12 TRILLION dollar cost to OECD from the scamdemic – a PHEIC (pronounced fake) invented by the WHO that resulted in politicians forcing their own people to bend over and grab their ankles
As you scan this “ball-park” of woe, consider what you would have done had you beem given a budget of 12 trillion bucks to spend on ending world hunger, delivering clean water wherever it was needed, building schools, hospitals, developing agriculture and so on in the world’s poorest regions.
As it is, the perpetrators of the scamdemic simply urinated that 12 trillion bucks against the wall and the perpetrators of the scam want to be able to do the same in perpetuity. There is nothing to show for those 12 trillion dollars except death, poverty and a massive cut in living standards from the rising costs of living via inflation – compounded of course, by even more trillions wasted on “climate change” that cause energy poverty wherever “policies” are implemented.
It is possible to tabulate each country’s fiscal deficits and rise in national debt – take out what is “normal” and leave behind the additional borrowing taken on to fund the scamdemic.
Maybe doing this for the G7 countries (US, UK, Canada, Germany, France. Italy and Japan) would provide insight into the relative reactions of these “developed” countries responses to the scam perpetrated on the human race by the WHO.
It would also be instructive to show a table of costs to address another fake – “climate change”.
But let’s take a helicopter view to ball-park global costs. Many countries – in Africa especially – did not take on debt, many people simply suffered or starved to death as the lock downs took their toll in their countries from the cessation of trade within their borders and internationally.
I was able to navigate from a WEF page (not available via a search using Bing or Google) to this OECD report:
Which has this chart:
A record of debt levels is less subjective than all the shenanigans that go on with official government and corporate statistics for annual “deficits” – many economists use “fudge” tactics like purchasing power parity at some arbitrary base year to show “debt to GDP per capita” for Government and private sectors.
This is a top down, “back of the envelope” calcualtion.
From the chart we can see the Corporate and Government debt – as measured by outstanding bonds at the start and end of the pandemic (although most governments have NOT reduced spending to pre-pandemic levels!).
Sovereign debt amongst the 37 countries in the OECD increased by 36% from 47 trillion bucks to 64 trillion bucks over the four years of the scam.
An increase of 17 trillion dollars – point to point – 2019 to 2023.
I am going to ignore the increase in Corporate debt as it is not as significant and was dominated by government actions and the actions of central banks to “ease their pain”.
Here are the “Sovereign debt” numbers for the middle three years of 2020, 2021 and 2022.
You can see that 2020 saw a huge OECD government response – an increase in debt of ten trillion bucks – followed by very little increase (keep in mind these numbers are in US dollars and subject to “dumbfounding” factors like foreign exchange rates).
And then – central banks globally started increasing interest rates and that, combined with residual C19 measures – saw a huge lift in Government debt of another 6 trillion dollars from 58 trillion to 64 trillion dollars (+10%) between 2022 and 2023.
Now not all that increase of 17 trillion is down to the crass fiscal negligence of OECD governments in failing to see an obvious scam perpetrated by the bad actors seeking super-profits and control of OECD governments by the WHO and its partners in crime and misdemeanours.
OECD governments all believe in the socialist fallacy of magic money trees and spending other people’s money or borrowing it to buy votes by stealing from their children’s future.
So what wee need to do is “adjust” the increase in debt by the “normal” fiscal deficits that OECD countries tent to run each and every year.
These generally run to a compound annual growth rate of around 2.5%. Japan is far worse, but I am making a simplifying assumption that fiscal deficits will, broadly, equal inflation in “normal” times. (I would make the same assumption about “real” (after inflatin) GDP growth as well).
So, “de-trending” the “normal” fiscal deficits by compounding 2.5% per annum fiscal defcitis on the starting government debt in 2019 of 47 trillion bucks of OECD government debt we get a track of:
Call it 52 trillion bucks – which we can compare directly to the closing OECD Government debt of 64 trillion – for a cost to OECD taxpayers as measured by the increase in OCD Government debt of 12 trillion.
Similar calculations could and should be done for the increase in consumer debt (especially credit cards and pay day loans for those employed) and, of course, the increase in interest rates caused by the sharp rises in inflation (which include Russia/Ukraine effects, green energy price hikes and rising food/fertilizer prices etc).
12 trillion bucks spent on a scam.
Now let’s factor in the upcoming tsunami of health care costs from the damamge caused by the WHO approved experimental, adulterated and contaminated, C19 mRNA injections of spike venom.
Again, ball-parking, with India and China being the “known unknowns” around 20-40 million already dead with between 250-500 million severely (life altered) injured and 100-200 million seriously (life threatened) injured – already and growing.
The World Health Organisation should be renamed the World Disease Organisation. Not only has it failed to eliminate all the killer diseases like cancer, TB, Malaria over multiple decades, it has perpetrated a scam costing the 37 OECD countries 12 trillion bucks.
Central banks have raised interest rates by around 3-4% over this period to counteract the direct inflationary impacts of profligate government spending. There will be a few trillion bucks from interest on existing and new government dent – there will be a few trillion bucks over the four years from rising health care costs to treat the afflicted from the C19 disease (falsely diagnosed as worse than a bad flu) and even more from the treatment of harms from the toxic experimental C19 mRNA injections.
Side note: governments have already spent hundreds of millions of dollars in PREVENTING compensation payments to victims (notably the UK spending 125 million pounds on a stalled six-month C19 enquiry compared to less than a few million to victims) – expect a tidal wave of claims against the OECD governments who indemnified the mercenary big pharma companies profiting from their “blood poisoning money”.
And the WHO wants to enshrine this failure to cure decades old diseases and the new criminal “scamdemic tactics - involving shouting “FIRE” in a crowded theatre/planet - in international law via amendments (that require ZERO parliamentary approval in any OECD country) to existing International Health Regulations.
Politicians in all OECD countries that are blind to the scam need to be booted out of office forthwith and replacements found and compelled to pledge withdrawal from the WHO (and UN).
Nobody wants the “steenking” toxic mRNA injections anyway, let alone want to see their utility bills tripled to fund all those chicken littles squawking “the end of the world is nigh!”..
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Great article, thank you . I have one question, which is very important in order for me to understand the architecture of these organizations: can you please explain/give sources/ references about the WHO-OECD ties as being above the OECD countries''parliaments that supposedly have no say in whatever WHO+OECD decide on their countries' behalf?
Great article, thank you Peter.
Climate and Covid - the two greatest frauds of our age.
Total cost: Tens of trillions of dollars and tens of millions of deaths, and billions harmed for life.
THE CULL TRILOGY – by Allan Malcolm MacRae
"The ability to correctly predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence."
Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull
Fifty Years of False Fears
The New Dark Age
Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary