Money talks

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

So sad that they knew this and still pushed it. Criminal actually!!

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I have a pretty stellar education ...that being said I simply wrote the pros and cons of getting the jab...the pros(to receive the jab) outwayed the cons by a long shot .....then factor in the fact that the government has been lying to its American citizens since the inception of this republic .The lies they have feed us over the years definitely convinced me to take a wait and see attitude....boy do I feel smart now ,I’m seeing friends with strokes ,heart issues ,shingles ,auto immune diseases ,Death ,.etc...


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May 24, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

People also got conned by the polio vaccine, and need to start looking at the last names of the people who keep giving us this poison and realize they are all part of the same tribe.

Brandy Vaughan's chart (she made this before she was harrassed and killed showing all vaccines are scams - https://files.catbox.moe/hufchl.jpeg)

Stanley Plotkin (compare his background to Jonas Salk), putting the cells of murdered children in the shots, it's part of a hermetic-kabbalist ritual, they are essentially in a pagan death cult wearing sheep's clothing - https://www.bitchute.com/video/WFwwoFYbLFd3/

Unfortunately, it's the Ashkenazi's, who also created the climate change hysteria, the Federal Reserve, and communism to destroy sovereign nations for their globalism NWO takeover, it's all real and so is Jesus Christ, run to Him while there's still time, that's all that matters now.

I have nerve damage from their shots along with autism, God brought me close to Him and I don't hate any entire group or race of people, it's so so hard to get the truth out to everyone, people are conditioned to not question these people from their Hollywood/media conditioning. Jesus is real, He's the only possible hope for anyone.

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There are million if not billions of good people around the world that want to hug your suffering away.

All the best for improvements in your health - hopefully with safe and effective treatment and care.

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They use remdesivir in the UK as well, I was offered this but refused it a week after being brought round from 4 weeks on a mechanical ventilator with pneumonia and sepsis in an induced coma after having had to repeatedly ask for treatment for my pneumonia in the week after coming off the ventilator which the £3,000 a day ICU hired killer 'doctors' completely ignored for an entire week at first, having fortunately already read that the Israeli Gilead company drug at $15,000 at US prices for a 5 day course of 'treatment' is not only worse than completely ineffective for treating COVID even according to the Lancet and the WHO, but is actually 29.9% lethal to ventilated COVID patients according to another report, and I was already very badly damaged through entirely inappropriate NHS fake medicine (demonstrably thoroughly intentional Bolshevik torture arranged by sadistic WEF maniacs) and very near death when I was brought round still very ill and delirious with still untreated sepsis, COVID and COVID pneumonia having been admitted gravely ill with stated 50% blood oxygen content for which no antibiotics or antivirals had been provided all the time while I was in an induced coma for 4 weeks on a mechanical ventilator according to my medical records, with a 75% death rate on the ventilators alone in the NHS hospital I was in, and many more die later even after coming off the ventilators from pneumonia, stroke and heart attack. If you go in one of those 'ICU' units, at the mercy of those doctors, some of whom are genuine psychotic maniacs who genuinely fit that description, seeing the way they treat you entirely very sadistically, you will soon find out exactly why I say this.

Most people die in the first 4 days on ventilators.

We have to ask as well, what is the actual object of putting people on ventilators with no real medical treatment for COVID or COVID pneumonia? I was given tocilizumab alone on the ventilator which is stated never to be given to anyone with any infection or with sepsis, as it lowers the immune system and can actually trigger TB it says in the instructions, and I had sepsis, COVID and COVID pneumonia, and it was already known that tocilizumab, merely a repurposed drug normally used in a very different form and manner on rheumatoid arthritis patients, causes catastrophic lung damage to COVID patients, so just what the hell were these malevolent mental case bastards playing at, other than literally playing with my life for kicks? Even Russian roulette has vastly better survival odds than those unspeakably evil 'doctors' offer. Smart arse ICU doctors are welcome to have another bash at explaining this to me here or elsewhere if they want to be thoroughly exposed. I met some kind staff there among the nurses and some of the doctors, but I met some dementedly sadistic evil swine as well among the so-called doctors, all on £3,000 dirty money in the ICU, just the same as mercenaries working to establish a 'Big Israel' in Ukraine as WEF Zelensky says he wants to create are being paid as well, hired killers all of the bastards, all killing for the WEF/UN/WHO/NATO agenda to bring in the Israeli-controlled NWO one world military dictatorship that they intend for, and the Noahide laws that will of course then be militarily imposed under that hellish Stalinist regime, that make it a death penalty offence worldwide to practice any religion other then the Jewish religion. That is real, the US and UN heads have officially signed documents treacherously stating that they accept for these laws to be physically implemented eventually when the NWO one world government comes into being alongside the creation of Eretz Israel. It is intended to come, 6 billion will legally be put to death when those laws are fully implemented, check it out, intendedly by NATO armies of nations controlled by Israel according to Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, all this nastiness with the Israeli COVID bioweapon is just a build up to the full completion of the plans to kill us all. You can see mind-controlled American troops operating to create a 'Big Israel' as Zelensky says he wants, already in Ukraine, operating alongside British mind-controlled troops, 50% of all US generals are self-declared Jews, and of course, thus also dual nationality Israeli citizens, just like every senior US politician surrounding demonic puppet Biden.

