Who and what can objectively assess mortality and disease progression from the C19 disease, the collateral damage from lockdowns and adverse events from “vaccines”?
My suggestion would be the Danish health authorities, as Denmark seems to have a close to median number of deaths per million (1,229), a high number of cases per million (538,000), a very high number of tests per million (around 22,650,000 – meaning Danes have been tested more than 22 times per capita) and more than 80% have received the initial two dose regimen. (Data from WorldoMeter and OurWorldinData)
Given the clinical trials used under 50,000 split equally between treatment and placebo groups, any institution that has access to data of this sort could also provide good information.
A key metric is needed for an objective assessment. That would be “Years of Lives Lost” (YLL) for each of the deceased. (H/t formed of SubStack for pointing to this metric).
There will always be the “dumbfounding” variable of the cause of death. C19 must ALWAYS be the cause of death, if within 28 days of a positive test, regardless of the 2-6 co-morbidities present at time of death. Around 5% of C19 deaths had ONLY C19 present at time of death. A non-C19 infected person might have died of cancer, but that cancer may have been prevented with diagnosis and treatment that was missed because of lockdowns (another example, emergency calls for heart attacks were halved during 2020 lockdowns in the UK).
Another “dumfounding” variable that needs to be considered is that no fatality within 14 days of a C19 injection (“vaccine”) is considered to be related to the injection – when the majority of deaths (around 80-90%) occur within 14 days AND the more that time goes by, the less likely it is for a “vaccine” associated death or injury to be associated with the “vaccine”.
YLL can be calculated for a) victims with C19 present, b) those that died from preventable or treatable diseases and conditions AND c) for those that died from the injections OR WITHIN THE 28 DAY TEMPORAL PROXIMITY TO THE INJECTION (in the same way that C19 deaths within 28 days of a positive test are treated as due to C19). Of course, longer periods are better.
Fun fact (that I confess I had not appreciated). Although population average life expectancy might be around 78 years, a 78 year old person alive today will probably live another ten years. (Many people die before 78 years of age – though neither of my parents achieved this feat!).
I am also wondering how an infection rate relates to the exposure rate to the infection. We have seen lots of “R-0” references for estimates of transmission, but what if half or more of those exposed DON’T get infected – and are there particular characteristics of those uninfected after exposure, that are useful to prevent infection? Diagnostics needed!
Here are links to a few primers on YLL
This first article suggests using YLL to compare actual C19 deaths with the number of cancer deaths caused by lockdowns.
From that link, I wonder if this sentence
“The excess mortality data for the 2020 summer period in the UK indeed show a LOWER than expected number of deaths in older age groups (such as 85+), suggesting that deaths that would have occurred later in the year were brought forward in time by Covid-19”
Should read this:
“The excess mortality data for the 2020 summer period in the UK indeed show a HIGHER than expected number of deaths in older age groups (such as 85+), suggesting that deaths that would have occurred later in the year were brought forward in time by Covid-19.”
Anyway, thqt aside, the point is that “A comparison between Covid-19 deaths prevented and excess cancer deaths caused shows it is possible that preventing Covid-19 deaths through lockdowns might result in more life-years being lost than saved.” Also, “In any event, cancer deaths represent only one, albeit important, indirect effect of lockdown measures. Policies to deal with Covid-19 affect mortality risks from many other conditions such as stroke and myocardial infarction; it is possible that preventing Covid-19 deaths through lockdowns might result in more life-years being lost than saved.”
Those with a note for detail might check out one of the reference papers cited in the article “13.Department of Health and Social Care, Office for National Statistics, Government Actuary’s Department and Home Office. “Direct and Indirect Impacts of COVID-19 on Excess Deaths and Morbidity.” (2020), This paper claims that “mitigation measures” had prevented 1.5 million UK lives lost! Compare that number to proven infection fatality rates of around 0.2% combined with a probable UK infection rate of 40% for the UK’s 68 million population! I calculate that at 54,400 – not 1.5 million – with no mitigation measures or injections – which means that, at the time, UK expert advisors were overestimating the severity of C19 by 30 times! Note the recent confirmations of infection fatality rates as similar to that of the “flu amongst under 65’s – highlighting again the positions stated in the Great Barrington Declaration.
