Which brings the total US deaths reported to VAERS to 15,311 amongst cumulative adverse events of 898,029.
All deaths reported from US and foreign countries for American pharma companies now stand at 32,220 amongst adverse events of 1,463,068.
I wonder how many autopsies have been performed on those 32,220 deaths in the US and abroad. The FDA/CDC/NIH/NAIAD/WHO has probably banned autopsies and/or any public release of findings. Prosecutorial bodies have probably banned all forensic investigations into cause of death - because, you know, corruption and bribes.
Pick your under-reporting factor! My bet is 40 (so multiply those numbers by 40 to get the actual “butcher’s bill” - 612,000 American deaths amongst almost 36 million adverse events. We can all watch those adverse events turn into morbidities and deaths over the coming few years.
There have been 650.8 million doses administered for the (total) US population of 334.8 million.
267.5 million Americans have taken at least one dose - 80% of the (total) population.
228.2 million have “completed the initial series” - 68%
35.3 million have taken the new bivalent toxic injection - 11% (launched 12 October 2022)
You could say that 20% of the US population are “pure bloods”, whilst almost a third refused the second dose and almost 90% have refused the new bivalent injection
There are 260.4 million unused doses that have probably passed their “use by” date and most of which are for the old c19 mRNA injections. 260.4 million out of 911.2 million bought and paid for. Talk about over-ordering!
Parents have attempted to murder 1.55 million under 5 year olds with the c19 mRNA injections - so that means the uptake amongst around 22.5 million of 6 months old to <5 year olds is under 7%. Increasing but not by much. These injections for under 5’s started being fired into the arms of tots on 18 June 2022.
The board rooms of big pharma will be cracking open the champagne in under 3 weeks to celebrate passing THIRTEEN BILLION DOSES ADMINISTERED.
68.4% of 8 billion people have received at least one dose so far. That means almost 5.5 billion people worldwide have been injected with almost 13 billion doses = 2.36 on average EACH.
Go long crematoriums. The cheapest is “direct” at around 1,100 bucks, memorial cremations are 3,300 and funeral cremations are around 7,000. All going up in smoke. Anyone sick of the cremation ads on TV yet?
What is the 2022 Cremation Rate in the US? How is this affecting prices? - US Funerals Online (us-funerals.com)
Maybe we should be asking these guys “how’s business?”
For many years, the largest death-care corporation, Service Corporation International (SCI) has been on a significant acquisition strategy. SCI trades as Dignity Memorial alongside other brands.
If this was any prior “vaccine” such statistics would have created GrEAT concerns by the FDA and all providers pushing such a “vaccine” ...and if one considers all the previous stats...the FDA would have stopped pushing this on the innocent people of this Nation who expected the FDA to protect them from harm...well that is the least interest in the Biden FDA and HHS....they all remain silent...could care less about deaths, disability and complications now and into the FuTURE. And SO MANY providers are doing the same thing..head in the sand and NOT protecting their patients from harm...shameful and despicable.
Imagine for just a moment how much money would have been saved...and used for MUCH BETTER purpose to eliminate human suffering in these United States alone if the money put into this COVID vaccine had been re-directed even NOW...when its cost per “saved person” had/is figured out. The massive pay-out to hospital to create a death “by COVID” is huge using bad protocols made up by the death merchant CDC. Now the ongoing costs of those from the “vaccine” by life insurance companies and medical support who survive its potential lethal poisoning out bodies going forward. All those cost re-directed would be huge yet now are lost from humanity of a bigger good. And all this is small potatoes if true patriots had not been influenced by power and greed in deploying shut downs and lock downs and cost our society even more.