Ah! Now we understand why China has so many uninhabited buildings becoming derelicts and new highways, cities, and technology everywhere + the CCP is constantly bailing out their underperforming labor force although they've been given carte blanche by WEF-type operatives to become the manufacturing center of the world since the 1990s. Where would an individual invest their laundered money to quickly legitimatize their assets?
"Chinese organizations" are laundering money for the cartels. Dang! How come I never thought of that answer? Brilliant!! Now, we all know that Ukraine represents a fantastic money-laundering opportunity for American interests. I wonder how the Hamas-Israel "war" is equally contributing to money laundering for various interests. Wars appear to be great screens for transferring wealth.
If readers aren't familiar with Ronald Bernard, a former "illuminati" banker, and his description of laundering truck loads of cash during one of the U.S.'s earliest sanctions against Iran (the "olden days" before electronic transfers and crypto), they should look him up. Those folks who continue to accrue more and more of the wealth (as the transfer of wealth from lower, middle, and lower upper classes continues...as we're told in article after article), those .01% who have unimaginable wealth, have to wash their money somehow. I guess Big Pharma becomes a great recipient, too. Kill two birds with one stone.
Really interesting. All the "waste" we see within government is an embedded, historic, and on-going way for a swamp of criminals to divert taxes ad the proceeds of debt into their own personal bank accounts - a criminal system prating in plain sight - no doubt replicated in G20 countries.
Tbh, Peter, I would never have arrived at that conclusion years ago. Today, after all we see and learn, I agree completely. We humans are hindered by the fact that we can't imagine that depth of greed nor evil until evidence overwhelms our resistance.
terrible tks for post
Ah! Now we understand why China has so many uninhabited buildings becoming derelicts and new highways, cities, and technology everywhere + the CCP is constantly bailing out their underperforming labor force although they've been given carte blanche by WEF-type operatives to become the manufacturing center of the world since the 1990s. Where would an individual invest their laundered money to quickly legitimatize their assets?
"Chinese organizations" are laundering money for the cartels. Dang! How come I never thought of that answer? Brilliant!! Now, we all know that Ukraine represents a fantastic money-laundering opportunity for American interests. I wonder how the Hamas-Israel "war" is equally contributing to money laundering for various interests. Wars appear to be great screens for transferring wealth.
If readers aren't familiar with Ronald Bernard, a former "illuminati" banker, and his description of laundering truck loads of cash during one of the U.S.'s earliest sanctions against Iran (the "olden days" before electronic transfers and crypto), they should look him up. Those folks who continue to accrue more and more of the wealth (as the transfer of wealth from lower, middle, and lower upper classes continues...as we're told in article after article), those .01% who have unimaginable wealth, have to wash their money somehow. I guess Big Pharma becomes a great recipient, too. Kill two birds with one stone.
Really interesting. All the "waste" we see within government is an embedded, historic, and on-going way for a swamp of criminals to divert taxes ad the proceeds of debt into their own personal bank accounts - a criminal system prating in plain sight - no doubt replicated in G20 countries.
Taxation really is theft!
Tbh, Peter, I would never have arrived at that conclusion years ago. Today, after all we see and learn, I agree completely. We humans are hindered by the fact that we can't imagine that depth of greed nor evil until evidence overwhelms our resistance.
Theres over 30 million now and mostly all fighting age men. I think a war is going to break out close to th election to stop Trump.
Peter, I can easily beat that number.
How about 585 million deaths & injured worldwide by the C19 kill shots?