American butchery of 1.6 million of its vulnerable by its elites – 30-40 million vaxx injured entitled to reparations from the profits of big Pharma and the Pentagon budget
In November 2022, I posted this article:
It had this table:
Two very different demographics, but the contrast is stark. The USA suffered more than 200 times the “cases” and deaths with C19 present as Nigeria.
Another comparison has been made between the USA and Haiti here:
Unvaxxed Haiti Recorded 0% Covid Deaths - News Addicts
“NPR admits in a report about Haiti that Covid restrictions were never enforced there. Nobody there wears a mask, people are mostly unvaccinated, and daily life is normal with busy and crowded buses and markets. For most Haitians, the pandemic never happened.”
“.. a commission during the “pandemic” to deal with the fallout. In the end, however, the commission was dissolved because Haiti was, and continues to be, COVID-free.”
Can we view Haiti as a “placebo” for the madness inflicted on us by the likes of Fauci, Birx. Cuomo et al?
Well maybe not entirely, but we can at least examine where they might be overlap.
“The average age in Haiti is around 23, while in the United States, it is closer to 40.” (The US average age is actually 36).
The population is younger, but a “carve out” of a placebo with the same demographic would be informative.
Anyway, the issue is clear, no masks":
“Compared to the United States, which currently has a COVID-19 death rate of around 1,800 per one million people, Haiti has a Covid death rate of just 22 per one million people, or 0.0022% – basically 0 percent.”
So, let’s update the table I compiled back in November 2022 and slot Hait onto it.
Base numbers:
Now adjusted per million of population of each country.
I can hear the whining of those drowning in the river of denial already. “There could be hundreds of thousands of C19 deaths in Nigeria and Haiti. Yeah, those people with their brains in their peapods.
Haiti suffered more deaths per million than Nigeria. The US experienced 240 times the number of deaths per million as Nigeria.
Out it another way, had the US suffered the same number of C19 deaths as Nigeria, instead of 1.1 million deaths with C19 present, the US would have suffered just 4,873. – less than 5,000. And those numbers are over the full 3.5 years of the “pandemic” (divide by 3.5 to approximately annualize).
To put it bluntly, the abandonment of pre-C19 pandemic measures (no lockdowns, no masking, no social distancing) by politicians and health regulators, led by the WHO, killed 1.17 million Americans.
Let than sink in. Doing nothing and ignoring the advice of the elite medics and regulators who lied to politicians and exploited their ignorance, fear and disgust of a fake pandemic – killed people.
That is not all of course. Big pharma leapt into actions, coordinated by the DoD to inject everyone with a toxic experimental injections.
Americans took 676 million of these poisonous shots – shots that reduce remaining life by 7% per injection.
This is what the combined impact of murderous lockdown measures, denial of treatment, physical and mental torture of the weak in hospitals, and treatment protocols looks like in terms of a “chart of death” – this does not reflect the tens of millions of Americans harmed by the lockdown measures and injections.
There have been 18,000 American deaths reported to VAERS for C19 injections. 11% of them within a day of injection. More than 80% of pregnant women injected in their first trimester lost their babies.
The under-reporting of deaths to VAERS is likely to be of the order of 30-40 – meaning that somewhere between 540,000 and 720,000 were killed by the injections. There have been a million “adverse events” – meaning 39-40 million Americans have been injured and maimed.
United States Deaths in 2022, How Many Deaths in United States 2022 | Dead or Kicking
More than 560,000 extra deaths EVERY YEAR FOR THREE YEARS - above the 2015-2019 average.
1.6 million extra deaths over three years.
There is another fraud hiding in plain sight that will influence health strategy at the country level.
Check out these mortality numbers published in this article:
The table just covers 2020 and 2021, but consider this.
C19 deaths in 2020 . C19 deaths in 2021 WERE NOT C19 DEATHS
the increases in deaths on the major categories were caused by the measures imposed on Americans by lockdown measures and C19 injections AND NOY by C19 or any other underlying trend increases in the major causes of death.
This means that the extra deaths in 2020 and 2021 were caused by lockdown measures and injections – deaths that could have been prevented had pandemic measures developed before the C19 pandemic, were put in place – instead of the democide and ”deaths by healer” treatment protocols.
Imagine if, instead of quacks, weak gullible politicians, egged on by a complicit MAM, the opposite had occurred. Sensible, tried and tested measures evolved over decades of practice and research, with a WHO that was similarly smart and incorrupt.
Well, Trump would certainly still be in office, the economy would be booming, the US would be out of the WHO, the green chicken littles would be in their cops, the border would be secure, inflation would be 2%, the debt would be 5 trillion bucks lower, crime would be half the current rate in the inner cities and Ukraine would be at peace.
The Cult of Moloch would be a passing freak show.
As it is..
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If the vaccines worked
It would mean that those who have
Died Suddenly
Would be dying from something else (Covid)
Everyone would NEED the vaccine.
And the pharmaceutical companies
Would be shouting from the rooftops
About those who are dying suddenly.
No Bribe $$$$$ to the Hospitals and doctors for coding it Covid, plus no Ventilator protocol goes a long way. Recalling how the Haitian President was assassinated early on for rebuking the Covid Scamdemic. The 61-year old Tanzanian President was public in his criticism of goats and pawpaw fruit testing positive for Covid. He died very suddenly before the Crapshots were deployed.