A day after MetaBiota is tied to the Mafia-like DNC crime families and a week after 71 million bucks to Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance is exposed – a journal critiques the NYT's Trump coverage
Readers will recall these two recent articles:
The Columbia Journalism Review has published a (4-part mammoth) review of the NY Times reporting standards during the Trump era.
The press versus the president, part one - Columbia Journalism Review (cjr.org)
ZeroHedge covered the tome here:
Prestigious Liberal Watchdog Condemns New York Times' Russiagate Coverage | ZeroHedge
I think we all watched with a mixture of bemusement, outrage and “shoulder-shrugging” as all the MSM outlets joined the propaganda war against Trump and for the DNC over the last 8 years, to be relieved at the actions of Elon Musk with Twitter and extremely pleased that all the lead takking heads at CNN have been shown the door.
Call me a cynic, but the timing of this “exposé” is a little too convenient. There is nothing new in it, no revelations - only confirmations.
The “Big Syringe in the Room” will not be denied – neither will it “die in darkness”.
The Columbia Journalism Review would be better served covering the lies, gaslighting and psy-ops that with a few notable exceptions, sentenced tens of millions of Americans to pain, misery and death. Trump is significant, but not as significant as the harms caused far beyond any harms caused by C19 – including by Trump by not admitting these harms - now that the deaths and harms in the US and across the planet are apparent and undeniable.
So, thanks to the Columbian Journalism Review et al – but making the “news about the reporting of the news” pales into insignificance in the real world of excited misery that the MSM and social media censors have created by ignoring “The Giant Syringe in the Room”.
I appreciate that the equivalent of 27 cents a day for a $100 a year subscription is an inconvenience - I drink a lot of coffee – if you like my “stuff” but don’t want to pay for a subscription you can buy me a cup to show (any!) appreciation here: https://ko-fi.com/peterhalligan
Bringing up the past all the time is a strong indication of Narcissim.(sp?)...We are
ruled and controlled everywhere..in the media, in our representatives, and in our DOD/DARPA BARDA
controlled world, ultimately at the mercy of the Bank for INternational Settlements...and you have
to be a psyopathic narcissist to rise to these levels....
Every damn MSM journalist is one....pathological and malignant. Every CEO.
TAke a very close look. Go to HG Tudor to read up on narcissim. It is an eye opener.
Pfizer itself is a narcissistic corporation in its corporate culture.
I agree, better served by looking at the psyops being rolled out right now.
Aye Peter, we are not going to have the media getting to the heart of any matter, as they are 100% complicit. Instead, we get limited hangout red meat thrown to us, as they "restore" the reputation of one of their own. Drumpf, as with Biden, has all his children married to a certain group. He took loans from the Bank of Rothschild, and Joe is just a guy who feeds the beast a bit more directly via Ukraine and our never to be paid back tax obligations.
So, given the no longer much concealed exploits of the people who run the world (visible oafs and the shadow dwellers), what is a decent, 3-4 z-score above the norm person supposed to do? Well, if they own all the institutions, lets tear them down. Stop funding them, for one. Then, war. Many of us will die. As heroes if we win, and only God knows how they will pillory us if we lose. But, we will have made our ancestors proud.