Estimates are for one death per thousand doses = 677 million doses administered in the US = 677,000 vaxx deaths
VAERS has 18,000 reported deaths with an under reporting factor estimated to be around 40 (hopefully not 100 as per Lazarus Report!) implying 720,000 vaxx deaths.
Ball park is therefore around 700,000.
There were around 560,000 - 580,000 EXTRA deaths in 2021, the first year of the roll-out and around 507 million doses administered in 2021 - at 1 death per 1,000 doses that's 507,000 vaxx deaths
Interesting. I skipped from the blue light in the monkey brains to the non-damage to blue coloured objects in the laihana fires from a video a few weeks back.
the crossover between neuroscience and immune systems sounds like it needs developing further - which I suspect is true of each "ology" - the answers to healing wont be found by looking at scientific/medical discipline silos.
I have seen other discussions (on dr been) about the non-efficacy of t-cells - the explanation here of "tolerant" and "intolerant" t-cells may stop me tapping my thymus every now and then!
what he said about circulatory injections for a respiratory condition makes sense intuitively - "bypass the immune system to stimulate it?!?!"
Looks like this line of thinking will experience some convergence soon.
the fly in the ointment is the need to differentiate between the harms caused by contaminants and the harms caused by the machinery of the injection.
the injection machinery has toxins in its own right (lipids, pseudouridines, PEG as well as the mRNA.
the variable concentrations in the doses is another issue, but the harms caused by that machinery and the contaminants of SV40 and ecoli and other "stuff" has not been determined yet.
maybe the majority of harms are caused by contaminants - or maybe by specific parts of the injection machinery.
cleaning up one aspect might make a difference - or it might not! it is an eperiment after all!
Hi Peter, Greg Reese has an interesting show on blue roofs, table umbrellas, t-shirts and more, here: GREG REESE - CCP SATELLITES OVER MAUI AT TIME OF FIRES: STRANGENEWS EXTRA BY STEVE FAVIS AT END - - - - adding to the fiction, James O'Keefe travelled to photograph the ruins of Lahaina; could not even pull car over, was told no accommodations for journalists. (on Rumble?)
No matter how strangely this unravels, We may be winning. Hedley Rees suggests keeping an eye on Pharma investment capital. "New investors in gene therapy have missed the boat—the goose's golden eggs are gone" - -
Have you considered this misapplication may have been occurring all along? 60 plus years of baloney about injections working, meanwhile the world's population has been under a magic spell, injuries, cancers and infanticide normalized. How many repetitions of "the ferrets all died" from early mRNA trials in US govt. labs? In medical research, add in Pharma research dollars and NIH grants, we get repeated reports of independent thinkers at Universities quickly pushed out of a rigid, unforgiving financial structure.
Keep tapping the thymus, it's not anywhere near over.
You note the "misdirection" that was applied in these reports. The level of "misdirection" across all agencies and official organizations is staggering. Synonyms for "misdirection" would include "lies, cover-ups, obfuscations, spin, intentional concealment of important data," etc. It's almost like these "scientists" "officials" and "authorities" exist only to conceal the truth.
What did the Covid experts know and when did they know this? Sometimes a list makes one’s point about never-ending cover-ups.
Way more deaths have occurred. VAERS has a less than 1% reporting rate. I bet it is at least 100 times that number.
Estimates are for one death per thousand doses = 677 million doses administered in the US = 677,000 vaxx deaths
VAERS has 18,000 reported deaths with an under reporting factor estimated to be around 40 (hopefully not 100 as per Lazarus Report!) implying 720,000 vaxx deaths.
Ball park is therefore around 700,000.
There were around 560,000 - 580,000 EXTRA deaths in 2021, the first year of the roll-out and around 507 million doses administered in 2021 - at 1 death per 1,000 doses that's 507,000 vaxx deaths
Hi Peter, can you spare a few minutes to watch lessons being shared in this important Brian Hooker interview from 22 Sept? "Spike Protein Transfection With Jonathan Jay Couey, Ph.D." - - - hairs standing on end yet?
Interesting. I skipped from the blue light in the monkey brains to the non-damage to blue coloured objects in the laihana fires from a video a few weeks back.
the crossover between neuroscience and immune systems sounds like it needs developing further - which I suspect is true of each "ology" - the answers to healing wont be found by looking at scientific/medical discipline silos.
I have seen other discussions (on dr been) about the non-efficacy of t-cells - the explanation here of "tolerant" and "intolerant" t-cells may stop me tapping my thymus every now and then!
what he said about circulatory injections for a respiratory condition makes sense intuitively - "bypass the immune system to stimulate it?!?!"
Looks like this line of thinking will experience some convergence soon.
the fly in the ointment is the need to differentiate between the harms caused by contaminants and the harms caused by the machinery of the injection.
the injection machinery has toxins in its own right (lipids, pseudouridines, PEG as well as the mRNA.
the variable concentrations in the doses is another issue, but the harms caused by that machinery and the contaminants of SV40 and ecoli and other "stuff" has not been determined yet.
maybe the majority of harms are caused by contaminants - or maybe by specific parts of the injection machinery.
cleaning up one aspect might make a difference - or it might not! it is an eperiment after all!
thanks again for the link.
Hi Peter, Greg Reese has an interesting show on blue roofs, table umbrellas, t-shirts and more, here: GREG REESE - CCP SATELLITES OVER MAUI AT TIME OF FIRES: STRANGENEWS EXTRA BY STEVE FAVIS AT END - - - - adding to the fiction, James O'Keefe travelled to photograph the ruins of Lahaina; could not even pull car over, was told no accommodations for journalists. (on Rumble?)
No matter how strangely this unravels, We may be winning. Hedley Rees suggests keeping an eye on Pharma investment capital. "New investors in gene therapy have missed the boat—the goose's golden eggs are gone" - -
Have you considered this misapplication may have been occurring all along? 60 plus years of baloney about injections working, meanwhile the world's population has been under a magic spell, injuries, cancers and infanticide normalized. How many repetitions of "the ferrets all died" from early mRNA trials in US govt. labs? In medical research, add in Pharma research dollars and NIH grants, we get repeated reports of independent thinkers at Universities quickly pushed out of a rigid, unforgiving financial structure.
Keep tapping the thymus, it's not anywhere near over.
You note the "misdirection" that was applied in these reports. The level of "misdirection" across all agencies and official organizations is staggering. Synonyms for "misdirection" would include "lies, cover-ups, obfuscations, spin, intentional concealment of important data," etc. It's almost like these "scientists" "officials" and "authorities" exist only to conceal the truth.
"misdirection" = premeditated murder
yep. this is what a "one world government" will do - it has been happening for the last 4 years.
AND, it’s not limited to the US. This too is a world wide phenomenon.