What the C19 enquiry House sub-committee hearing has not addressed – a country comparison of C19 deaths and recoveries across some selected countries
By now, we know that the tests for the SARS-COV2 were bogus, hence s were the numbers of deaths with C19 present. We know that the experimental C19 modified mRNA injections were poorly made with adulterations not disclosed to regulators and were full of contaminants and toxic ingredients.
We also know that a typical infection period is arunnd`15 days. We know that around 60 million people die every year across the world and that over 4 and a half years around 7 million people died with SAES-COV2 present compared to around 279 million that died from any cause around the world – out of a population of 8 billion.
Not an emergency.
Let’s do a comparison across selected countries, using data from here: COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer (worldometers.info)
Here are the raw numbers for some selected countries:
Not all that useful, so let’s restate those in numbers per million population.
An “enquiry” that wanted to get to the truth might ask the question “Although there are demographic differences amongst countries, which countries suffered the least numbers of deaths per million compared to the US and what lessons could be learned from them?”
Now ask why there were 300 times more “cases” per million population in the US compared to Nigeria, despite Nigeria needing 21 tests to discover each “case” – double that of the US?
These numbers provide a indicate of the overblown, panicked and ill-considered approach the US took to the scamdemic. Faults that cost millions of lives – mostly amongst the poor, the elderly and the infirm – the weakest in society.
At the start f the scamdemic, mistakes can be forgiven in the pursuit of the best approach. Solutions were evident in the summer of 2020. The experimental injections FORCED mutations of the virus and condemned the US to far more pain and death than doing absolutely nothing from that summer of 2020.
Start with Japan, whose deaths with C19 present FRM THE SAME VIEUS were 84% less than those in the US. Now ask why it took just 3 tests to “diagnose” a case in Germany and Japan – ad who benefited from the 8 additional tests per case in the US.
The same question could be asked for non-pharmaceutical interventions and the number of “cases”.
Another question might be “how many amplification cycles were used to detect a “case” which could explain why Germany and Japan required just 3 tests to detect a “case” and it took 11 in the US and 21 in Nigeria?”
These are real questions that would lad to a better understanding of the US response.
The cynic in me says that because all deaths, misdiagnosed as deaths from C19, were in fact deaths, at worst, with C19 “present” – were not the cause of death and were in fact caused by an increase in the usual leading causes which in turn were caused by treatment protocols and the absence of treatments withheld – like antibiotics amongst the poor and elderly. After the number of “cases” declined, the switch was in and the badly made experimental C19 modified mRNA gene modifying injections caused deaths, but these have been assigned to the leading causes of death.
C19 period – treat all extra deaths as C19.
Injection period – treat all extra deaths as deaths by leading causes.
A quick note on the RT-PCR test – it does not distinguish between “dad or alive” presence of a virus – a dead virus cannot infect because it is dead! What are the implications for natural immunity? Here’s a table showing some amplification cycles that detect fragments or the whole of the SARS-COV2 virus.
Most tests were calibrated at around thz 30-cycle level – meaning that samples were magnified a billion times to categorise “cases” oof “dead or alive” virus fragments or whole virus particles. Yes, that is a trillion times magnified at 40 cycles.
Now let’s look at the harms caused by the badly made experimental C19 modified mRNA injections so that we can provide an answer to one question asked by a panel member of the House enquiry.
This question can be answered using three methods – each of which centre around 700,000 dead by lethal injection.
Aaron Siri pointed out that V-Safe data showed that 7.7% of those injected had to some sort of an emergency treatment. There is no easy comparison between V-Safe participants and the general population. A comparison of V-Safe with VAERS is here:
1. There is the under-reporting factor that can be applied to the VAERS reports.
2. There is the Denis Rancourt analysis that estimates that for every 1,000 doses one person is killed.
3. There is the work of the Ethical Skeptic that reconciles excess deaths attributed to various factors.
The Lazarus/Pilgrim analysis years ago estimated that the under-reporting factor for VAERS was less than one event reported to VAERS for every 100 actually suffered. The number of deaths amongst the US population from the gene modifying injections is 18,912 - applying the under reporting factor of 100 resulting in 1.8 million C19 injection deaths. Many estimates centre on a much lower under-reporting factor – around 40 – that works out at a more than 7000,000 killed by the lethal injection.
Denis Rancourt estimates one death per thousand doses – there have been around 700 million doses administered in the US – 700,000 dead by lethal injection.
