The estimates of 700,000 Americans killed by the modified mRNA injections can be derived in three ways – an under reporting factor of 40 applied to reports of deaths to VAERS for the US, an estimate of one death per thousand doses amongst around 700 million doses administered in the US and a deep dive performed by the Ethical Skeptic here:
Nor can we expect anything else from an institution like the CDC. After all, it has been hijacked by Big Pharma. Whose bread you eat, whose word you speak. A very persistent form of corruption.
But if you think about it, propaganda is actually a hopeless task mainly due to the fact that humans have such a thing as gut feeling. An associative ability, intuition, suspicions that we can park somewhere inside us until something occurs that demands a connection, with the result: connecting the dots. What today's Propagandists also hate is the phenomenon of Equals. Truth seekers cq - finders who are attracted to each other. A phenomenon that again is a direct result of universal laws of nature. Simply being human. The average propagandist, working for Mr. Global, does not want to think about this at all, because they do know that they can do nothing at all against this! Conclusion: So the fact that they are going to use all kinds of diversion strategies is, on reflection, nothing more than a weakness. If enough people fall for it, it is a good thing, but there is always a but. The effectiveness of a diversion turns out to be only temporary every time. Because as soon as that "annoying" universal nature nature of that "annoying" man shows up again, it is immediately done with the latest trick of this NWO Cult. Etc.
Through this way, I would like to sincerely thank Peter for all his great research work.
Kind of you to say that. Part of the "great evil" is to prevent huma interactio i- the simple concepts of neighbours helping each other and friends doing what friends fo.
It is impossible to calculate - but I would guess that - outside of family interactions - the frequency of strangers connecting with each other either socially or in business - has been massively reduced. And yet, these interactions - that are part of life's "rich tapestry" - are resuming.
I sense that people are turning away from ALL medical treatments and realising that there own personal experiences and health reactions are far more valuable - they can talk to each other and get tips - but ALL medical protocols are now suspect - revealed as grift and self-interest.
Is there a army of Mother Theresa's and Florence Nightingale's forming? We can hope so.
I watched VSRF - Kirsch v Kaufman - and was left disappointed - rather than focus on harms caused by the spike protein - on the infection and in the injection - and all the harms caused by contamination and adulteration - the "debate" centred on whether a SARS-COV2 virus actually existed or ay viruses existed - culminating in agreement that all inoculations were bad...
My faith medicine will be restored once there is an equal identification of harms caused by "natural" infection of SARS-COV2 and its spike protein are as mechanistically solved via treatments for each type of spike protein, adulterant and contaminat on the injections.
I am not holding my breath!
I am still looking for the "recovery rate" in the control and placebo arms from the clinical trials amongst the healthy people between 15 and 65 to be published along with similar studies for the elderly and infirm post vaxx. What is the point of a 2treatment2 where the recovery rate rate exceeds the efficacy rate???
Nor can we expect anything else from an institution like the CDC. After all, it has been hijacked by Big Pharma. Whose bread you eat, whose word you speak. A very persistent form of corruption.
But if you think about it, propaganda is actually a hopeless task mainly due to the fact that humans have such a thing as gut feeling. An associative ability, intuition, suspicions that we can park somewhere inside us until something occurs that demands a connection, with the result: connecting the dots. What today's Propagandists also hate is the phenomenon of Equals. Truth seekers cq - finders who are attracted to each other. A phenomenon that again is a direct result of universal laws of nature. Simply being human. The average propagandist, working for Mr. Global, does not want to think about this at all, because they do know that they can do nothing at all against this! Conclusion: So the fact that they are going to use all kinds of diversion strategies is, on reflection, nothing more than a weakness. If enough people fall for it, it is a good thing, but there is always a but. The effectiveness of a diversion turns out to be only temporary every time. Because as soon as that "annoying" universal nature nature of that "annoying" man shows up again, it is immediately done with the latest trick of this NWO Cult. Etc.
Through this way, I would like to sincerely thank Peter for all his great research work.
Kind of you to say that. Part of the "great evil" is to prevent huma interactio i- the simple concepts of neighbours helping each other and friends doing what friends fo.
It is impossible to calculate - but I would guess that - outside of family interactions - the frequency of strangers connecting with each other either socially or in business - has been massively reduced. And yet, these interactions - that are part of life's "rich tapestry" - are resuming.
I sense that people are turning away from ALL medical treatments and realising that there own personal experiences and health reactions are far more valuable - they can talk to each other and get tips - but ALL medical protocols are now suspect - revealed as grift and self-interest.
Is there a army of Mother Theresa's and Florence Nightingale's forming? We can hope so.
I watched VSRF - Kirsch v Kaufman - and was left disappointed - rather than focus on harms caused by the spike protein - on the infection and in the injection - and all the harms caused by contamination and adulteration - the "debate" centred on whether a SARS-COV2 virus actually existed or ay viruses existed - culminating in agreement that all inoculations were bad...
My faith medicine will be restored once there is an equal identification of harms caused by "natural" infection of SARS-COV2 and its spike protein are as mechanistically solved via treatments for each type of spike protein, adulterant and contaminat on the injections.
I am not holding my breath!
I am still looking for the "recovery rate" in the control and placebo arms from the clinical trials amongst the healthy people between 15 and 65 to be published along with similar studies for the elderly and infirm post vaxx. What is the point of a 2treatment2 where the recovery rate rate exceeds the efficacy rate???
They refuse to keep an actual tally of the victims, and they "silence" those who are the most effective at giving us real numbers.
We Didn’t Need To Find The Cure For Cancer.
We Found The Cause.