What’s the chances that Hillary destroyed her emails because they contained details of Bunga Bunga and pizza parties she had with Hunter? Say it ain’t so, Joe!
From here:
“So far, NARA has delayed nineteen months in producing the approximately 18,000 pages of records responsive to the request for communications by then-Vice President Biden in which he used a pseudonym email, after the scope of the request was narrowed from 82,000 in litigation to speed up the process.”
I wonder if all the NARA staff vote Democrat.
“The records were produced pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit prompted by Just the News reporting three years ago that revealed Biden used at least three different pseudonym private email accounts when he was Barack Obama’s vice president.”
Three pseudonyms?
Imagine if you, as an employee, sent commercially sensitive information to your family so they could make money out of it ON YOUR PERSONAL EMAIL. That would be a sackable offence if your employer found out, wouldn’t it? Now, these are emails that impact the national interest and have strict protocols to secure the information.
Hillary did the same thing, so did Obama.
As Senator Johnson put it.
“"[The] Obama administration and now the Biden administration, they were both lawless administrations, it is obvious that number of administration officials during the Obama years, completely violated the Federal Records Act with impunity, they couldn't care less," Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., told the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show in an interview set to air Friday. “
Maybe this is mischievous, but what are the odds that Hunter was “servicing” Hillary while Bill was being “Epsteined” on that island and elsewhere.
Lots more in the Just the News article.
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Pretty damned good. Will I be suicided for writing this?
I think Hillary is into girls.