The celebratory hangovers of the Trump victory are receding. A famous American, Robert Kennedy, said “… ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”
“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,”
(23) President John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You" - YouTube
A speech that has echoed and resonated into the hearts and minds of every man and woman through many decades of history. I hope Trump reviews that speech ad uses its sentiments.
There are millions of Democratic Party supporters still to bring on board to those ideals of freedom from government intrusion – those supporters who prefer the yoke of bureaucracy and regulations that create a world of excited misery. Voters that prefer the chicanery ad intrigue of the “Swamp”, the “Blob”, the “Seep State”, the “Borg” whose mantra epitomises the core beliefs. “Welcome to the Borg, Resistance is Futile, You Will Be Assimilated”. Those that I refer to as “libtards” in the Cult of Moloch.
The beacon of freedom, choice and expression burns so dimly in these Democratic Party supporters.
These Democratic Party supporters only ask what their country ca do for them.
They will continue to divert, distract, obfuscate and project their chosen victimhood status onto others. Condescending to those of us that would rather not be involved in politics at all and would prefer to live their lives free from the oppressive regulation and not in s world of excited misery.
For everyone else, the task of emerging from the shackles of petty bureaucrats, dictators, sycophants and corrupt operatives is just starting.
Trump and Congress have a massive task ahead of them. Evicting migrant beggars, rolling back “net zero”, reforming the health and food systems, to name just a few items close to the top of the list.
Withdrawing from the United Nations, its treaties and all its organs, like the WHO would be a start – including booting the UN out of New York!
But, for true change, Americans need to get involved over Trump’s term in office, to help their friends, neighbours and families.
The Usa needs a large dose of DEFLATION to return prices for food and energy back to pre-2019 levels.
All the help at the grass roots level for just a few years will produce massive rewards in the form of increases in standards of living for everyone,
Personally, I would take a leaf out of the Democratic Party playbook and investigate price gouging I tech companies – Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, Apple – as well as insurance companies and Pharma Benefit managers and Big Pharma – (why doesn’t Pfizer pay tax?) - over to you Bobby Kennedy!
One massive market waiting to be tapped where the US is a global leader is emissions reductions. Exporting those to China and India would be a great move. After all, most of the “bad air” in the US. simply wafts over the Pacific Ocean like a huge black spy balloon! The intellectual property would need to be protected, of course.
Maybe the export of tree seeds would be useful too! These would absorb 24 kg’s each a year, so maybe several hundred billion are needed in each of those two countries! Damn sight cheaper than wind turbines and solar panels, and far more environmentally friendly!
The “swamp/deep state” has been ruining lives with insane policies since Obama won in 2008.The “State” has inserted itself into the fabric of society, to replace and decide the moral and ethical fibre of the country with authoritarianism that has perversion and corruption at its core. As always happens with “big government”. Huge spending and huge taxes,
I heard on the Russell Brand podcast today (he should take the name “language butcher”!!) that the only States won by Harris were those that had no voter ID. Probably coincidence, probably…
May US jurisdictions at State, city and local level have been asking important questions about the C19 scamdemic ad the mandated injections of experimental toxins that had never worked anywhere – and the denial of treatment with known palliatives and cures. Bobby Kennedy will provide the ammunition for all jurisdictions to prevent the killing and maiming of their people with these experiments.
We need to help trump establish Senate and House enquiries that have teeth and are not dominated by the “deniers” of vaxx harms, no-one is “anti-vaxx”, everyone is “pro-health”. The chances are that none of the “vaccines” being administered in the US have any demonstrable benefit beyond the harm they have inflicted over many decades.
Trump and Congress can come up with plans to remove migrant beggars. This will require support from every community in the US.
I wonder of the FEMA camps and those quarantine camps erected by Democratic party State Governors can be put to use. Will there be an inquiry into the performance of FEMA over Hurricane Helene?
Simply reversing the insane policies of the Democratic Party will save he US hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions, money that the US simply cannot afford to waste.
Every American can get involved in identifying the waste and corruption of the “green” policies embedded in the falsely named “Inflation Reduction Act”.
Get involved – drill down into State, city ad local finances. Help your elected representatives on councils and in Congress to reverse the corruption at Federal, State, city and local levels. Chances are your representatives now have a clear mandate and need the help to put things right.
Hats off to all those people already engaged this way. They too need emotional, psychological ad actual support, to take some of the load they have borne to brig us to this point.
Imagine the progress that can be made in the next few years, reversing the policies of the socialist/Marxist/Blob/Swamp/Deep State/Cult of Moloch!!
Just a few steps now, for a few years, and we can all start enjoying life, instead of “the State” enjoying our suffering!
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I am trying to get to your level of optimism. The Trump administration will have mountains to climb, as the Resistance has already been mobilized and we know is well-funded and deeply embedded. Prayer, and lots of it. And me becoming a real pain in the ass of my federal officials.
Those celebrations might seem beautiful. We all know that from those measures only a few will be sorted out and most not in the interest of the people. But one crucial item is significantly absent from all these celebrations and proposals. I mean WAR. I mean The stratosferic expenses and Pentagon incredible ever growing budgets plus the 800 military bases everywhere. How come that nobody, not a single person puts that in question? You must understand that the world doesn't need all that miliatry complex industries. The only ones needing are the stokholders of those corporations and their servants. How come there isn't the slightest propose about? Perhaps you consider it a triffle. But the people riped of their income to pay for all that think otherwise. Sure!