Aaron Siri testifies to the New Hampshire House Committee on COVID Response Efficacy - for a LONG time!
From here:
The third instalment of attorney Aaron Siri’s expert testimony before the New Hampshire House Committee on COVID Response Efficacy. In this episode, ICAN’s lead attorney exposes the shortcomings of post-licensure safety, and shatters the claim that the connection between vaccines and autism has been ‘thoroughly studied.’
Guest: Aaron Siri, Esq.
AIRDATE: September 5, 2024”
It’s a long session – many hours. The first hour covers vaccine safety, in general.
Aaron then goes into all the C19 vaxx injuries, from around the one-hour mark.
I think that Aaro misses a few key points in his presentation, maybe he thought these points were contentious and not as relevant to his key points.
Clinical trial data:
Lots of points in the below – the harms were revealed BEFORE the injections were authorised.
The COVID-19 Inoculations - More Harm Than Good FINAL Video & Print (canadiancovidcarealliance.org)
Especially pages 11 and 12 for harms and deaths.
The (re-issue - with doses shipped – not doses administered – doses shipped report:
reissue_5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf (phmpt.org)
Especially page 7 Table 1 – what was the under-reporting factor? Then check out the number of “Unknown” and “Not Recovered” as well as deaths. Notice the sleight of hand in the “Recovered/Recovering” – doesn’t “Recovering” = not recovered!
Aaron does not mention details like these:
There was reporting that Pfizer hired 2,400 extra staff to process adverse events over the first several moths of the injections in early 2021.
Ther is this comparison of V-Safe and VAERS that reconciles adverse events between both to calculate an under-reporting factor per symptom/action.
Last point.
For C-Safe, were there 7% of 10.7 million users who were unique individuals, or could a chunk of the reports be multiples per individual? For example, could 100,000 individuals have reported 8 times each?
I will carry on listening to the second hour now!
Aaro is really good. I wonder if the committee will also call Jessica Rose for VAERS/V-Safe and someone from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance for the clinical trial analyses,
One last thig - from here:
One last thing, from here:
VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 7/26/2024 – VAERS Analysis
The US administered around 670 million C19 doses, around 420 million Pfizer ad 240 million Modera – VAERS has a million (US only) adverse events for those 670 million doses.
Pfizer claims to have shipped 4.6 billion doses globally – I guesstimate Moderna shipped (no public numbers) around 2.4 billion doses worldwide (including the US) . This implies that, outside the US, Pfizer shipped around 4.1 billion doses and Moderna a few billion doses or so – so how com there are just 600,000 adverse evets reported from outside the US?
COVID-19 Vaccine Equity | Pfizer
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