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$15,000? Methinks you are confused. Try $3200 for a five day course. Still the worst possible treatment. IVM and HCQ are far better choices. Safe, more effective, and far cheaper. Early treatment best taken early, not in ICU.

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Not confused, you appear to be somehow pushing the banker tribe narrative on the pricing issue even though you say remdesivir is less effective. Remdesivir at any price is never reasonably priced, or 'better value' in relative terms in comparison to ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, as it has no genuine therapeutic medical function whatsoever in relation to COVID.

I think it is you who is clearly confused, check the WHO and Lancet statements that remdesivir increases the death rate in all types of COVID patient on average by 1.1%, and the Fauci study found that the death rate in ventilated COVID patients increased by 26.9% after they were given remdesivir, these death rates were not balanced out by some patients actually having been saved by remdesivir, as some may think must surely have occurred, possibly being under the naive impression that surely, a loss of 1.1% is relatively OK if 98.9% were saved for instance, but that is not the case, the drug just produces an increased death rate, nothing else. Only loonies would give that out to patients, but of course, having embarked on the course of murdering and sterilizing people with the bioweapon shots, they are not at all likely to then start to try to genuinely help anyone get better.

The money used to buy remdesivir through the criminal terrorist collaboration of the hostile foreign power military occupation government of the UK with the Israeli criminal terrorist government and the Israeli manufacturing company Gilead is literally being stolen from us to then suicide us by these absolutely brutal Stalinist thugs, you can see what kind of people they really are when they support the mass-murdering criminal terrorist maniac Zelensky in Ukraine and then tell us they are helping the Ukrainian people, while he shells them to death and shoots any civilians he catches trying to leave Ukraine for his Chabad Lubavitcher associates and the extremely sinister WEF agenda that is intended to bring about an arranged nuclear conflagration between Russia and America involving all of Europe, most remaining Caucasians in the world are in essence being targetted to get rid of most of us at once, and the predominantly Caucasian nations are the main victims of the COVID, as it is a genetically selective weapon, that seems to avoid affecting those of Ashkenazi origin, particularly in relation to fertility. 20,000 American service personnel for instance have officially been permanently sterilized after receiving the Jewish Pfizer and Moderna company created bioweapon shots as part of the tribal Purim slaughterfest death dance celebrations.

I quoted a price that had been widely published as being paid in the US for remdesivir for a 5 day course. No doubt in some parts of the world that may differ somewhat.

Check out NHS public information, remdesivir is standard UK NHS treatment, also tocilizumab for example, among other dodgy chemicals. The advice sheet on remdesivir about 'side-effects' reads like something out of a horror movie, which is exactly what it is and what it is intended to be, and the 'side-effects' of tocilizumab are just as horrific, and both drugs are entirely inappropriate from any genuine medical perspective, but not to an intended mass murderer. The massive lung damage actually caused by tocilizumab itself is not even mentioned in the slightest in the NHS published data, for very obvious reasons, but what is published is nonetheless extremely worrying.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

They tried to give Remdesivir to whistleblower Funeral Director John O'Looney, who fortunately declined.

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I am very glad he had the knowledge like I did to be able to do that like I did, both of us would have been in rubber bags by now otherwise. He talks a good straight talk.

