Aye Peter, we are not going to have the media getting to the heart of any matter, as they are 100% complicit. Instead, we get limited hangout red meat thrown to us, as they "restore" the reputation of one of their own. Drumpf, as with Biden, has all his children married to a certain group. He took loans from the Bank of Rothschild, and Joe is just a guy who feeds the beast a bit more directly via Ukraine and our never to be paid back tax obligations.
So, given the no longer much concealed exploits of the people who run the world (visible oafs and the shadow dwellers), what is a decent, 3-4 z-score above the norm person supposed to do? Well, if they own all the institutions, lets tear them down. Stop funding them, for one. Then, war. Many of us will die. As heroes if we win, and only God knows how they will pillory us if we lose. But, we will have made our ancestors proud.
Nature abhors a vacuum. There is a screaming need for "zero based budgeting" that even combines the slogans of "hope and change", "build back better" and "make America Great Again".
What is stopping designing a better model that starts with the premise "what should we be doing in the areas where government - federal, state, city, local - should be involved - if at all"
then comparing that with "what can we afford to do without over-burdening the current generation of stealing from future generations".
This is a base case - anything beyond that is pork and corruption.
My guess is that taxes are, at least, twice what they should be - and every form of governance is at least 4 times the level it should/could be.
Clearly, nobody chooses any form of government in hopes of gaining efficacy! Worse, very few truly get to choose their government, as most voting/candidate selection/party has become quite illusory.
I like your appeal to lowered taxes, there are groups of intelligent people who will rally to us there. As there are Libertarians who recoil at the diminution of freedom the past 25 years, particularly in The West.
I used to think the rampant pederasty at the top could sink them, but most are now inured even to that atrocity. I do think, 3 billion GMO tainted souls, are now the largest army we can field. So, if there is a mechanism to destroy all the systems they hold over us, it is a constant and accurate drum beat centered upon "your leaders lied to you. They made you ill, killed many, and they knew it would happen. Convid was a giant psyop, and you need to get even. Not justice, vengeance."
I also firmly believe the happiest nations are ethno-states. After the war, as Rothschild Castles remain under mushroom clouds, we begin to move people in to societies that favor their various skills, and deficits.
Aye Peter, we are not going to have the media getting to the heart of any matter, as they are 100% complicit. Instead, we get limited hangout red meat thrown to us, as they "restore" the reputation of one of their own. Drumpf, as with Biden, has all his children married to a certain group. He took loans from the Bank of Rothschild, and Joe is just a guy who feeds the beast a bit more directly via Ukraine and our never to be paid back tax obligations.
So, given the no longer much concealed exploits of the people who run the world (visible oafs and the shadow dwellers), what is a decent, 3-4 z-score above the norm person supposed to do? Well, if they own all the institutions, lets tear them down. Stop funding them, for one. Then, war. Many of us will die. As heroes if we win, and only God knows how they will pillory us if we lose. But, we will have made our ancestors proud.
Nature abhors a vacuum. There is a screaming need for "zero based budgeting" that even combines the slogans of "hope and change", "build back better" and "make America Great Again".
What is stopping designing a better model that starts with the premise "what should we be doing in the areas where government - federal, state, city, local - should be involved - if at all"
then comparing that with "what can we afford to do without over-burdening the current generation of stealing from future generations".
This is a base case - anything beyond that is pork and corruption.
My guess is that taxes are, at least, twice what they should be - and every form of governance is at least 4 times the level it should/could be.
Clearly, nobody chooses any form of government in hopes of gaining efficacy! Worse, very few truly get to choose their government, as most voting/candidate selection/party has become quite illusory.
I like your appeal to lowered taxes, there are groups of intelligent people who will rally to us there. As there are Libertarians who recoil at the diminution of freedom the past 25 years, particularly in The West.
I used to think the rampant pederasty at the top could sink them, but most are now inured even to that atrocity. I do think, 3 billion GMO tainted souls, are now the largest army we can field. So, if there is a mechanism to destroy all the systems they hold over us, it is a constant and accurate drum beat centered upon "your leaders lied to you. They made you ill, killed many, and they knew it would happen. Convid was a giant psyop, and you need to get even. Not justice, vengeance."
I also firmly believe the happiest nations are ethno-states. After the war, as Rothschild Castles remain under mushroom clouds, we begin to move people in to societies that favor their various skills, and deficits.
Bringing up the past all the time is a strong indication of Narcissim.(sp?)...We are
ruled and controlled everywhere..in the media, in our representatives, and in our DOD/DARPA BARDA
controlled world, ultimately at the mercy of the Bank for INternational Settlements...and you have
to be a psyopathic narcissist to rise to these levels....
Every damn MSM journalist is one....pathological and malignant. Every CEO.
TAke a very close look. Go to HG Tudor to read up on narcissim. It is an eye opener.
Pfizer itself is a narcissistic corporation in its corporate culture.
I agree, better served by looking at the psyops being rolled out right now.
Brilliantly stated. I will even avoid my "usual suspects" demographic review of the BIS, but I think we all know, who the enemy is at this point.