Points to note
New Zealand and Australia remain in close concordance with linear regression trend at 20% per week, declining.
New Zealand and Australia continue to remain well above Sweden.
New Zealand shows the most number of excess deaths above 30% per week, peaking in week ~ 118 (2022, wk. 14), 136 (2022, wk. 32) 159 (2023, wk. 3).
Both New Zealand and Australia were entirely bereft of excess death until the shots were implemented under the COVID mantle of mis-direction.
For the few in NZzzz or OZzzz actually awake…
NO ONE I know, jabbed or unjabbed is happy about the last three years. But the jabbed seem dazed and confused, if not outright, then on a level that is subtly detected if you knew them before the jab.
Not QUITE so confident, not QUITE so arrogant or bold...it is subtle, but like kinda broken, and absolutely unwilling to acknowledge it, much less account for it. I find it painful and sad, as it does not cause them to open their eyes, or minds...
And just in case New Zealand business, bureaucratic and political kakistocrats missed the point, the current data is presented for the UK below highlighting the lethal consequences of being “vaccinated” when compared to ‘controls’ …ie: those that wisely, intelligently, scientifically, critically, spiritually, ethically, morally, or simply intuitively, chose to dodge the officially sanctioned and medically condoned needled barrel.
ANNUS HORRIBILIS - In England - Over 155,000 Extra Deaths because of Covid-19 Vaccination Status
EVERY AGE GROUP is individually charted so there can be no claim of Age Bias Factors.
There is no opportunity for Health Authorities to “classify” deaths as Covid-19 or otherwise because we are looking at ALL CAUSE deaths.The data clearly shows IN EVERY AGE GROUP over the same time line that the Covid-19 “Vaccinated” have higher risk of Death than the UNVACCINATED.
This is the ABSOLUTE OPPOSITE TO WHAT HAS BEEN PUBLICLY CLAIMED and what has been “inferred” in lengthy reports with modelling, graphs, projections and impossibly convoluted explanations.
Post Script
The Downunder Drama has been a vicious, State sanctioned, uncontrolled social and political experiment that was performed on WEF cue since 2020 when excess deaths above the mean were less than the observed 2015 - 2019 mean. The excess death rate then nicely tracked the implementation of State sanctioned shots and their timing, possessing a wild individual unpredictability in every considered metric from nothing to near immediate death to a legion of abundantly well described potential adverse events and more slowly developing chronic conditions, all of it wrapped in negative risk benefit.
Will accountability ever be visited upon those that implemented the State sanctioned policies and equally, upon those doctors and nurses and also-rans that embraced the jab fest so enthusiastically (and still do, with inducements of financial largesse)?
They became a legion of tyrannical wannabees who readily and easily divorced themselves from critical thinking, from any ablity to exercise and demonstrate informed consent, and who destroyed the established ethics of bodily choice and sovereignty. And at the same time the coerced simply want to put the discomfort behind them while the conned want to pretend they weren’t.
They they all parade around today, everyday slightly less full of themselves as the controlled leakage of consequences gradually devolves to an odd, discombobulated acceptance, probably not unlike post-WW2 Germany and the atrocities once perpetrated under the aegis of devoted State idolatry.
NO ONE I know, jabbed or unjabbed is happy about the last three years. But the jabbed seem dazed and confused, if not outright, then on a level that is subtly detected if you knew them before the jab.
Not QUITE so confident, not QUITE so arrogant or bold...it is subtle, but like kinda broken, and absolutely unwilling to acknowledge it, much less account for it. I find it painful and sad, as it does not cause them to open their eyes, or minds...
1 NZ Excess Death ~ Nothing, And In The Dark
2 Enforced Disappearance ~ Forcibly Disappeared
3 Excess Deaths Above The Unusual
4 The Fingerprint Of Death?
5 Reductio ad Absurdum