UK “net zero” policies result in payments to TURN OFF wind turbines TURN ON Natural Gas - cost 1.3 billion pounds a year – removing winter fuel allowances for the elderly - cost 1.4 billion pounds
The UK government decided to abandon water fuel allowances for the elderly that (partially) offset the massive jumps in energy prices caused by their “net zero” renewable energy policies.
Partially offset, not the entire bill, just part of it,
From Brave AI:
“According to the search results, the UK government saved £1.4 billion in 2024 and £1.5 billion in 2025 by limiting the Winter Fuel Payment to only those receiving certain benefits, such as pension credit, income support, income-based jobseeker’s allowance, income-related employment and support allowance, and universal credit.”
Now we have this from the excellent
“So far this year, the UK has spent more than £1 billion ($1.3 billion) in ‘congestion costs’ to turn off plants that can’t deliver electricity because of grid constraints, and switch on others,” Bloomberg reports. A cost that is ultimately borne by consumers.”
“… To balance supply and demand in real time and keep the lights on, the operator steps in, paying some plants to turn off and others that are closer to demand centres to fire up. This often results in the shutdown of far-flung wind farms and the startup of gas-fed plants closer to a city.”
““The outdated rules of our energy system mean vast amounts of cheap green power go to waste,” Cowton said. “It’s absurd that Britain pays Scottish wind farms to turn off when it’s windy, while simultaneously paying gas-power stations in the south to turn on.”
All about the transmission of electricity – the transmission grid can’t transmit economically when its windy “up north”, but cities down south don’t need or want it.
The second order impact of badly planned transmission of renewable energy is that the costs of this poor planning, design and budgetary negligence/ignorance - have matched the benefits to the elderly of the (abolition of) fuel subsidies for (part of) the energy bills of the elderly.
From Brave AI:
“In 2017, a Labour report predicted that 4,000 pensioners would die if the Winter Fuel Payment was revoked. Unfortunately, the current government’s cuts have exacerbated this issue, leaving thousands of vulnerable retirees without the necessary financial assistance to stay warm during the winter months.”
Labour is the political party currently in power having won the General Election io 4 July 2024 with a landslide and just 18% of the eligible electorate – and without campaigning on the abolition of the winter fuel allowance in its election manifesto.
Small wonder the Chancellor of the Exchequer has been nicknamed “Rachel from Accounts” to better reflect her actual work experience, rather than that posted on her Linked-In account (which she “embroidered in much the same way that trans people have “preferred pronouns – she has a “preferred CV”),
Which further begs the questions.
Why wasn’t “renewable” energy planned in a way that reduces electricity prices, as well as reflecting transmission grid costs – when the wind blows, and it became available?
And another, “why isn’t renewable energy FREE – since taxpayer’s and consumers have already footed the bill for the construction of wind and solar monstrosities, lighting the countryside and the seas?
Build the unneeded wind and solar plants that are already obsolete, expensive and environmentally destructive – Ignore the costs of building out all the transmission les to connect to the grid – necessitating thousands of miles of copper cabling, plastic sheathing, countryside dug up to connect the electricity generated, when it happens, to the grid where it can be accessed, by those that need it.
Then charge 5 times the price for electricity generated by hydrocarbons like natural gas. No environmental impact assessment on wildlife on land and sea is required.
Ignore the costs of using oil to lubricate the wind turbines and ignore the massive depreciation and disposal costs in financial and environmental terms,
Screw it all, just do it,
All that before, of course, the fact that there’s no climate crisis necessitating the need for wind and solar in the first place!
The answer is – bad planning of the transmission costs and logistics in the presence of a Cult of anti-human chicken littles screeching for bribes.
A billion here and billion there, soon you are killing 4,000 of the elderly every year,
The cost in lives is just the tip of the iceberg, of course. Millions, not thousands of Brits have been subjected to double digit hikes in household electricity bills – so have businesses, making them less profitable and less able to stay in business and keep people employed.
All part of the plan of the Cult to reduce the number of “useless eaters”.
I have yet to see targeted and improved quality of spending, within the one trillion-pound health budget, on those in the last five years or so of life – geriatric care.
500 billion pounds a year being spent on the elderly. – around 700,000 people over 70.
I suggest that much of the half a trillion pounds currently being spent within the geriatric care budget could, instead, be spent on free food, housing and healthcare for this elderly cohort, rather than seeking ways to force them to state assisted suicide.
Half a trillion pounds on 700,000 people equals more than 700,000 pounds EACH – that’s a lot of geriatric care. Not all would ned or want that. But taking care of the elderly should be a key measure of societal “success” – or otherwise.
There are plans in the Labour Parliament for assisted suicide “The doctor will kill you now” type of care (h/t Roger for that “joke”.
No doubt, this spending will be reduced per capita, in order to align with the Cult’s “useless eater” dogma.
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May explain the run to takeover natural gas utilities as governments move to create more problems than solve then pay again for the privilege of being wrong. Playing with other people's money and racking up intergenerational debt. Again we see monopoly corporations making bank with the banksters.
They want to legally kill these old people, with the cold!
See Dr. Vernon Coleman.