From the PRE-PRINT here (h/t CHD and Mercury News):
Changes in population immunity against infection and severe disease from SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants in the United States between December 2021 and November 2022 | medRxiv
“Results: By November 9, 2022, 94% (95% CrI, 79%-99%) of the US population were estimated to have been infected by SARS-CoV-2 at least once. Combined with vaccination, 97% (95%-99%) were estimated to have some prior immunological exposure to SARS-CoV-2. Between December 1, 2021 and November 9, 2022, protection against a new Omicron infection rose from 22% (21%-23%) to 63% (51%-75%) nationally, and protection against an Omicron infection leading to severe disease increased from 61% (59%-64%) to 89% (83%-92%).”
Wow. 94% of the US has been infected. “Protection” - both from immunity from prior infection and (supposedly) injections up from 22% to 63% with 97% of Americans with some prior immunological response.
Wow! Really?
So from here:
If the infection fatality rate for C19 is the same as the flu, did medical malpractice and politics cause ALL excess deaths since the start of the pandemic? A few random, background thoughts (
Globally (or at least in the dozens of countries in the study) here’s the INFECTION fatality rate data for the under 70’s from the Ioannidis study
Ages 60-69, fatality rate 0.501%, survival rate 99.499%
Ages 50-59, fatality rate 0.129%, survival rate 99.871%
Ages 40-49, fatality rate 0.035% survival rate 99.965%
Ages 30-39, fatality rate 0.011%, survival rate 99.989%
Ages 20-29, fatality rate 0.003%, survival rate 99.997%
Ages 0-19, fatality rate 0.0003%, survival rate 99.9997%
We can probably conclude that the extent of the “pandemic” is fully known and all responses can be calibrated against, more or less, certain knowledge of the past.
All causes of harms and deaths from C19 itself, hospitalization utilization, changes to morbidity outcomes, excess deaths, changes in diseases related to C19 AND all outcomes from experimental C19 mRNA injections AND all harms and deaths from lockdown measures as well.
Let the inquests begin.
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition - to quote the Monty Python team.
Rather than the imposition of a fascist state by wannabe tyrants (still around in NZ, Australia and Canada) to remove all human rights to suppress dissent and the advancement of science, we can have a proper INQUISITION!
Thank for the post.
Standing by for the "they" to deny any evidence whatsoever of Herd Immunity!
That makes me the 5% since I had nothing close to it since it became present in the USA and I have not changed anything in my normal activity. Being a supposed old guy in his 70s and with a couple risk factor I have remained unvac’d to if anything prove a point...given the Govt mandate I never thought what they were doing was valid..only pushed by political considerations. I have had contact with my vac’d kids and friends with nothing happening...maybe I am one of the asymptomatic natural humoral responder yet tested many months ago was negative(prior to surgery).