A side-by-side comparison of V-Safe data with VAERS data adjusted for a URF of 40 – we need a placebo group for the last 3 years!
A side-by-side comparison of V-Safe data with VAERS data adjusted for a URF of 40 – we need a placebo group for the last 3 years!
Dr Latus Dextro, asked for some clarity on yesterday’s article here:
“..further clarity around 'units' please that appears to segue between doses and people. ie. 1000 doses: 1 death; 1000 doses: 55 injuries; V-Safe data: people or doses? 22 per 1000 people, "serious" (life threatening) injuries..”
I attempted to reply within the comments, but the SubStack comment editor did not permit a “clean representation” of the data, so I restate it below:
Data sources for the VAERS column are referenced within the text of this article, including doses administered lifted from the CDC website and VAERSanalysis.info
V-Safe data is from here:
Data for VAERS injuries and deaths has been adjusted for an estimated URF of 40 – selected as a reasonable point between each estimation point from studies that have a range of URF’s between 30 and 100.
The V-Safe data is unadjusted for any URF, though it does not include deaths.
The number of doses in the V-Safe column is assumed to be at the same rate as that for the general population reported on the CDC website – 2.5 per capita of those injected with at least one dose (670 million doses divided by 269 million injected with at least one dose).
V-Safe injuries data represents 25% that missed work or school and 7.7% needed medical care as per this tweet from Adam Siri:
These are a minimum of SEVERE (life altering) “events” that should have been reported to VAERS. The VAERSanalysis.info team allows the conjecture within those SEVERE adverse events that there are SERIOUS (life threatening) events that required a visit to ER/ED or hospitalization.
The VAERS analysis.info team’s reconciliation of V-Safe to VAERS estimated a URF of 10 for hospitalizations and 30 for ER/ED visits, reflecting a need for better analysis.
Bottom line:
V-Safe indicated a third of those injected suffered a severe adverse event: equal to one severe event for every 8 doses.
V-Safe indicated that there was one ER/ED visit per 166 doses (and one ER/ED visit per 67 people that received 2.5 doses each).
V-Safe indicated that one in 357 doses resulted in hospitalisation – one in 143 of those injected 2.5 times.
V-Safe data runs to 31 July 2022 – more than 6 months ago and needs updating.
Okay, onto another point.
There is a lot of focus on vaxx dead and injured. European numbers are even worse than those on the US. There are differences globally in injections administered. India, for example, refused Pfizer and Moderna injections and instead went with Astra Zeneca (AZN) with possible disastrous results.
EUDRA data is to 12 November 2022
AZN was widely used in Australia – it has now largely been withdrawn – with no questions asked by MSM outlets globally or reasons given by any health regulator.
AZN was not given EUA in the US.
Anyway, back to the placebo point.
All the rates of specific injury and death should be directly compared to a placebo. Whether that is in the US – say the Amish, or other religious group with an injection exemption – or to another country with low (sub-40%?) injection uptake. Like this:
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Surely a placebo group would expose the scam for all to see. Can't have that now!