After the resident received Congressional approval for 3.5 billion dollars for more human trafficking, here’s a look at some harms inflicted on the children of residents by the children of immigrants
Seven million more criminal immigrants in the next 6 months?!?
A few days ago, I posted this article:
“Tucked away in the $95 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan is a $3.5 billion slush fund to open new processing centers for Muslim migrants, in what Sen. Eric Schmitt described as a bid to "supercharge mass migration from the Middle East."
Keep in mind that the human trafficking this sort of spending finances is replicated in all Western countries with “cradle to grave” socialist welfare state systems – not to countries like India, China or Russia. A form of “human trafficking” apartheid.
How many more criminals will be trafficked in the remaining 6 months of Biden’s lame duck (odious regime) maladministration that is destroying the US on the national and international stage?
The methods are well established to continue the invasion of the US by foreign criminals – a “supply chain” that includes sourcing the criminals from the countries that they desert - via the UN, the sham NGO’s and “charities’”, drug cartels, federal border crossing facilitators and so on.
The EXTRA 3.5 billion is on top of the funding already provided and on top of the overseas aid donated to the countries from which the criminal migrants originate. It also excludes all the Federal. State, city and local taxpayer funded assistance paid for the upkeep of these criminals.
All this “assistance” to criminals could have been spent on local residents that are also in dire need of such assistance. The poor, the elderly, the infirm, veterans and those whose quality of life could have been massively improved had the sums being spent on criminals, instead have been spent on the needy.
Here’s an example of an elderly resident in Denver, whose fixed income of around 30,000 a year has been swamped by increases in food and energy prices plus insurance and fuel costs such that she has to jostle with criminal immigrants at the local food banks to stay alive.
I have ball-parked the cost per criminal at 50,000 dollars a year in direct costs (food, housing, health, clothing, utilities etc) and a further 50,000 a year in indirect costs (administration, policing, translation, displacement of American workers etc) – for a total of 100,000 bucks a year each.
We have seen estimates of 10 million criminals allowed entry to the US - so that works out at a trillion bucks a year to fund the resident’s criminal human trafficking scheme.
This excludes the costs of getting the criminals to the US cities of their choice from their country of origin.
We know that each migrant pays NGO’s and charities for parts of their passage. Mexican drug cartels – no doubt operating throughout neighbouring South American countries and nearby islands – also charge a hefty fee.
That 3.5 billion EXTRA is to continue the operation of an app that speeds up illegal entry to the US from a host country by criminal migrants in their own language, fill out a few forms at the human trafficking entry points operated by the residents Federal workforce and fly them to the city of their choice in the US.
Let’s call it 500 bucks per criminal for the EXTRA 3.5 billion dollars BEFORE the costs of taking care of the criminals once they reach their US destination.
Enough for another 7 million criminal immigrants before the mentally impaired resident is evicted from the White House and takes his place at his equivalent of “Weekend at Bernie’s”.
So far, maybe 10 million criminals have been embedded in the US – at a cost of 100,000 each – equivalent to a cool trillion bucks a year in direct and indirect costs every year.
Another 7 million over the next six months raises that trillion a year by another 700 billion. The costs of the “open borders” policy of resident Biden’s administration will be 1.7 trillion bucks a year by the time he is evicted.
There are many collateral impacts of the “open borders” policy, even beyond the failure to take care of America’s needy in favour of criminal migrants.
The impact on children.
From here:
Colorado Schools: From Education to Unauthorized Immigrant Support Services - Crystal Clear News
“Clear Facts
Several Colorado communities, including Denver and Aurora, have found their schools playing the role of social support agencies to cater to an increasing number of children of unauthorized immigrants.
These students receive complimentary food, clothing, shoes, healthcare, and education, all funded by taxpayers.
The increased enrolments, absence of prior schooling, and language barriers present a significant challenge to the education system and its staff.”
To put it more plainly – the children of criminal migrants who do not speak English and have no prior education are being placed in classrooms where the existing curriculum is shelved to cater for these “special needs” children of the criminal migrants.
The children of criminal migrants receive benefits that parents of residents do not receive, and the residents are paying for this outrage that harms their child’s education from their taxes.
“The case of Alberto isn’t an isolated incident; the Aurora school system has witnessed an influx of over 2,800 children of unauthorized immigrants. Moreover, this crisis isn’t limited to Aurora. Denver, the state’s largest school district, has seen a surge of more than 3,700 such children in just the 2023-2024 school year.”
“Schools are not only dealing with language barriers and educational gaps but also students arriving with inappropriate clothing and untreated medical conditions. This situation has transformed schools into miniature social service agencies that offer comprehensive care even for the children’s parents.”
“Unfortunately, this crisis is impacting the quality of Colorado’s education. The desperate need for bilingual teachers has given rise to hiring immigrants who might have been educators in their native countries, including those whose teaching practices might not align with American norms.”
There’s lots more in the article.
All of these criminal migrants are stealing money from taxpayers every day. Prosecuting them and putting them in jail is simply not practical and would cost even more than they currently are draining from the mouths of babes and adults alike.
Deportation – using the same methods to track them in – to traffic them out – must occur before the US turns into the same shitholes that the criminals escaped from.
As another reminder, the costs of the Marxist/Maoist/Cult of Moloch policies of the resident’s junta from the C19 scamdemic, climate change measures and open borders have seen massive tax increases that just can’t keep pace with the even larger spending increase. From here:
Trump’s pre-C19 budget:
Biden’s latest budget:
Trump was projecting debt held by the public in 2024 of 21 trillion = Biden 30 trillion dollars. An increase in debt f 9 trillion dollars in 5 years - an increase of over 40%.
Biden intends to let the Trump era tax expire AND to raise the corporate tax rate to above levels in major economies like the EU and UK.
2024 taxes under Trump were projected at 4.7 trillion with spending of 5.2 trillion. Biden’s budget for 2024 has 5.1 trillion in taxes and 6.9 trillion. An increase of 33% in spending. The pandemic ended in May 2923 – so this is structural spending. The trillion a year for the human trafficking costs of criminal immigrants are in those numbers – buried amongst a whole host of increased spending in all the Federal agencies so that no-one can actually do a reckoning of the costs of the crime.
These numbers are considered irrelevant to the Democratic Party. It sees no vale in “money” – only the value of destroying the US and all its institutions and the installation of Chinese Socialism – with its social credit scores and the creation of a permanent victim class that it can exploit with bribes to buy votes, until there is no longer any need because the US will be a one party socialist state – like China or North Korea.
I will close with the final two paragraphs from the Crystal-Clear article:
“Moreover, school budgets are under severe pressure, with many districts demanding additional funding to support the rising number of students. While some argue the federal government should assume responsibility, it’s the local taxpayers who are bearing the significant burden, facing higher taxes and reduced services.
The problem is escalating, not improving. With the ongoing surge of unauthorized immigrants, American schools and taxpayers are facing increasing pressure.”
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Fight for #govtbysmartphone thru a The only way to remove our criminal syndicate bankster rulers is to get the left on board. The only thing that both sides might agree on is the idea of state by state online citizen legislatures where every citizen is a legislator. All functions of a legislature can be performed with an online app. No more delegating power to people promoted by the ruling class. We need to convince the left that this is what they want so that conservative states can go their separate way from progressive states. Let birds of a feather flock together. No more fighting to the death for the one ring of federal power. Better to live along side your adversary than to try to live under the same roof.