CoVID-19 cases were allowed at first, until full segregation of wards could be achieved.
Now that the injections have destroyed the majority of people’s immune systems, the number of flu cases is likely to explode. Past behaviours of the UK government means that propaganda will roll out to will label these flu cases as a new strain of the SARS-COV2 virus. The increases in cancers, heart attacks, etc will similarly be blamed on this new variant. Of course, there may very well be a new variant, forced by the experimental bi-valent booster that will ADD to this pandemic. Watch for the WHO to declare the UK a highly infected area and blame the UK governments actions in January 2022 to lift all CoVID-19 measures.