UK Labour government moves forward with plans to bankrupt the UK with higher taxes and forced investment in already obsolete, expensive and ugly “green elephant” investment projects
From here:
Chancellor's ‘tax on jobs’: Six businesses react to Rachel Reeves employers pension tax (
The indicators are that the “Budget” – which should be renamed the “Nightmare” - is likely to include a large jump in employer national insurance contributions (which should be called a corporate tax increase on employment) so that a UK Wealth Fund (which should be renamed a “green elephant slum generation wealth destruction fund” – can be run my manic street preachers of the Cult of Moloch to spend on wind turbines, solar panels and carbon capture “facilities” – run out of city called Leeds – because after all, that is where all the brains behind the net zero boondoggle reside.
This is how kakistocratic socialism works. Give control of the mans of production and distribution t a bunch of idiots to make multi-billion-dollar decisions that have no basis in economics, science or utility.
If the Labour Party was so smart they would be working in the private sector making investment decisions. They aren’t, because they are “mathematically challenged” – i.e. “thick”. They have never made a successful investment in their lives and are being given the keys to the “lolly shop” to play with people’s lives and well-being.
If three was a “market” for their insane ideas, there would be no need for taxes – the investment community would make the investments based on the expected returns from the risks taken and the costs of such investments – there is no market “discipline” only market “perversion” – where there are no returns at all, the risks are huge and the costs are astronomic.
In short, the increase in corporate tax, will be paid into a “fund” that will waste at last half of it on useless projects and the other half on salaries of those bitching and moaning as the “projects” invested in go down the tubes.
Remember, policies will result in prices for electricity that are at least TEN TIMES the price of natural gas – and are based on technology that has already made them obsolete. They will involve the compulsory purchase of agricultural land and will be heavily subsidised so that the operators can make out like bandits – whilst taxpayers fund the construction and then have to pay for the exorbitant energy prices – a double whammy.
This is (indirect) rationing of power using the “supply and demand curves” and price - (Economics 101) – turning relatively inelastic demand at low prices into elastic demand at high prices by making it more and more expensive so that there is less (elastic) demand at a much higher price. Turning electricity from an essential good to a luxury good.
This equates to “rationing” via the destruction of wealth and the creation of more and more energy poverty – turning affordable inelastic demand into unaffordable elastic demand – socialism writ large.
Play the clip embedded in the link. The sound volume is – annoyingly - the right-hand side and you have to “claw” the volume knob upwards by dragging and holding the mouse upwards – crap tech!
This is the “Chancellor-ette’s” first ever budget. Her experience is “net zero” and she is a Marxist intent on further bankrupting the UK with lunatic left-wing policies.
Read the comments of fund managers like Larry Fink of BlackRock, who are about to see their investment management fees cut by a third to a half because of the collapse of the UK share market and increase in gilt yields. They had better have advanced their plans for “diversification” into China and India, with a side bet on Trump winning the POTUS election. The rest of the world is going to hell in a hand basket thanks to “net zero”, mass migration and forced injections of toxins at the whim of an Ethiopian terrorist and a Portuguese communist.
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Every dingbat, sloth, & grifter has an idea for how to get to your wallet under one guise or another! Why "invest" their own $ when they can just steal yours! Well, if it were a winning investment idea, lots of folks would willingly invest, but when it's a concocted boondoggle money pit to crush humanity, many of us would rather not. But hey, sanity is so constricting, as are morals according to govt pickpockets & jab pushers.
Keep keepin' on, Peter Halligan!
Thank you from Oregon.
If the People…true citizens…of the UK want to elect such a stupid and ignorant bunch of circus clowns then they deserve everything coming to oppress and suppress them the voters. Now we can only assume their voter rolls are pristine which our are not!!….so glad my ancestors left there a long time ago. Nice place…in the past…to visit and roam about with the entire family but sure do not want to live there now!… elected these jokers….revolt and kick these stooges to the EU where they belong..and even there some want to kick them to China for Putin would not want these characters.