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My wife believed all the crap that was published and got the shots. I wasnt sure but wanted to insure i had some protection so I woudnt spread it to my great grandchidren.. We had many sef test kits to insure that we coud isoate ourselves, keeping it away from the grandkids. I never bothered getting any of the booster's. Because my granddaughter works we watch all three six days our contact is unavoidabe. They all got it anyway. all three and my wife tested positive for two weeks so they stayed at our house Other than being grumpy and refusing to eat they were normal. All testing posative for Covid ! They all tested positive but myself. even with constant clise contact. At 79 I take one low dose of blood preasure medication as I arise each day. Pain medacation each day for a damaged back. To continue. I read reports each day from journerests each day, from around the world. whie similar to each other report the data ,exact the total reports are origina. Illness and deaths follow the same patterns within the population. My concusions havent changed much. The whole pandemic has been fabricated. This reason is also consistent as it is reported around the world by journeists that want to publish the truth. It is clear that the control and universal rule is the goal. Whoever, person or groups working in unison have found that it is easyer to rue under a crisis mode. The thought of death is very powerful. combined with the continued and planned division of Americas citizen, organized resistance is minimal. control of oure electons insures that contro is maintained. The demand that govenment protect them, the popuation marches to set standards that has provided protecton in past years. deaths were easy covered because the media has been under control for decades. Again done under the guize of protecton with "protective" reguation. each designed to sound as if they have the citizens protecton in mind. once instaed could be expanded and people appointed ( not elected) with punitive powers. Now with all the athorities in place we have the planned crisis. aspredicted the peope demand that government act and quicky. Government does act and with little resistance because their actions are nothing new. A medical action that has been used for a hundred years. Step up and get your shot to end the pandemic and "protect the children"..... The one danger that their plan will fail ! The president. Another impeachment to insure distracting the citizen. Sorry my tangents have expanded. Now as more information has been leaked each day, the resistance grows. strange deaths come to heathy young men and women. Thanks to some brave prople these deaths have been reported, and the nation noticed. If this is so good why the mandates that vioate our first amendment rights? They come with threat of jobs lost lives ruined famiies torn apart and strange deaths that are found by the medica examiners that are required to determine cause of death. not just athletic people but people we saw every day entertaining us or bringing us the news and weather, dying on camera or giving a speech. All the while government giving us explanations that are not acceptable. Well I thank all for your paientence. I find my mind is wandering and my focus deminished because ofmy advancing dementia I must rest now. please look around you and see what has happened to our nation. I have witnessed the change. It is your turn to speak out and take action to insure your childrens future. Thanks for reading my rambing rant.------------ I, Grampa

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You have the right to notice the wrongs being perpetrated and cover them. The 1st Amendment implies also the right to discuss and challenge views and facts. Every day contains blessings, though they can be hide to find some days. There are more good people than bad, though the bad have more impact. Stay frosty Grampa. Hope your back pain improves

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PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 12/01/2022 - Action, legal action


תלונת ציבור נגד ממשלות 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


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I'm really curious about the long-term effects three to five years from now?

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Yes. It is an experiment. Let's hope that there are not (more) millions killed by people in white coats who have proven to be "above the law" and immune from prosecution.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Peter Halligan

Another layer would be to evaluate based on YLL Years of Life Lost - a measure used by actuaries and epidemiologists.

The average YLL from deaths and lowered life expectancy resulting from vaks and lockdown would be far greater than that for the virus, as the average age of death will be far lower.

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agreed.. great idea.. wonder if that work has been done

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I first saw this reasoning around April2020 by the economist Dawie Roodt, showing a rough calculation he did on the effect of the fall in GDP in Greece after 2008. Then in May the PANDA group of actuaries led by Nick Hudson in their first publication did a YLL evaluation for the lockdown.

I remember I also found a 1982 book doing a similar calculation regarding a fall in gdp.

December 2020 there came out an academic study in the US which showed greater YLL from lockdown: THE LONG-TERM IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 UNEMPLOYMENT SHOCK ON

LIFE EXPECTANCY AND MORTALITY RATES, by the NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH, done by three researchers from Harvard, Duke and John Hopkins. But being ideologically limited they would have not even started to foresee all the destruction which the covid response would result in.

Just Facts compared the tiny YLL from c19 to those of flu, suicides and accidents.

And here is a basic one looking at the YLL effect of lockdowns on cancers: https://www.iomcworld.org/articles/lifeyears-and-lockdowns-estimating-the-effects-on-covid19-and-cancer-outcomes-from-the-uks-response-to-the-pandemic.pdf

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Never ever believe your government. They always lie to the public. ALWAYS!

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Peter Halligan

In Japan, as with VAERS in the United States, government statistics on the number of deaths and injuries due to mRNAdrugs are said to be several to ten times the actual number. The reason is as follows.

(1) There is no remuneration for doctors (2) Reporting is basically left to Pfizer and Moderna (3) Most deaths reported are only 2 to 3 days after vaccination. [Pharma'sFraud] (4)When someone goes to see a normal doctor, the doctor is generally uneducated and doesn't know if it's a side effect or not.

(5)Reporting channels are limited to pharmaceutical companies, medical institutions, and doctors. VAERS may still be better in this respect.

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Great feedback. I am guessing that the Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, Dr. Haruo Ozaki, has not been vindicated for his stance on ivermectin from september 2021?

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Peter Halligan

Dr. Ozaki's remarks are still officially ignored by the government. However, I think that there are some people who recognize individual lawmakers and bureaucrats. The Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare has issued a notice that it can be used for treatment(last year), but my family doctor didn't know about it until I told him (last year).

