I was a flight attendant for Western Airlines in late 1970s/early 1980s and I come from a family with ties to aviation industry. My grandfather was a pilot in WWI and co-founder of TWA airlines. Deep state has been ruining airline industry for at least 40 yrs, possibly longer. I think they want to replace human pilots with A.I. There used to be requirement to have 3 pilots in cockpit of all flights except for Boeing 737, a small plane. They have already eliminated the 2nd co-pilot position so only 2 pilots required now and A.I. does what 2nd co-pilot used to do. Considering how often A.I. screws things, up, this is pretty scary to me. I haven't flown since 2005 when last flight I took was horrendous. I didn't recognize the industry I had grown up with and loved so well most of my life. I don't like that they downgraded limit for heart health for pilots - this is NOT a good idea IMO. I've heard from pilots about numerous scary changes in airline industry, especially with pilots. Great article, Mr. Halligan - as always you're very precise with your info, I appreciate the charts.

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Peter, Did you see this on zero hedge? UN & Bill Gates Launch "50in5" Global Digital Infrastructure Plans - - https://www.zerohedge.com/political/un-bill-gates-launch-50in5-global-digital-infrastructure-plans - -

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Yet another step to One World Government.

The WHO is seeking to be the "clearing agent" for all medical devices and rules. "Thous shalt have no other Health, but mine" sort of thing.

ID's the same, CDBC's the same. for tax rates. (All theft all the time).

It won't be long before a new global agency is formed that buys all energy from everywhere 0 no other individual buyers and sellers allowed - and sells it on the basis of "equity" at the same price everywhere.

Education is already corrupted.

Next will be universal basic income - the same rate in every country.

Then food and housing.

Lowest common denominator.

All one world government.

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The "downed airliner" is inevitable, two or even three, but what they will blame it on besides the obvious bioweapons.

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