Read all about it! A synthesis of everything you suspected about the Rockefellers, Gates, Kadlec, Farrar, CEPI, UNICEF, Bird flu, the synchronicity of Agenda 21 with tests, lockdowns, Moderna's injection ready all in a few weeks in January 2020 BEFORE THE PHEIC WAS DECLARED!!! AND LOTS MORE - the leads from this one hour interview confirm all those conspiracy theories that have turned into facts. The pre-design of the mRNA injections for the "virus" - all of it. I recommend that you listen to the entire one hour video - it gets better as it goes on! Terrific back story of the last 40 years as well as the scamdemic period. -
In the last three years Paula Jardine has carried out a forensic historical analysis of how and why we got to where we are now with the covid ‘pandemic’ and the drive for universal vaccination. This includes how the World War 2 Manhatten project evolved into Operation Warpspeed to produce the covid mRNA vaccines.
Her work is among the most important for…
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