They are ALL undocumented.

So when a trafficker says "That's my kid" this is "family reunification."

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Things fall apart so fast when there are no adults in the room. What amazes me about elites throughout history is that they all seem to think that the monster they’re feeding via their actions won’t eat them when the conflagration of consequences erupts.

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Yes. How many employees of the MSM, learning faculties and the alphabet soups of justice/intel/military and health agencies have been killed or wounded by these experiments.

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Indeed. How many were selectively given the placebo jab? Heavily indoctrinated folk would consider it a privilige to “die for the cause.” The irony of indoctrination is bottomless….

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And then there’s mercury in amalgam fillings. Many countries have now banned it in pregnant women and children and the susceptible. Banning them was a condition of ratifying the minamata convention. Usa haven’t banned them but many countries have

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Antibiotics, if you really need them, are essential for survival. But to depress their use while on a vent, and them give "run, death is near" which has never been proven to help Covid 19, is murder.

Repeat, it is murder!

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Great article Peter. You express so well the anger we're all feeling. One thing you forgot to mention is the sharp decrease in prescriptions for antibiotics for patients suffering from respiratory infections, bacterial pneumonia etc. I'm not one to push antibiotics and they are no doubt usually overprescribed but when it's a question of life or death you need them. I think Denis Rancourt said antibiotic prescriptions were down 50% throughout plandemic.

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Another issue intriguing me is chemo drugs.

These may or may not be used in a race to kill a disease or a patient, but I suspect that chemo drugs of different sorts are running out - either because of a cancer epidemic from mRNA injections or lack of supply - along with many other drugs.

the antennae is up!

it is also set to monitor clear evidence of interaction with non-C19 treatment protocols - either to neutralize those treatments or to cause worse afflictions.

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Good points. Whatever's going on, I'm avoiding hospitals & doctors like the plague.

Was just reading an article from fellow Australian on baseline vs. trendline https://mandownunder.substack.com/p/australia-mortality-trendline-vs that you may find interesting.

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Yes. I get his/her emails too - I cross posted that one!

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Saw that! Mandownunder sounds like a man to me but you never know!

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Woops, my bad! I just finished reading that article about Brown University which claimed that 40% of students claimed to be part of the LBGTQAA++ whatever group.

More like 40% of students were taking the mickey, not identifying as a mouse!

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