Thanks PH. All c's are rising & will only get worse unfortunately.

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Red-pilled in some things, still completely brainwashed in others -- that still unfortunately describes a large group of humans who actually want to know the truth, as I assume you do, Peter, but have been lied to so long that they believe the false narratives about things they're still ignorant about. And sadly, many in this group respond to correction or warnings of ignorance the same way the never-red-pilled do, ie, with defensiveness, anger, nastiness, refusal to even consider what is being said, etc. I hope that doesn't describe you.

You say, "Every minute of time spent alive is a gift, so the extension of 5 months to life expectancy of just five years once diagnosed is precious." Sounds reasonable, doesn't it. But that statement assumes various things that just aren't true (and there are many others) --

1) that ovarian cancer is inevitable for the majority that get it,

2) that there aren't innumerable other available natural and relatively inexpensive means to prevent and treat ovarian ca, or which could prolong their lives, if not cure them, besides these ultra-vomit-worthy-expensive drugs,

3) that BigPharmafia gives a shit about giving anyone more months or years of life beyond their profit motive (ie, the longer they live, the more they can squeeze the last few drops of wealth they have out of them),

4) that somehow BigPharmafia and those that run, control, and profit from it couldn't put the same effort into finding natural, or at least less toxic and less expensive, ways to prevent and if need be cure ovarian ca if they wanted to (but where's the profit in that -- create a cure, lose a client),

5) indeed, that many of these cancers will likely be found to have been caused, or at least aggravated, by other drugs they've foisted on the public for profit (not to mention the toxins ingested and inhaled thanks to BigChemafia, their cousins). And I could go on.

The point is that once you give BigPharmafia, and the research system they control ($$$) ... think Fraudci / NIAID/NIH, FDA, et al, in the U.S. ... the benefit of the doubt that they actually live to help the people, once you've started from that blind point of view, everything that comes afterward is BS. BTW, I'm a retired physician and researcher.

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I agree 100%. And I, of course, defer to your direct experience.

Out of interest, I am trying to get my head round - as a lay person - the significance of the treatment of woman's issues in this area in general.

Issues like these:

one - the harmful use of IUD, hysterectomies, Novasure Endometrial Ablation, :LEEP procedures and- Fishie clips in their own right

two - the impact of C19 mRNA and viral vector injections on the uses of these "treatments".

So, I very much appreciate your comment and as I said 100% agree that the pharma business model is to create suffering with a few 100 bucks and treat it for costs of thousands.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

The Filshie clips are less common than in previous decades. Two of my classmates have had a project showing that much of "Ovarian" cancer actually originates in the Fallopian tubes and have recommended tubal removal for definitive treatment. After long term study, rates of ovarian cancer have declined.

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Thank you for your response.

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well said. I'm a lay person and curious independent researcher, not quite yet retirement age but been around for long enough to have witnessed many friends, acquaintances, loved ones being bamboozled and harmed by conventional cancer treatments. Every single person I have known who has accepted the offered treatment has had terrible health afterwards, in many cases of a nightmare sort. The few people I have known who have refused the offered treatments have had a much better outcome -- even if the outcome was eventually death, it was a far more peaceful and less painful death than the ones I have observed in the people who did what their doctors told them.

Early in life, I too was scared of getting cancer. But over the years I have realized that there are many natural treatments that are humane and many of those are helpful, effective, however you want to put it, and this also includes the choices of what we take into and onto our bodies.

I'm so sick of the lies that herd fearful people into harming themselves without their realizing, and end up dividing us in some way. We need Truth.

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Both my dad and brother died with cancer. Both smokers. Dad was 81 when diagnosed and told inoperable. He lived a good 2 years before it took it's toll and he was no longer able to go out and be normal. My brother was 62 and his cancer in throat. They operated, gave radiation which burned hole through esophagus into lung tube so anything he ate or drank caused big problems so he had to have feeding tube instead. Then they operated again because of spread to lymph nodes in neck. This surgery left him unable to hold his head up straight. It was pulled down forwards and to the side the surgery on, the wound was at least 6 inches long. I'd say my father, with no treatment, fared much better than my brother because as soon as he stepped into hospital his quality of life was gone. I have learned much these covid years about the pharmafia, the supression of treatments that can't be patented, and there's a few! I just wish I knew about them earlier but at that time I believed in the medical system.

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