Professor Dolores Cahil and Doctor Elizabeth Mumper detail decades long harms caused by vaccines – this time mercury and aluminium in shots in the childhood and other (e.g. flu) vaccine schedules
Perhaps you might want to play this in the background as you read this.
It has these lines:
“Well, if friends with their fancy persuasion, Don't admit that it's part of a scheme
But I can't help but have my suspicions, 'Cause I ain't quite as dumb as I seem”
This is not a deep dive into vaccine induced autism (or Alzheimer’s) – more like a belly flop.
It was prompted by recollections from Robert F Kennedy’s book “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health” and some snippets from two podcasts. The final push to comment was re-reading the brutal accusation of blatant criminality from yesterday’s post here:
Whether this has any link to Hadley Rees work on manufacturing quality is not considered here.
First this one with Professor Cahill from 19 October 2022 (h/t
The whole interview is worth a watch, but start at 10:04 minute mark and play the interview for a few minutes to get the context.
Secondly, this one with Dr Mumford from 16 September 2022
Again, the whole episode is worth a watch, but Dr Mumford’s contribution of note in the context of toxins in “vaccines” starts at the 38:19 minute mark.
The key take-away from Professor Cahill’s interview is that the toxicity of mercury and aluminium in vaccine shots has been know for decades – but research has poured into the side effects (a lot of them in common with C19 mRNA adverse event side effects) as if the root cause of side effects was not known. Otherwise known as “bass-ackwards”.
Dr Mumford reels off the amount of mercury injected per dose and the risks of aluminium poisoning from sediment if left for long periods from multi-vial doses if you don’t shake them up plus mercury poisoning from the mercury that is used to kill-off any bacteria in multi-dose vials (that is not present in single dose vials).
I may have misspelled these: Afluria, Fluzone multidose, Flucellvax. Single dose Fluzone is safer.
I stress, I have extracted these comments and placed them here as best I can. Please double check the actual replays.
Business Idea: happy to accept 1% royalties on sales of developed software! Combine “you talk it types” feature with all these podcasts so that searches for key-words can allow transcripts AND the navigation directly to the key-word in a one hour video!
Although Europe has withdrawn the mercury, “studies” in the US and UK claim that there is no causal link between “thiomersal” and any side effects.
A flavour of the to and fro in the UK is here:
Mercury in flu vaccine is linked to autism | Daily Mail Online
“A spokesman for the Department of Health said that medical advisers to the Government were satisfied there is no risk to adults from thiomersal and only a ' hypothetical risk' to children.
'Following recommendations both U.S. and European manufacturers are actively developing research programmes to eliminate, substitute or reduce thiomersal in vaccines,' he said.
' They have not recommended withdrawing any vaccines currently in use. This is purely a precaution.”
“But Jackie Fletcher of the campaign group JABS, which represents families who claim their children have been damaged by vaccines, said: 'The jury may still be out on the links between mercury in vaccines and brain damage, but surely the Government should err on the side of caution? Thiomersal-free flu jabs are available and people, particularly children, should be offered these.'
“Four flu jab brands contain thiomersal, which acts as a preservative to prevent contamination, the Department of Health said yesterday.
They include Fluvirin, manufactured by Liverpool- based Evans Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of Powderject Pharmaceuticals, owned by Labour donor Dr Paul Drayson.
The other brands containing thiomersal are Fluarix by GlaxoSmithKline, Influvac by Solvay Health Care and Agrippal by Wyeth.”
Here is a look at autism rates in the US over the last 30 years.
Data & Statistics on Autism Spectrum Disorder | CDC
Experts will know better how to interpret the table. On the face of it, the table says that in 2000, autism (or ASD) was present in
one in 150 kids in 2000 (who were 8 years old?)
one in 44 kinds in 2018,
The incidence of autism (ASD) increased markedly. Converting those “one in..” numbers to rates per million results in an increase from 6,667 per million in 2000, to 22,727 per million in 2018, for an increase of 240% in 18 years. You would think that the CDC/FDA would be all over this like a rash, especially in light of the comments from Children’s Health Défense in Kennedy’s book. Doctor Mumford’s comments and those of Professor Cahill.
There are large differences in the rate of autism (ASD) across the US states. Florida is among the worst.
From here:
Autism Rates by State 2022 (
“According to the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network, about 1 in 59 children has been identified with ASD. About 1 in 28 boys in New Jersey have autism.
The estimated state-level prevalence of ever-diagnosed autism varies from about 1.54% in Texas to 4.88% in Florida. Other states with low prevalence below 2% are Colorado, Alaska, Hawaii, Georgia, Tennessee, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Ohio. Other states with high prevalence above 4% are Rhode Island, Maryland, and Washington D.C.”
Perhaps a correlation AND causation is present with the prevalence of particular brands of vaccines or methods of injection (shake those vials!) between States. A quick phone conference might reveal all!
Rather begs the question. Where are the investigations by the FBI or enquiries by the House and Senate. The longer this goes on, the more avoidable pain and suffering occurs, plus the descent into the hell of neglect and a world of the excited misery of inferiority.
Great idea on the software development. Very informative. Starting to watch links tonight.
I’m fighting biotoxin mold illness right now, but also have a laundry list of autoimmune issues. I got sober from alcohol at 30. I had ptsd from a bad marriage. Thyroid problems. I was single again and needed booster shots to work in pine bush elementary school in Guilderland NY in 2001. By 2003, I was unable to function. Doctors never had answers why I suddenly had so many autoimmune issues. They just said I was depressed. Worked with them for years and nothing good came out of it. At 45 I was on 8 prescriptions. Came to my senses and weaned off everything but my thyroid medicine. Lyme disease was in there too. God blessed me with an integrative medicine doctor a few years ago. Actually have hope again and some quality of life.