Thanks PH. RsClowns playing dare with the world. Remember everyone.

We are many. They are very few.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Hi Peter, who exactly, in their right mind, would cede govt sovereignty to Bill Gates and his (formerly named) Population Control Foundation? Yet this is what is being proposed! Easy to predict more faked plandemics to suck economies of developed nations dry, major transfers of wealth and untested, ineffective kill shots. Wait, and no bread? Then "let them eat bugs!"

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Agreed. The contempt that human beings are held in, by these "anti-humans" is brought into stark relief by your last sentence.

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May 22, 2023·edited May 23, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Hi Peter,



Here is the full article and update:


I agree with Deagel’s USA excess deaths (I say ~all vaxx-caused) of 1.1 million in 2021 and 2022.

My death toll for Canada in 2021 and 2022 is much higher at ~100,000, based on the Alberta total deaths sample.

None of these numbers support the huge depopulation estimates of the Deagel report – for example a 68.5 % reduction in USA population by 2025 vs 2017. That is based on a financial and economic collapse and mass starvation and emigration.

I can certainly foresee a significant depopulation if we continue to elect the Justin’s and Biden’s and the many fellow European and global Climate-and-Covid imbeciles - “Societal suicide by deliberate scientific fraud”.

The predicted economics/financial collapse is outside my pay grade – I have no special expertise there – but I can say with certainty that the deliberately harmful Covid "vaccine" policies of the extreme Left have already cost at least 15 million lives worldwide to 1May2023, excluding China, Russia and India, and that carnage is far from over. The 50-year-old Climate fraud has squandered the lives of hundreds of millions, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.

Our two blessed, beloved countries are being destroyed from within by traitors of the Left.

It’s a good thing you still have the death penalty – you’re going to need it.

Best, Allan MacRae in Calgary

My new free book - send it to everyone you know.



I called the Covid-19 Lockdowns and Vaccines scams in Feb2020 and published on 21Mar2020, We called the Climate and Green Energy scams in 2002. All correct!

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No matter her qualifications--it is the ceding of authority that she should be there to prevent--easy-just say NO.

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We normal folks think we're smart...but we'll sit by and allow this to unfold with little more resistance than some complaining. Just like we did for the death of our electoral system.

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Try This:

If You Found Yourself

Within A Disinformation Matrix

What Would You Do?

- You’d Go After The Power Supply.

In Our Case That’s The Testing/Trial Protocols.

And ... If You Were Battling A Psy Op

What Would You Use?

Hint: See Above .. Three Letters .. Starts With A “P”


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I called the Covid-19 Lockdowns and Vaccines scams in Feb2020 and published on 21Mar2020, We called the Climate and Green Energy scams in 2002. All Correct!


One of the ways I spotted the Covid-19 scam early in Feb2020 and published on 21Mar2020 was good quality data from the Diamond Princess cruise ship and a few other sources.

The other was the familiar Lenin/Goebbels/Alinsky "shout-down of all opposition” tactic that I had experienced in the Climate and Green Energy scam for the past ~20 years.

The final straw was when I learned that our Alberta hospitals, which had been emptied to make room for the stated ”tsunami of Covid-19 patients”, were actually EMPTY! I published the next day.

The same scoundrels were the perpetrators of both scams.

Then the usual “village idiots” (Justin Trudeau, Prince Charles, etc.) actually linked the two scams, saying “To solve Covid we also have to solve Climate” – utterly illogical nonsense!

The remarkable observation about both the Climate and Covid scams is how previously-competent people were rendered utterly incompetent and unethical by government pressure to conform. That includes most of the medical professions, and they are still in denial! WTF is the matter with them?

I wish these useless pricks would locate their courage and their integrity. Their 15 million vaxx-killed patients are deeply disappointed in them.

Best, Allan

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May 22, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

This is so infuriating. This needs to be in headlines everywhere. Public outcry is needed more than ever.

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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

They are coming at us so many different ways. For example, book stores don't stock important books that might save lives if more people saw them, could buy them and then would read them.

One example is The Real Anthony Fauci, which, as I found out, is not stocked by one of the most famous book stores in the Southeast United States. The book no doubt challenges the "Current Thing" .... and book store owners intuitively know that they should not carry books that do this.


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I read it on Kindle. It is damning and its full title is "The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health"

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I think 95-percent of the millions of people who bought the book found it on-line. How many extra people would have bought the book if it was prominently displayed and stocked at book stores all around the world? We don't know ... because this didn't happen. By design.

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I actually received a copy from a lady friend of my older brothers (70).

It sure validated what I have already learned.

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As noted, the book has somehow sold more than one million copies. I suspect almost all of these books were purchased on-line (not from thousands of book stores). "Word-of-mouth" advertising explains its best-seller status. Also, no "mainstream" newspapers or magazines even reviewed the book. Still, it sold like hot cakes ... but it would have sold three times as many copies if the book stores around the world had stocked it.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

You sum it it perfectly!!!! And yet, not a word about it amidst the “NY subway performer” victim, Ukraine money laundering, the Geriatric G7 and GOP candidate theaters; distraction, distraction, distraction! From THE most blatant evil being continuous perpetrated on humanity!

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