Western Australia goes full "vaxx nazi"
House arrests and deportations on trucks to detention camps - even if only suspected
A horrifying story from Western Australia.
From here:
Western Australia has passed legislation authorizing COVID-19 officers to remove people from their homes and force them into a quarantine facilities. – Investment Watch (investmentwatchblog.com)
“Western Australia, one of the most radical states Downunder, has passed a bill that grants COVID-19 officers authorization to strip people from their homes and vaccinate them against their will.
(5) Pelham on Twitter: "Australia… Just when you thought Covid was over… new legislation introduced in WA allows “officers” to break into your home without a warrant, force people into a quarantine facilities, and force vaccinate against their will… https://t.co/hsj33va0or" / Twitter
“..n authorised COVID-19 officer may direct any person who has been exposed, or any class of person who may have been exposed, to the SARS-CoV-2 virus to do all or any of the following:”
(Note the “exposed, or any class of person who may have been exposed..”)
“ (a) to remain in an area specified by the officer for such period as is specified by the officer;”
“(b) to remain quarantined from other persons for such period, and in such reasonable manner, as is specified by the officer;”
“(c) to submit to infection prevention and control procedures within such reasonable period, and in such reasonable manner, as is specified by the officer.”
So - submit to infection prevention and control procedures - such as arrest, imprisonment, toxic injections that are proven to NOT prevent infection, transmission, hospitalization or death and instead to cause death and serious, life threatening “events PLUS forced masking as well as solitary confinement in internment camps.
Presumably this includes new born babies, those that did not social distance a mandatory 6 feet, or report location in proximity to an alert via cell phone or is not up to date with useless and harmful injections.
Bill here:
Seriously, those passing this bill in the Western Australian parliament need to be arrested and charged with kidnapping, attempted homicide and other crimes against humanity.
Holy shit
In Western Australia they already had a law on the books which explicitly allowed for coerced vaccination. So they're just doubling down. That law is called the 2016 Public Health Act. See https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/australian-state-law-empowers-officials-to-forcibly-remove-underwear-to-administer-vaccine : "On the Western Australia government website showing “Original Acts as passed” for Western Australian legislation, the text is included in the original 2016 Public Health Act. An updated version of the act as of September 12, 2020 is also available on the government website and includes the same text." (includes the links).
The only other place I'm aware of that has forced vaccination on the books is Argentina (the whole country), it's a law from 2017 or 2018 or 2019, I don't remember exactly. There must be other places around the world, but I'm not aware of them.