Videos of the proceedings of the International Crisis Summit 4 are now posted on the website
For some reason I cannot create a hyperlink to this site. Weird.: EU c US/UK formatting is a problem!
Videos of the proceedings of the International Crisis Summit 4 are now posted on the website
An update to this:
The first day recording runs to 18 hours!
I cannot see an index with links to individual presentations – perhaps that is to come shortly. Along with slide decks and transcripts.
We are seeing links to some extracts.
Robert Malone posted Denis Rancourt’s presentation where he highlighted that there was no pandemic, government measures killed millions and injections killed around 17 million so far, mostly the poor and elderly – with some horrific numbers for 4-5 doses per death of for over 80’s Romanians!
Jessica Rose posted her slide deck and Meryl Nass has posted a link to the website.
I am left with the impression that we are in the “Superbowl” phase of the scamdemic. I have a feeling that our side is not training together enough to work out the most winnable tactics for touchdowns.
We have many high quality star players, but they throw the ball to themselves – whereas the opposition have been training together for decades.
We need a playbook. To coordinate our attack and defence teams.
Maybe the World Council for Health can coordinate a put together a team such as that of the Daily Clout for the Pfizer documents.
Perhaps the (hopefully) soon to be release catalogue of links to each presentation can be accompanied by three sentences for the major points from each presentation and put on the website for reference and for a publication that can be shared far and wide. Maybe I am jumping the gun and this is already planned.
I would love to see a segment on petitions on the various topics like excess deaths, vaxx harms and compensation, legal wins and losses – each with lessons learned and participation levels.
Four billion views last year – what would that be made up of? 100 million people viewing 40 segments in “digestible” tranches or 50 million watching 50 segments twice each – or a billion people viewing just 4 out of 100 segments? An analysis of this data for ICS3 and 4 would be enormously helpful in persuading politicians where there best interests for re-election lay!.
I will attempt to view the, what, 40 hours of videos (2 x 18 hour days plus 4 hour press conference?)
Each of us is a sovereign being – the State or globalists or the Cult of Moloch cannot enforce what is not in their gift – the ultra vires actions of governments and the UN/WHO/IPXX must be destroyed. .
Please subscribe or donate via Ko-fi – any amount from 3 bucks upwards. Don’t worry and God Bless, if you can’t or don’t want to. Ko-fi donations here: - an annual subscription of 100 bucks is one third less than a $3 Ko-fi donation a week! Videos of the proceedings of the International Crisis Summit 4 are now posted on the website
An update to this:
The first day recording runs to 18 hours!
I cannot see an index with links to individual presentations – perhaps that is to come shortly.
We are seeing links to some extracts.
Robert Malone posted Denis Rancourt’s presentation where he highlighted that there was no pandemic, government measures killed millions and injections killed around 17 million so far, mostly the poor and elderly – with some horrific numbers for 4-5 doses per death of for over 80’s Romanians!
Jessica Rose posted her slide deck and Meryl Nass has posted a link to the website.
I am left with the impression that we are in the “Superbowl” phase of the scamdemic. I have a feeling that our side is not training together enough to work out the most winnable tactics for touchdowns.
We have many high quality star players, but they throw the ball to themselves – whereas the opposition have been training together for decades.
We need a playbook. To coordinate our attack and defence teams.
Maybe the World Council for Health can coordinate a put together a team such as that of the Daily Clout for the Pfizer documents.
Perhaps the (hopefully) soon to be release catalogue of links to each presentation can be accompanied by three sentences for the major points from each presentation and put on the website for reference and for a publication that can be shared far and wide. Maybe I am jumping the gun and this is already planned.
I would love to see a segment on petitions on the various topics like excess deaths, vaxx harms and compensation, legal wins and losses – each with lessons learned and participation levels.
Four billion views last year – what would that be made up of? 100 million people viewing 40 segments in “digestible” tranches or 50 million watching 50 segments twice each – or a billion people viewing just 4 out of 100 segments? An analysis of this data for ICS3 and 4 would be enormously helpful in persuading politicians where there best interests for re-election lay!.
I will attempt to view the, what, 40 hours of videos (2 x 18 hour days plus 4 hour press conference?)
Each of us is a sovereign being – the State or globalists or the Cult of Moloch cannot enforce what is not in their gift – the ultra vires actions of governments and the UN/WHO/IPXX must be destroyed. .
Please subscribe or donate via Ko-fi – any amount from 3 bucks upwards. Don’t worry and God Bless, if you can’t or don’t want to. Ko-fi donations here: - an annual subscription of 100 bucks is one third less than a $3 Ko-fi donation a week!