However, Merck's Japanese subsidiary spitefully continues not to ship when it says it is for COV19. (It seems that only parasites and scabies will be shipped) It's sure to sell Molnupiravir.

Regarding ivermectin, rumors spread on a small site from around the spring of 2020 (when there was no mRNAdrug yet) that this drug was effective against Sarscov2.

It was rumored that amateur Japanese noticed that the incidence of COV19 was strangely low in Africa where Ivermectin was distributed once or twice a year for parasites. We ordinary people don't know much about the situation in Africa, so maybe he had experience living in Africa.I don't know who he is, but I appreciate him.

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I don't know if someone on this website is sending me links to past papers, but this turned up in my inbox yesterday:


I have no problem translating it into English. It is a long paper that details the origins of the epidemic and responses around the world plus it details the path of an attempted approval path for Ivermectin - it is dated 10 March 2021.

"Satoshi Omura [CREATOR OF IVERMECT AND NOBEL PRIZE OF MEDICINE calls for immediate adoption of the drug] Global trends in clinical studies of ivermectin in COVID 19"

""Ivermectin is expected to be used as a countermeasure for COVID-19 as soon as possible." "It is hoped that ivermectin will be utilized as a countermeasure for COVID-19 as soon as possible." An extensive review of ivermectin in The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics"

There are now 92 studies on almost 135,000 patients in 27 countries. 18 months ago, the lower number of studies referenced in the linked article calculated a one in 4 trillion chance of the meta analysis NOT being accurate for measuring the success of IVM.

you can check out the latest state of play o the IVM studies here: https://c19ivermectin.com/

When you hover over the "Select Treatment" tab in the top right hand corner, you can check out dozens of other C19 treatments from vitamins, to monoclonals and so on. A full list of all the C19 treatments assessed is here: https://c19early.com/treatments.html

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Recently, Kowa, an over-the-counter drug maker, has reported that Ivermectin has not been shown to have a significant effect in clinical trials (applied to Omicron). However, (1) the start of administration was late, four days after the onset of symptoms, and (2) the symptoms of Omicron were generally mild in the first place.

The Kowa said "It seems that there was no big difference between these. But we will continue"

Speaking of 4 days after onset, it seems to be 5 to 6 days after infection, so SarsCov2 may have exceeded the peak of proliferation. If it is too late, the medicine that works will not work.

Last year, Dr. Nagao in Kobe said that two people died after treating 500 people with Ivermectin. He said it was already too late when the two arrived.=498/500 recoverd.

The point is to take ivermectin as soon as possible, even 1 minute or 10 minutes, if you think you might be infected.

Side effects are very rare, so even if the person taking the drug is not infected, there is no need to worry, unlike the mRNAdrug's side effects.

However, since I have not seen preventive trial data of continuous daily prophylactic dosing, I try to wait at least 2 weeks before Ivermectin prophylactic dosing.

I take it preventatively when I go to places where patients are crowded, such as a doctor's office. Blood tests are fine so far. Unvaxxed and Uninfected till now.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Those rigged trails that IVM “flunks” may also say take on empty stomach. Should be fatty meal. The dosing may also be low or restricted in the obese, capping dose beyond certain weight. And yes, start early, like as soon as suspected. Don’t wait for test results. Some trials limit treatment to three days, protocol is five days or until cured. MyFreeDoctor.com has treated over 300,000 patients. Lost only a literal handful, probably starting late. It works. If a trial shows it doesn’t, the trial is rigged. Check the sponsors for conflicts.

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Well said, sir!

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Makes you wonder whether prophylaxis with IVM is the right answer!

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If abused long term a documented side-effect of ivermectin is that it can lead to encephalopathy, shrinkage of the brain. I have safely taken a tube of horse ivermectin, a whole tube containing 6.08 grams of ivermectin, divided into five doses over 5 days, but officially recognized safe human doses for ivermectin can be vastly higher than that such as used for skin parasites or intestinal parasites, such that one would need to take the equivalent of just under two whole tubes a day at my body weight of around 92 kg for between one to three successive days.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Peter Halligan

Well, it might be abracadabra, but it's better than mRNAdrug=😱. 🥴

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I’m a PUREBLOOD and so is my immediate family -

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I’m a PUREBLOOD and so is my immediate family -

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All part of the Great Reset global depop. The Bioweapon now (GoF = Biowarfare), the vax after: Kill you now, kill you later, make you infertile.

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Peter Halligan

Enough is enough. Stop the "vax".

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I worry that our blood supply is permanently tainted with spike protein from vaccinated donors.

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I think there is a business opportunity to offer a blood bank from non-vaxxed...

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