lFrom the “things that make you go hmm” files – your health regulator knows how to reduce adverse events – just delete them!
From here:
“Massive data on vaccine safety has been destroyed. Dutch analyst Wouter Aukema uncovered that and astounding 40% of worldwide serious safety reports had been deleted from the Eudravigilance database. Dr Jessica Rose discovered over 100 000 Yellow card reports were also wiped. The cover up continues as they try to airbrush the injured and maintain the safe and effective lie. But thanks to independent journalists like
the truth will out. Interview
Now what should we make of that!
As a reminder, VAERS has a US section and a non-US section.
There have been around a million adverse events reported for around 70 million C19 injections into US arms.
There have been around 600,000 adverse events reported for adverse events outside the US – for around 6 BILLION injections given, outside the US, made by US companies like Pfizer and Moderna.
For Pfizer alone, it boasts about shipping 4.6 billion doses worldwide – it administered just 400 million in the US.
COVID-19 Vaccine Equity | Pfizer
“Since December 2020, nearly 4.6 billion Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines have been shipped to 181 countries, of which more than 1.8 billion have gone to low- and middle-income countries.”
COVID-19 vaccine doses administered by manufacturer, United States
Here’s the VAERS butchers bill, just for C19 injections made by US manufacturers:
VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 10/25/2024 – VAERS Analysis
The number of doses doesn’t tie up with the OWD data – I suggest that the OWD is the result of “goal seek#” rather than actual data!
Moderna rates of reported death following injection are 50% higher than Pfizer’s.
For Pfizer, the additional 4.2 billion doses administered outside the US (4.6 billion global less 400 million in the US) resulted in 15.161 reported deaths.
Compared to 8.490 US reported deaths from 400 million US Pfizer doses administered.
If the Pfizer doses administered outside the US were the same as those administered inside the US, the pro-rata number of deaths would be around 89,000 for World ex-US, not 15,000 and the total number of global deaths reported to VAERS would be over 100,000.
That is just for Pfizer doses. The global number of Moderna doses is a tightly held secret – but around 250 million doses were administered inside the US.
Oe can reasonably assume the same 10:1 relationship between US and ex-US doses administered – putting total Moderna doses globally at around 2.5 billion and the number of deaths that should have been reported for the ex-US Moderna injections at around ten times the 8,328 deaths reported following the Moderna injections.
The number of deaths that VAERS should be showing is easily 200,000 and that is BEFORE adjusting for ay under reporting factor.
We already know that the AstraZeneca shot was especially lethal – but there seems little curiosity around Moderna shots having 50% more lethality than the already deadly Pfizer shots.
Here’s a flashback from exactly two years ago in November 2022 for European data:
Moderna always has had a higher rate of death reports than Pfizer. AstraZeneca is just awful – so is JnJ.
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