If the vaccines worked

It would mean that those who have

Died Suddenly

Would be dying from something else (Covid)

Everyone would NEED the vaccine.

And the pharmaceutical companies

Would be shouting from the rooftops

About those who are dying suddenly.


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No Bribe $$$$$ to the Hospitals and doctors for coding it Covid, plus no Ventilator protocol goes a long way. Recalling how the Haitian President was assassinated early on for rebuking the Covid Scamdemic. The 61-year old Tanzanian President was public in his criticism of goats and pawpaw fruit testing positive for Covid. He died very suddenly before the Crapshots were deployed.

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Hi Peter, this is a brief clip from an hour long discussion on justice: "The formation of the W.H.O. was an outgrowth of the 1913 Eugenics Office, says David Martin, PhD" - - https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZNWVOIbvc5kj/

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Sadly, due to the DoD involvement with the biowarefare attack on citizens, there likely won’t be any ‘reparations’ or successful class action suits brought against Big Pharma etc. You can’t sue the government in the same way you can sue people or businesses. Historically about the only way the little people have stopped the attacks of homicidal governments of one kind or another usually involved displaying heads on pikes and that kind of thing - at least when the little people were armed.

In Clownworld, with 5G warefare - who knows what will happen. TPTB are already preparing to silo everyone’s experience of the internet. This is my guess as to the Next Step in the Plan. Things like viral song that hit in the last couple of weeks - that cry of rage and truth coming in from left field somewhere - can’t be allowed to interrupt their game when 5G closes up the internet. When AI is used to ‘personalize’ ones internet access that means “harmful” links won’t be visible to you. The ‘open field’ will be replaced by individualized silos…. think about the implication of that.

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Every one of the Western democracies (EU, US Canada UK, Australia and New Zealand) had a quota. They estimated how many would die because of the shots and for extra luck, withheld early treatment and put people on vents and remdesivir. That was why the push to get a jab in every arm.

The US failed because despite the mandates, some of us refused. They are going to try again, by making Flu, RSV, and every other jab including tetanus, MNRA. However, I think because of the lack of quality control the jabs didn't work as well as expected.

So, the question is, how many more have to die and in what time frame? 1.5 million is a drop in the bucket for the US. I am sure they wanted to get them in the elderly at first, to save the monetary system. We still have a declining birth rate too, so that was a plus for them.

I wonder what our quota was, both in declining births and killing off the over 65's.

I wonder what our quota was in percentage.

I wonder what is next on the agenda.....

And lets not forget Food supply, CO2 mandates, etc. Their digital control is almost ready. They just have to figure out how to sneak into Digital Currency .

Something is already planned and in the works. They have gamed this out numerous times.

I think right now they are figuring out the next volley.....hot war? Cancel elections? Assasination?

This round of masking and jabs are NOT gonna work, unless we are very close to our quota.

I would love to hear from others what they think is coming next....

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