The Ethical Skpetic performed detailed analysis of excess deaths here The State of Things Pandemic - Week 22 2024 (theethicalskeptic.com)
By far the best analysis I have seen to date, and it has this:
“As of June 15th 2024, there have been
· 695,895 Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Deaths (primarily from the Covid Vaccine),
· 193,050 Excess Non-Natural Deaths (including 71,000 sudden cardiac deaths in casual drug users),
· 375,594 Excess Deaths from Malpractice and Denial of Treatment,1
· 374,279 Excess Deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 virus (6.6 x annual influenza-pneumonia)2
making for a grand total of 1,264,539 (77.2%) Manmade Excess Deaths of US Citizens, out of a Pandemic Total Excess Mortality of 1,638,818.”
Again, around 700,000 dead by lethal experimental injection.
The key question is, of course, “are the methodologies used to derive the estimates of 700,000 dead Americans any worse than the methods used by “health regulators” to estimate safety and efficacy”? My answer would be that the methods used to estimate the number of dead are equally valid, if not more so, because they have been derived via “triangulation” of different methods – the regulators do no such thing.
The number of 700,000 dead by lethal experimental injections needs to be place I the context of the m of the leap in mortality rates in the US before, during and after the C19 scamdemic.
From here: United States Deaths 2023, How Many Deaths in United States 2023 | Dead or Kicking
Mortality rate per 10,000 Americans:
An increase from a mortality rate of 8.9 in 2018 to 10/.1.in 2023 AFTER the scamdemic was over - it’s not returned to 2018 levels – an increase in the mortality rate of 13.5% - it was higher in 2021 and 2022 during the roll-out of the lethal injections.
These numbers are just for mortality. There are over a million adverse events impacting US residents as well – applying an under-reporting factor of 40 to these, implies that there are more than 40 million Americas who have suffered adverse events – the majority of which are severe (life altering) r serious (life threatening).
Let’s return to the recovery rate. In the US, 98% of those categorised as a “case” have recovered from their (mis-)diagnosis.
The relative efficacy of the toxic experimental injections was claimed to be 95% - in reality, the absolute efficacy was less than 1%. What is the point of administering a “vaccine” to the population when the recovery rate exceeds the efficacy rate – when there is AY kind of risk from the injections?
An absolute risk reduction of 1% implies that one, say, hospitalization, would be prevented for every 100 “cases”. The V-Safe data indicating that 7.7% of those (healthier than general population) people had to seek emergency care. So, for every one hospitalization prevented, almost 8 people are hospitalised. On what planet does that make any sense whatsoever?
Remember, you can recover from an infection in around 15 days with minor sequelae for the most part - but the vaxx damage is permanent and irrecoverable – your life is changed forever.
Note that there is no cognisance of the 10-12 million criminal migrants and all their associated diseases and conditions mentioned during the C19 enquiry.
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If the number of excess deaths are being hidden, (i.e., the 40% increase in total deaths initially being reported by life insurance companies) but they're being used as the baseline for calculating "excess" deaths, and/or we also don't have a correct baseline from government sources as to what they "normal" yearly deaths are "expected" to be, then it's pretty hard to UNDERCOUNT anything here. It's also hard to get to the truth as to how many excess deaths there really were in any given year.
Using government data (any really) to determine the truth about almost anything, is unworkable because everything the government publishes is a LIE these days. I am more likely to work off of the life insurance claims figures to calculated the baseline number of "excess" deaths. A sudden 40% increase in claims would translate to a 40% over-all increase in deaths, due to the fact there's absolutely no reason to believe that the ONLY people suffering this rate of increase in deaths are those who happened to carry life insurance;-) Sadly, the life insurance companies have stop allowing ANY access to their claims numbers, but we do know what they were reporting during 2022 and we know they also reported that the increase at that time was on the upswing.
So if we assume it was, at a minimum holding firm at 40% through 2023, and even if we assume it dropped down to 35% after that, what sort of picture does this paint? And let's not forget, the government will take the HIGHEST death count year and "average" it into as many previous years as they feel like, in order to fabricate a lower "excess" death count for the following year.
It's sort of like starting your calculations of vaccine injuries based upon the VAERS numbers. NOTHING coming from government can reliably be used to accurately calculate ANYTHING. About the closest we're going to get is to assume the increase in life insurance claims (which accidentally leaked, but was thereafter shutdown) is probably the truth. My rough calculations, (based upon the increased claims applied to the excess rates that were clearly mirrored in the general population) is that America has already lost at least 5 million due to the vaccines. I also believe this is going to get MUCH worse because I believe the vast majority who will die from the vaccines are going to die within 5 to 7 years from the 1st (and/or 2nd, 3rd, 4th) injection.