"You feeling lucky, punk? Well do ya?"
One in 400 shot of a life threatening "event" per injection
A path down a rabbit hole from an article here:
Has an embedded link to here:
Which has an embedded link to an article here:
COVID-19 vaccines – An Australian - World Freedom Alliance Australia
P3 of 18 of that article has this:
“Protection. The vaccine was never meant to prevent the spread of the virus, but to decrease disease severity.”
Someone should remind governmental health authorities, Big Pharma, the WHO and TV “personalities” (like Maddow and Colbert) of this fact. Then that someone should point out that adverse reactions to the injections were 24% in the injected group compared to 8% in the placebo group in Pfizer’s clinical trials – whilst CoVID19 infections were under 4% in the placebo group, the majority of which will have recovered after a 15-day infection within a (short) 6-month clinical trial period. See pages 11 and 12 of 51 here.
The COVID-19 Inoculations - More Harm Than Good FINAL Video & Print - MoreHarm.pdf | DocDroid
The Australian article includes this statement:
“A worldwide Bayesian causal Impact analysis suggests that COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) causes more COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than are associated with COVID-19 [43]. An abundance of studies has shown that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous. Never in vaccine history have we seen 1011 case studies showing side effects of a vaccine (https://www. saveusnow.org.uk/covid-vaccine-scientific-proof-lethal).”
That statement is bad enough, but the article on page 4 states this:
“..an interim study report for cohort event monitoring of vaccinated persons in the EU, published on June 9, 2022, concludes that across all sites 0.2-0.3% of participants reported at least one serious adverse reaction after receiving the first and/or second dose, and similar numbers are reported after the first booster.”
Here is the study.
A mid-point of 0.2-0.3% of 0.25% implies that one in 400 injections was life threatening or deadly.
Wow! Let’s dive deeper down the rabbit hole to check out the scope of the zenodo.org report.
Abbreviated “Primary aim: To collect data on patient-reported adverse reactions of different COVID-19 vaccines..”.
“Secondary aim: To identify and generate incidence rates and potential predictors of the most frequently reported adverse reactions related to different COVID-19 vaccines after first/second dose(s) of the first vaccination cycle as well as booster doses within the general population and special cohorts of vaccinees.”
“The research leading to these results was conducted as part of the activities of the EU PE&PV (Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance) Research Network (led by Utrecht University) with collaboration from the Vaccine Monitoring Collaboration for Europe network (VAC4EU).”
“Participants to be included should be vaccinated in one of the participating countries in the period ranging from December 2020 (in Countries already starting prospective monitoring in ECVM) until August 2022.
This interim report includes LIM and RO data updated until the 9th of February 2022, and Croat OPeN data until the 15th of February 2022. German SafeVac 2.0 datasets are included in batches, with Moderna data updated until May 2021, AstraZeneca until September 2021, and the new BioNTech/Pfizer data until March 2022.
“The aim was the inclusion of up to 60,000 vaccine recipients belonging to both general and special cohorts from 12 European countries which would exceed the numbers of vaccinated in clinical trials.”
This interim report summarises the safety evidence of covid-19 vaccines in more than 550,000 persons from both the general and special populations that were included after first dose, and booster doses. We combined data originating from a total of eleven countries and four different data capture systems. Solicited reactions were comparable to those observed in trials. Across the sites 0.2-0.3% % reported at least one serious adverse reaction after receiving the first and/or the second dose, this was similar after the first booster.”
Looks like the original aim of 60,000 recipients was vasty exceeded!
The “and/or the second dose” muddies the water. Is this a compounding or discrete impact?
Let’s do a sense check with the quarter per cent life threatening or fatal outcome from each injection.
The current (not coincident with the interim study) number of doses administered in the EU is 919 million here:
COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker | European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (europa.eu)
Note that there are 369 million unused doses (29% of doses delivered) – which target the wrong variant.
The last adverse event report I can find from the European adverse event reporting system, EUDRA, covers the period to 31 July 20222, here:
Scroll down to the first slide that shows 47,000 dead and 4.7 million injuries reported to EUDRA. Indications are that half the reported injuries are “serious”.
E 2 A Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting (europa.eu)
“A serious adverse event (experience) or reaction is any untoward medical occurrence that at any dose: • results in death, • is life-threatening, NOTE: The term "life-threatening" in the definition of "serious" refers to an event in which the patient was at risk of death at the time of the event; it does not refer to an event which hypothetically might have caused death if it were more severe.”
Given the 919 million doses administered in Europe and a 0.25% incidence of serious, life-threatening reactions to the injections, this implies that there have been around 2.3 million such events.
This closely reconciles to half the 4.7 million adverse events reported to EUDRA by 31 July 2022.
So, to sum up, there is a one in 400 chance of a life-threatening event in the immediate period following each injection.
Of course, this analysis excludes all increased probabilities of developing morbidities over the medium to longer term.