Thanks PH. Just in case that there's anyone out there still wondering how this Holocaust "happened"?

Massively long read but the satanic R. had this all planed & premeditated since the late 1940's.



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Hi Peter - I have uploaded Katie Ashby-Koppens' testimony from yesterday's post to my Substack this morning after one of my subscribers told me that Podbean had taken it down. No idea why? But if you want to grab it and update your post, feel free. The link is https://informedchoice.substack.com/p/katie-ashby-koppens-testimony-before?sd=pf

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Thanks Meryl. I have updated the article.

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It looks like they do not want us to see this video.. They can't find it!

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Thank you for posting this, Peter.

VFF put out a release, captured in this morning's email check. Doubtless it will be ignored, but it will not go way, ever. And when they try assault 2, which they almost certainly will, being so publicly welded to the Gullible Reset and global incarceration by 2030, things may become quite interesting. Those onto booster 10 for variant 20 will be whittled down to last man standing. It begs the question what the erstwhile globalist entities intend to use at enforcers, because sure as hell, they won't be erasing their own armies. Four legged robots and drones? Bring it on.

And again, this all remains moot, pivoting upon whether NATO decide to express US nuclear doctrine and launch a pre-emptive assault. What's then left in the ashes will be anyone's guess.

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Thankyou all fighting the agenda against our sovereign freedom of rights, keep the pressure on.

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The links work for me I had to open in search engine did not use google I used DuckDuckGo, Keep up the good work

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The Kiwis are doomed. They continue to stoically believe there is a functional judiciary, an electoral system, parliament. and medical integrity, even when all the evidence tells them otherwise. But then that is how they strode non-violently and triumphantly into the death camps in the first place. I see some old man has built a tombstone on One Tree Hill with the simple engraving RIP KIWI. How prophetic were the words, was it Howard Morrison? I forget, more than half a centurty ago, "Land of the Long White Shroud".

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OZzzz and NZzzz appear likely to sleep their way into extinction level events. It seems there is a perpetual epidemic of blind obeisance and 'comfort' fanned by a treacherous Fourth Estate turned Fifth Column against the populace, and sustained by an elite of monstrously overpaid parasites in the corporate and political domains.



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None of the links work.

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That's weird. I checked and they work for me.

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The links don't ever work (for me) within email. I always have to click through to the article on the web in order for the links to work.

At least that's always been my experience on my laptop. (Since I don't use a mobile device, I can't comment about how things work on phones and tablets.)

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I tried each link again and they all work for me. This is weird.

Maybe it#s a security level thing in settings - but then you would get a "danger, danger, WIll Robinson" warning.

I am baffled. - again!

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We have to wake everyone up, while there may yet be time - here's help in the US: https://twitter.com/va_shiva/status/1667295176434253825


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Transcriber B has transcribed almost 400 recorded interviews for posterity's sake. I recently did a Q&A with this unsung Internet hero. In this Q&A she provides links to several other sources that are doing similar work.


FWIW, this Q&A article has now been read by almost 17,000 people. So some people "get" the importance of this massive project.

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I think that tweet has been removed?

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I see the tweet, but you can see the same video on the website. The man is impressive...and his message is gaining steam.

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Thanks. Good summary of the current paradigm.

Left with a couple of "ponderables".

One is "what else could we expect? The "swarm" would have to be invented if it did not exist. What is the source for the 10,000 to 30,000 people to replace the swarm?

Two. Crime is a a "rogue" factor. It is systemic and growing. Maybe "society" can tolerate 2% crime - with at least 90% prosecuted and perps punished. Instead we have 5% crime and under 5% prosecuted. I do not see this addressed at all. Is crime a natural consequences of a sub-optimal storm?

Last, I wonder what the metric is for progress and success of "hammering the swarm"? For myself, I would be happier if there was more TIME to do what makes me happy, rather than time spent coping with the jackboot, taxes, toxxines, inefficient bureaucracies etc - all of which need a metric or metrics, that are NOT ESG, but have a similar grounding in improved outcomes.

Still, yes, he is a smart guy. Running for POTUS too! Good luck to him. I somehow doubt that those being fooled will wish to be told they are being fooled though!

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Yes, there are still loose ends, but he makes sense, better than any other, where there was no sense. I am so tired of the constant division which keeps us defeated on this planet.

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