Here is a link to another article:
Essential Facts About Covid-19 – Just Facts
This article was first published on 13 December 2020 and was last updated on 27 October 2022.
The entire article is well worth a read, but the section titled “Years of Lives Lost” is the fifth section under a beach scene photograph.
“A much more complete measure of C-19’s lethality also includes the years of life lost by each victim. Yet, determining this is not a simple matter of subtracting their ages at the time of their deaths from the average U.S. lifespan. This is because:
the average U.S. lifespan includes the deaths of young people, which drives this figure down relative to what it is for older people. So even though the average life expectancy from birth is 79 years, people who are 79 years old live an average of 10 more years.
C-19 is more deadly to people with pre-existing health problems, and these people have lower average life expectancies than healthy people of the same ages.
Based on the average life expectancies of people of different ages and the ages of people who have died from C-19, Just Facts calculates that C-19 robs an average of 13.2 years from each of its victims. This is an overestimate because it does not account for preexisting health conditions.”
For context, Just Facts states this:
“The upper limit of Birx’s death estimate has been greatly surpassed, but even if two million U.S. residents eventually die from C-19 with 13.2 years of lost life per person, the disease will rob 26.4 million years of life from all Americans who were alive at the outset of 2020. In comparison, the flu will rob them of about 35 million years, suicides will rob them of 132 million years, and accidents will rob them of 409 million years.”
So, there are a couple of articles to get the ball rolling. The first is a need to calculate the impact of “mitigation measures” such as lockdowns that have resulted in severe collateral damage to the nations health. The next is the actual life years lost from the C19 disease itself, relative to what we now know is the infection fatality rate (30 times lower than initial estimates).
Now we can turn to adverse events from the C19 injections.
There have been around 638 million doses administered in the US so far. The VAERS system contains almost 15,000 deaths and almost 890,000 adverse events for US citizens (the top-line VAERS numbers reflect reports from all over the world for US injection manufacturers). Careful analysis indicates that the Under Reporting Factor (URF) has improved from the less than one event reported for every 100 events caused, to a URF of one event for every 40 caused.
The implication of a URF of 40 is that 15,000 x 40 Americans have died = 600,000 deaths, following the C19 injections and there have been 35.6 million injection injuries (multiple injuries per person).
Years of Lives Lost (YLL) can be used here too, to stratify the age impact of injections and compare directly to YLL from C19 and from the collateral impact of “mitigation measures”.
This would place the folly of C19 mitigation measures into stark relief. Of course, the contention amongst “vaxx nazis” is that VAERS is not a proper way to measure adverse events caused by C19 injections and that the URF in any event is close to zero and ALL adverse events are reported accurately and immediately. The YLL can be stated for both scenarios.
These numbers will need to be reconciled against excess mortality that compares, say, 5 years of pre-pandemic fatalities and causes from 2015-2019 inclusive with, firstly 2020 (the year without C19 injections), then with 2021 (the year of partial roll-out of C19 injections) and with 2022 (more or less fully dosed with the initial injection series).
Mortality is the most readily analysed number. However, it should be expanded for each of the ten leading causes of death (including suicides and opioid deaths). By the way, if the US is losing around 150,000 young people every year from drugs like Fentanyl crossing the southern border (after export from China) – what is the fatality rate in Mexico and other bordering countries? You would think it would be just as high or higher, no?
Lastly a shout out to another SubStacker (aside from formed who started all this!). Please check out PANDA Uncut | Substack
I haven’t had chance to read all of their latest articles yet, but what I have read has a quality that the MSM can only dream of!
Arise Sir PH! Knighted for services to mankind.
Massive thanks for your astounding ability to wade through so much information on a daily basis.
Always enlightening, educational & interesting.
Thank you.
This really puts things into perspective. Thanks!