Imagine for just a moment how much money would have been saved...and used for MUCH BETTER purpose to eliminate human suffering in these United States alone if the money put into this COVID vaccine had been re-directed even NOW...when its cost per “saved person” had/is figured out. The massive pay-out to hospital to create a death “by COVID” is huge using bad protocols made up by the death merchant CDC. Now the ongoing costs of those from the “vaccine” by life insurance companies and medical support who survive its potential lethal poisoning out bodies going forward. All those cost re-directed would be huge yet now are lost from humanity of a bigger good. And all this is small potatoes if true patriots had not been influenced by power and greed in deploying shut downs and lock downs and cost our society even more.

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I wonder what it will be like to be in a country when 80% of our population is suddenly dead? Sounds like we will going into a Dark Age. So I know you are thinking, "Not everyone is going to die". Yes, there will be a few who for whatever reason wont die.... but we all know that MILLIONS of Americans are going to die and they will die with the next few years. Nothing is going to stop this now. Get your popcorn ready. No need for the 3D glasses. This is as real as it gets and it is coming to your town very soon.

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If this was any prior “vaccine” such statistics would have created GrEAT concerns by the FDA and all providers pushing such a “vaccine” ...and if one considers all the previous stats...the FDA would have stopped pushing this on the innocent people of this Nation who expected the FDA to protect them from harm...well that is the least interest in the Biden FDA and HHS....they all remain silent...could care less about deaths, disability and complications now and into the FuTURE. And SO MANY providers are doing the same thing..head in the sand and NOT protecting their patients from harm...shameful and despicable.

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